


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Champneys AR

1. Galan J, Fraser WB, Acheson DJ, Champneys AR
J Galan, W B Fraser, D J Acheson and A R Champneys: The parametrically excited upside-down rod: an elastic jointed pendulum model, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 280 (2005), 359–377.

2. Champneys AR, Fraser WB
A R Champneys and W B Fraser: Resonance tongue interaction in the parametrically excited column, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 65 (2004), 267–298. MR2112398

3. Mullin T, Champneys AR, Fraser WB, Galan J, Acheson DJ
Tom Mullin, Alan Champneys, W Barrie Fraser, Jorge Galan, David Acheson: The 'Indian wire trick' via parametric excitation: a comparison between theory and experiment, The Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 459 (2003), 539–546. 2004f:70053

4. Fraser WB, Champneys AR
W Barrie Fraser and Alan R Champneys: The 'Indian rope trick' for a parametrically excited flexible rod: nonlinear and subharmonic analysis, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 458 (2002), 1353–1373. 2003e:74038

5. Champneys AR, Fraser WB
Alan R Champneys, Barrie Fraser: The 'Indian rope trick' for a parametrically excited flexible rod: linearized analysis, Royal Society of London. Proceedings, 456 (2000), 553–570. 2001j:74052

Number of matches: 5