


Publication Search Results

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  • Author = Yun CO

1. Pooladvand P, Yun CO, Yoon AR, Kim PS, Frascoli F
Pantea Pooladvand, Chae-Ok Yun, A.-Rum Yoon, Peter S.Kim and Federico Frascoli: The role of viral infectivity in oncolytic virotherapy outcomes: A mathematical study, Mathematical Biosciences, 334 (2021), 108520.

2. Jenner AL, Frascoli F, Yun CO, Kim PS
Adrianne L Jenner, Federico Frascoli, Chae-Ok Yun and Peter S Kim: Optimising Hydrogel Release Profiles for Viro-Immunotherapy Using Oncolytic Adenovirus Expressing IL-12 and GM-CSF with Immature Dendritic Cells, Applied Sciences, 10 (2020), no. 8, Art 2872 (22 pages).

3. Jenner AL, Yun CO, Kim PS, Coster ACF
Adrianne L. Jenner, Chae-Ok Yun, Peter S. Kim, Adelle C. F. Coster: Mathematical modelling of the interaction between cancer cells and an oncolytic virus: insights into the effects of treatment protocols, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 80 (2018), 1615–1629.

4. Jenner AL, Yun CO, Yoon A, Coster ACF, Kim PS
Adrianne Jenner, Chae-Ok Yun, Arum Yoon, Adelle C F Coster, Peter S Kim: Modelling combined virotherapy and immunotherapy: strengthening the antitumour immune response mediated by IL-12 and GM-CSF expression, Letters in Biomathematics, 5 (2018), no. Issue Sup1, S99 – S116.

5. Jenner AL, Yun CO, Yoon A, Kim PS, Coster ACF
Adrianne Jenner, Chae-Ok Yun, Arum Yoon, Peter S Kim, Adelle C F Coster: Modelling heterogeneity in viral-tumour dynamics: The effects of gene-attenuation on viral characteristics, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 454 (2018), 41–52.

6. Wares JR, Crivelli JJ, Yun CO, Choi IK, Gevertz JL, Kim PS
Joanna R Wares, Joseph J Crivelli, Chae-Ok Yun and Il-Kyu Choi, Jana L Gevertz, Peter S Kim: Treatment strategies for combining immunostimulatory oncolytic virus therapeutics with dendritic cell injections, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 12 (2015), no. 6, 1237–1256.

7. Kim PS, Crivelli JJ, Choi IK, Yun CO, Wares JR
Peter S Kim, Joseph J Crivelli, Il-Kyu Choi, Chae-Ok Yun and Joanna R Wares: Quantitative impact of immunomodulation versus oncolysis with cytokine-expressing virus therapeutics, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (MBE), 12 (2015), no. 4, 841–858.

Number of matches: 7