


Publication Search Results

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  • Author = Bradshaw-Hajek BH

1. Miller T, Tam AKY, Marangell R, Wechselberger M, Bradshaw-Hajek BH
Thomas Miller, Alexander K.Y. Tam, Robert Marangell, Martin Wechselberger, Bronwyn H. Bradshaw-Hajek: Shock selection in reaction–diffusion equations with partially negative diffusivity using nonlinear regularisation, Physica D, 474 (2025), 134561 (14 pages).

2. Bradshaw-Hajek BH, Lizarraga I, Marangell R, Wechselberger M
Bronwyn H Bradshaw-Hajek, Ian Lizarraga, Robert Marangell and Martin Wechselberger: A geometric singular perturbation analysis of shock selection rules in composite regularized reaction-nonlinear diffusion models, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 23 (2024), no. 3, 2099–2137.

3. Miller T, Tam AKY, Marangell R, Wechselberger M, Bradshaw-Hajek BH
Thomas Miller, Alexander K Y Tam, Robert Marangell, Martin Wechselberger, Bronwyn H Bradshaw-Hajek: Analytic shock-fronted solutions to a reaction-diffusion equation with negative diffusivity, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 153 (2024), no. 1, Paper No. e12685 (23 pages).

4. Bradshaw-Hajek BH, Lizarraga I, Marangell R, Wechselberger M
Bronwyn H. Bradshaw-Hajek, Ian Lizarraga, Robert Marangell, Martin Wechselberger: A Geometric Singular Perturbation Analysis of Shock Selection Rules in Composite Regularized Reaction-Nonlinear Diffusion Models, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 23 (2024), no. 3, 2099–2137.

5. Bradshaw-Hajek BH, Lizarraga I, Marangell R, Wechselberger M
Bronwyn Bradshaw-Hajek, Ian Lizarraga, Robert Marangell, Martin Wechselberger: A geometric singular perturbation analysis of regularised reaction-nonlinear diffusion models including shocks, Proceedings of 47th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations, 47th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations, S.I. Ei, N. Hamamuki, S. Jimbo, H. Kubo, H. Kuroda, Y. Liu, T. Ozawa, T. Sakajo, K. Tstaya (eds.), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, (2022), 53–64. ISBN 1348-4338.

Number of matches: 5