


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Wright JJ

1. Alexander DM, Bourke PD, Konstandatos O, Wright JJ
D M Alexander, P D Bourke, O Konstandatos, J J Wright: Intrinsic connections in tree shrew V1 imply a global to local mapping, Vision Research, 44 (2004), 857–876.

2. Wright JJ, Rennie CJ, Lees GJ, Robinson PA, Bourke PD, Chapman CL, Gordon E, Rowe DL
JJ Wright, CJ Rennie, GJ Lees, PA Robinson, PD Bourke, CL Chapman, E Gordon, DL Rowe: Simulated electrocortical activity at microscopic, mesoscopic, and global scales, Neuropsychopharmacology, 28, Supplement 1 (2003), S80–S93.

3. Wright JJ, Robinson PA, Rennie CJ, Gordon E, Bourke PD, Chapman CL, Hawthorn N, Lees GJ, Alexander DM
J J Wright, P A Robinson, C J Rennie, E Gordon, P D Bourke, C L Chapman, N Hawthorn, G J Lees, D Alexander: Toward an integrated continuum model of cerebral dynamics: the cerebral rhythms, synchronous oscillation and cortical stability, BioSystems, 63 (2001), 71–88.

4. Wright JJ, Bourke PD, Chapman CL
J J Wright, P D Bourke, C L Chapman: Synchronous oscillation in the cerebral cortex and object coherence: simulation of basic electrophysiological findings, Biological Cybernetics, 83 (2000), 341–353.

Number of matches: 4