


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Wishart JR
Justin Rory Wishart: Minimax lower bound for kink location estimators in a nonparametric regression model with long-range dependence, Statistics and Probability Letters, 81 (2011), no. 12, 1871–1875.

2. Wishart JR, Kułik R
Justin Wishart, Rafal Kułik: Kink estimation in stochastic regression with dependent errors and predictors, (2010), preprint.

3. Wishart JR, Kułik R
Justin Wishart and Rafal Kułik: Kink estimation in stochastic regression with dependent errors and predictors, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 4 (2010), 875–913.

4. Wishart JR
Justin Wishart: Kink estimation with correlated noise, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 38 (2009), no. 2, 131–143.

Number of matches: 4