


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Maxim L, Paunescu L, Tibar M
Laurenţiu Maxim, Laurenţiu Păunescu and Mihai Tibăr: The vanishing cohomology of non-isolated hypersurface singularities, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2 (2022), 1–42.

2. Paunescu L, Tibar M
Laurentiu Paunescu and Mihai Tibar: Concentration of curvature and Lipschitz invariantsof holomorphic functions of two variables, Journal of London Mathematical Society, 2 (2019), no. 100, 203–222.

3. Dimca A, Tibar M
Dimca A, Tibar M: Pull-backs of isolated singularities under analytic coverings, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 32 (1987), 523–530. 88k:32021

Number of matches: 3