


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Cohen A, Myerscough MR, Thompson RS
Anna Cohen, Mary R. Myerscough, Rosemary S. Thompson: Athero-protective Effects of High Density Lipoproteins (HDL): An ODE Model of the Early Stages of Atherosclerosis, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 76 (2014), no. 5, 1117–1142.

2. Ougrinovskaia A, Thompson RS, Myerscough MR
Anna Ougrinovskaia, Rosemary S Thompson and Mary R Myerscough: An ODE model of early stages of Atherosclerosis: Mechanisms of the inflammatory response, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 72 (2010), 1534–1561.

3. Thompson RS, Macaskill C, Padden WEP
Thompson RS, Macaskill C, Padden WEP: The Acoustic Field in Biomedical Tissue With Midscale Inhomogeneities, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 56 (2009), no. 2, 304–313.

4. Padden WEP, Thompson RS, Macaskill C
Padden WE, Thompson RS, Macaskill C: Using the phase modulation imposed by tissue inhomogeneity to determine the full acoustic near field, Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Marjorie Passini Yuhas (ed.), IEEE, NY, (2007), 1282–1285.

5. Steel R, Thompson RS, Macaskill C
R Steel, R S Thompson, C Macaskill: Ultrasonic edge shadowing around cylindrical cavities with and without walls, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 53 (2006), no. 5, 991–1000.

6. Thompson RS, Macaskill C, Farnell L
RS Thompson, C Macaskill and L Farnell: Exact and weak scattering models for the complex acoustic field near to cylindrical walls and boundaries in tissue, Proceedings 2005 IEEE International Ultrasonics Conference, 2005 IEEE International Ultrasonics Conference, Susan Yuhas (ed.), IEEE, New York, (2005), 528–531. ISBN 0-7803-9382-1/1051-0117.

7. Steel R, Poepping TL, Thompson RS, Macaskill C
R Steel, T L Poepping, R S Thompson and C Macaskill: Edge shadows around rigid, absorbing, and non-absorbing liquid cylinders, 2004 IEEE 50th Anniversary Conference, 2004 IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 50th Anniversary Conference, M P Yuhas (ed.), IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, IEEE, NJ, USA, (2004), 2117–2120.

8. Steel R, Poepping TL, Thompson RS, Macaskill C
R Steel, T L Poepping, R S Thompson and C Macaskill: Origins of the edge shadowing artefact in medical ultrasound imaging, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 30 (2004), 1153–1162.

9. Thompson RS, Bambi G, Steel R, Tortoli P
R S Thompson, G Bambi, R Steel and P Tortoli: Intraluminal ultrasound intensity distribution and backscattered Doppler Power, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 30 (2004), 1485–1494.

10. Thompson RS, Macaskill C, Fraser WB, Farnell L
R S Thompson, C Macaskill, W B Fraser and L Farnell: Acoustic intensity for a long vessel with non-circular cross-section, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 51 (2004), 566–575.

11. Bambi G, Thompson RS, Tortoli P
G Bambi, R S Thompson, P Tortoli: Ultrasonic intensity and Doppler power measurements with uniform and non-uniform polyethylene tubes, Proceedings of 2003 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, D E Yuhas and S C Schneider (eds.), IEEE, New York, (2003), P1D–2. ISBN 0-7803-7583-1.

12. Thompson RS, Macaskill C, Farnell L, Fraser WB
R S Thompson, C Macaskill, L Farnell, W B Fraser: Ultrasound Intensity Calculations for a Vessel with Simulated Wall Lesion, 2002 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, 2002 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, S C Schneider, D E Yuhas (eds.), The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, (2002), 1755–1758. ISBN 0-7803-7583-1.

13. Thompson RS, Aldis GK
R S Thompson and G K Aldis: Flow spectra from spectral power density calculations for pulsed Doppler, Ultrasonics, 40 (2002), 835–841.

14. Thompson RS, Aldis GK
R S Thompson and G K Aldis: Spectral power density calculations for pulsed Doppler, Ultrasonics, 39 (2002), 703–714.

15. Thompson RS, Tortoli P, Aldis GK
R S Thompson, P Tortoli, G K Aldis: Selective transmission of a focused Doppler ultrasound beam through a plastic layer, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 26 (2000), 1333–1346.

16. Tortoli P, Thompson RS, Berti P, Guidi F
Piero Tortoli, Rosemary S Thompson, Paolo Berti and Francesco Guidi: Flow imaging with pulsed Doppler ultrasound and flow phantoms, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 46 (1999), 1591–1596.

17. Tortoli P, Berti P, Guidi F, Thompson RS, Aldis GK
P Tortoli, P Berti, F Guidi, R S Thompson and G K Aldis: Flow imaging with pulsed Doppler ultrasound: refraction artefacts and dual mode propagation, Proceedings of 1997 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, International ultrasonics symposium, S C Schneider, M Levy, B R McAvay (eds.), IEEE, IEEE, Toronto, (1997), 1269–1272.

18. Thompson RS, Aldis GK, Wilson LS
R S Thompson, G K Aldis, L S Wilson: The effect on ultrasound intensity of refraction at a curved surface, Acoustical Imaging, 22nd International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging, P Tortoli, L Masotti (eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Symposium, Plenum Press, New York, (1996), 371–376. ISBN 0-306-45364-9.

19. Thompson RS, Wilson LS
R S Thompson, L S Wilson: The effect of variations in transducer position and sound speed in intravascular ultrasound: A theoretical study, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 22 (1996), 719–734.

20. Thompson RS, Aldis GK
R S Thompson, G K Aldis: Effect of a cylindrical refracting interface on ultrasound intensity and the CW Doppler spectrum, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 43 (1996), 451–459.

21. Aldis GK, Thompson RS
Geoffrey K Aldis and Rosemary S Thompson: Doppler spectra of flows with a refracting interface, ANZIAM 95, 31st Australian Applied Conference, Not known (ed.), Not known, (1995), xx.

22. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ, Reed VD, Turner AJ
Thompson R S, Trudinger B J, Reed V D and Turner A J: Aortic doppler velocity measurements and cardiac function in the fetal lamb, Abstract of 22nd Annual meeting, 22nd Annual Meeting, Society for Study of Fetal Physiology, Malmo, Sweden, (1995), xx.

23. Thompson RS, Aldis GK, Wilson LS
R S Thompson, G K Aldis and L S Wilson: The effect on ultrasound intensity on refraction at a curved surface, Abstract of 22nd International Symposium on Acoustical imaging, 22nd International Symposium on Acoustical imaging, Florence, Italy, (1995), 73.

24. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ, Reed VD, Turner AJ
Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ, Reed VD, Turner AJ: Aortic Doppler velocity measurements and cardiac function in the fetal lamb, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 20 (1994), 893–902.

25. Trudinger BJ, Thompson RS
B J Trudinger and R S Thompson: Do velocity indices measure resistance?, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1 (1991), 160–161.

26. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ
R S Thompson and B J Trudinger: Doppler waveform indices and resistance, pressure and flow in the umbilical placental circulation: an investigation using a mathematical model, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 16 (1990), 449–458.

27. Thompson RS, Aldis GK, Linnett IW
R S Thompson, G K Aldis and I W Linnett: Doppler ultrasound spectral power density distribution: measurement artefacts in steady flow, Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput., 28 (1990), 60–66.

28. Thompson RS, Stevens RJ
R S Thompson and R J Stevens: A mathematical model for interpretation of Doppler velocity waveform indices, Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput., 27 (1989), 269–276.

29. Trudinger BJ, Cook CM, Giles WB, Connelly AJ, Thompson RS
B J Trudinger, C M Cook, W B Giles, A J Connelly and R S Thompson: Low dose aspirin and twin pregnancy, Lancet, ii (1989), 1214.

30. Trudinger BJ, Cook CM, Thompson RS, Giles WB, Connelly AJ
B J Trudinger, C M Cook, R S Thompson, W B Giles and A J Connelly: Low dose aspirin therapy improves fetal weight in umbilical placental insufficiency, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gyncecology, 159 (1988), 681–685.

31. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ, Cook CM
R S Thompson, B J Trudinger and C M Cook: The effect of fetal heart rate on umbilical artery flow velocity waveforms, British Journal of Obstetrics and Gyncecology, 95 (1988), 316–317.

32. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ, Cook CM, Giles WB
R S Thompson, B J Trudinger, C M Cook and W B Giles: Umbilical artery velocity waveforms: normal reference values for the AB ration and Pourcelot ratio, British Journal of Obstetrics and Gyncecology, 95 (1988), 589–591.

33. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ, Cook CM
R S Thompson, B J Trudinger and C M Cook: Doppler ultrasound waveform indices. AB ratio, pulsatility index and Pourcelot ratio, British Journal of Obstetrics and Gyncecology, 95 (1988), 581–588.

34. Trudinger BJ, Cook CM, Thompson RS, Giles WB, Connelly AJ
B J Trudinger, C M Cook, R S Thompson, W B Giles and A J Connelly: Low-dose aspirin improves fetal weight in umbilical placental insufficiency, Lancet, ii (1988), 214–215.

35. Thompson RS
R S Thompson: Blood flow velocity waveforms, Seminars in Perinatology, 11 (1987), 300–310.

36. Trudinger BJ, Stevens D, Connelly AJ, Hales JR, Alexander G, Bradley L, Fawcett A, Thompson RS
B J Trudinger, D Stevens, A J Connelly, J R Hales, G Alexander, L Bradley, A Fawcett and R S Thompson: Umbilical artery flow velocity waveforms and placental resistance: the effects of embolization of the umbilical circulation, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gyncecology, 157 (1987), 1443–1449.

37. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ
R S Thompson and B J Trudinger: Doppler ultrasound velocity waveform analysis, Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 10 (1987), 183–195.

38. Trudinger BJ, Cook CM, Giles WB, Connelly AJ, Thompson RS
B J Trudinger, C M Cook, W B Giles, A J Connelly and R S Thompson: Umbilical artery flow velocity waveforms: A randomized controlled trial, Lancet, i (1987), 188–190.

39. Trudinger BJ, Thompson RS, Giles WB
B J Trudinger, R S Thompson and W B Giles: Doppler ultrasound and blood flow in obstetrics, Ultrasound Annual, Raven Press, New York, (1986), 39–65. ISBN 0881672416.

40. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ, Cook CM
R S Thompson, B J Trudinger and C M Cook: A comparison of Doppler ultrasound waveform indices in the umbilical artery - II. Indices derived from the mean velocity and first moment waveforms, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 12 (1986), 845–854.

41. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ, Cook CM
R S Thompson, B J Trudinger and C M Cook: A comparison of Doppler ultrasound waveform indices in the umbilical artery - I. Indices derived from the maximum velocity waveform, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 12 (1986), 835–844.

42. Thompson RS, Trudinger BJ, Cook CM
R S Thompson, B J Trudinger and C M Cook: Doppler ultrasound waveforms in the fetal umbilical artery: quantitative analysis technique, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 11 (1985), 707–718.

43. Thompson RS
R S Thompson: A model for basic pattern generating mechanism in the lobster stomatogastric ganglion, Biological Cybernetics, 43 (1982), 71–78.

44. Gibson WG, Thompson RS
Gibson WG, Thompson RS: Neural model with probabilistic firing behaviour. II. One- and two-neuron networks, Mathematical Biosciences, 56 (1981), 255–285. 82j:92036b

45. Gibson WG, Thompson RS
Gibson WG, Thompson RS: Neural model with probabilistic firing behaviour. I. General considerations, Mathematical Biosciences, 56 (1981), 239–253. 82j:92036a

46. Gibson WG, Thompson RS
Gibson WG, Thompson RS: Powers of nonsymmetric stochastic matrices: comment on a paper by Little, Ng and Shaw, Mathematical Biosciences, 42 (1978), 37–41. 58:28044b

Number of matches: 46