


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Chambers KL, Myerscough MR, Watson MG, Byrne HM
Keith L Chambers, Mary R Myerscough, Michael G Watson, Helen M Byrne: Blood Lipoproteins Shape the Phenotype and Lipid Content of Early Atherosclerotic Lesion Macrophages: A Dual-Structured Mathematical Model, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 86 (2024), no. 9, 44 pages.

2. Chambers KL, Watson MG, Myerscough MR
Keith L Chambers, Michael G Watson & Mary R Myerscough: A Lipid-Structured Model of Atherosclerosis with Macrophage Proliferation, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 86 (2024), no. 104, 1–29.

3. Watson MG, Chambers KL, Myerscough MR
Michael G Watson, Keith L Chambers, Mary R Myerscough: A Lipid-Structured Model of Atherosclerotic Plaque Macrophages with Lipid-Dependent Kinetics, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 85 (2023), Article 85, 42 pages.

4. Watson MG, Byrne HM, Macaskill C, Myerscough MR
Michael G Watson, Helen M Byrne, Charlie Macaskill, Mary R Myerscough: A multiphase model of growth factor-regulated atherosclerotic cap formation, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 81 (2020), 725–767.

5. Watson MG, Byrne HM, Macaskill C, Myerscough MR
Michael G Watson, Helen M Byrne, Charlie Macaskill, Mary R Myerscough: A two-phase model of early fibrous cap formation in atherosclerosis, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 456 (2018), no. November 2018, 123–136.

6. Boujelben A, McDougall S, Watson MG, Bondino I, Agenet N
Ahmed Boujelben, Steven McDougall, Michael Watson, Igor Bondino, Nicolas Agenet: Pore network modelling of low salinity water injection under unsteady-state flow conditions, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 165 (2018), 462–476.

7. Watson MG, Bondino I, Hamon G, McDougall SR
Michael G Watson, Igor Bondino, Gerald Hamon, Steven R McDougall: A pore-scale investigation of low-salinity waterflooding in porous media: uniformly wetted systems, Transport in Porous Media, 118 (2017), 201–223.

Number of matches: 7