


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Curtis C

1. Curtis C, Lehrer GI
Curtis C, Lehrer GI: Generic chain complexes and finite Coxeter groups, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 363 (1985), 146–173. 87f:20057

2. Curtis C, Lehrer GI
Curtis C, Lehrer GI: A new proof of a theorem of Solomon Tits, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 85 (1982), 154–156. 83j:20048

3. Curtis C, Lehrer GI
Curtis C, Lehrer GI: Group representations on the homology of sheaves over partially ordered sets, Contemporary Mathematics, 9 (1982), 1–29. 83g:20042

4. Curtis C, Lehrer GI, Tits J
Curtis C, Lehrer GI, Tits J: Spherical buildings and the characters of the Steinberg representation, Inventiones Mathematicae, 58 (1980), 201–210. 81f:20060

5. Curtis C, Lehrer GI
Curtis C, Lehrer GI: On the Homology of buildings of reductive groups, (Preprint, Universities of Sydney and Oregon) (1978),

Number of matches: 5