


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Watt SD

1. Gray BF, Mercer GN, Weber RO, Watt SD
B. F. Gray, G. N. Mercer, R. O. Weber and S. D. Watt: Combustion pseudo-waves in a system with reactant consumption and heat loss, Mathematical Computation and Modelling, 24 (1996), no. 8, 29–38. MR1422953

2. Gray BF, Weber RO, Mercer GN, Watt SD
B. F. Gray, R. O. Weber, G. N. Mercer and S. D. Watt: Combustion waves: non-adiabatic, Lecture Notes in Physics, Lecture Notes in Physics, 449 Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, (1995), 285–295.

Number of matches: 2