


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Veselov AP

1. Bolsinov AV, Dullin HR, Veselov AP
A. V. Bolsinov, H. R. Dullin, and A. P. Veselov: Spectra of Sol-manifolds: Arithmetic and Quantum Monodromy, Comm. Math. Phys., 264 (2006), 583–611.

2. Dullin HR, Richter PH, Veselov AP, Waalkens H
H. R. Dullin, P. H. Richter, A. P. Veselov, and H. Waalkens: Actions of the Neumann system via Picard-Fuchs equations, Physica D,, 155 (2001), 159–183 2001..

3. Dullin HR, Richter PH, Veselov AP
H. R. Dullin, P. H. Richter, and A. P. Veselov: Action variables of the Kovalevskaya top, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 3 (1998), no. 3, 18–26.

Number of matches: 3