


Publication Search Results

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1. Silva HPTN, Dissanayake GS, Peiris TSG
H. P. T. N. Silva, G. S. Dissanayake, T. S. G. Peiris: Comparison of standard long memory time series, Comparison of standard long memory time series, 94 (2024), no. 4, 891–901.

2. Karunathilaka KGGS, Dissanayake GS
KGGS Karunathilaka, GS Dissanayake: Non-Communicable Diseases of Humans versus Palliative Care: An Insightful Data Centric Approach, Journal of Case Reports and Medical Images, 6 (2023), no. 1, Article 1131 (5 pages).

3. Dissanayake GS
Gnanadarsha Sanjaya Dissanayake: Time-Series Analysis for the State-Space Model with R/Stan by Junichiro Hagiwara. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, 2021. 350 pp. £82.53. ISBN 978-981-16-0710-3, 978-981-16-0710-0 (e-book), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Society Series A, 186 (2023), no. 1, 164–165.

4. Gumbie M, Costa M, Erb M, Dissanayake GS
Mutsa Gumbie, Michelle Costa, Michael Erb and Gnanadarsha Dissanayake: Innovative technologies for reverse total shoulder arthroplasty in Australia: Market access challenges and implications for patients, decision-makers, and manufacturers, Journal of Market Access & Health Policy, 11 (Open Access) (2023), Article 2154420 (10 pages).

5. Haque MM, Gumbie M, Gu M, Dissanayake GS
Mohammad M Haque, Mutsa Gumbie, Megan Gu and Gnanadarsha Dissanayake: Factors associated with Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee decisions for listing medicines for diabetes and its associated complications, Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association, 47 (2023), no. 2, 139–147.

6. Chaston TB, Broome RA, Cooper N, Duck G, Geromboux C, Guo Y, Ji F, Perkins-Kirkpatrick S, Zhang Y, Dissanayake GS, Morgan GG, Hanigan IC
Timothy B Chaston, Richard A Broome, Nathan Cooper, Gerard Duck, Christy Geromboux, Yuming Guo, Fei Ji, Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick, Ying Zhang, Gnanadarsha S Dissanayake, Geoffrey G Morgan and Ivan C Hanigan: Mortality Burden of Heatwaves in Sydney, Australia Is Exacerbated by the Urban Heat Island and Climate Change: Can Tree Cover Help Mitigate the Health Impacts?, Atmosphere, 13 (2022), no. 5, Article 714 (13 pages).

7. Dissanayake GS, Peiris MS, Proietti T
G. S. Dissanayake, M. S. Peiris and T. Proietti: Fractionally differenced Gegenbauer processes with long memory: a review, Statistical Science, 33 (2018), no. 3, 413–426.

8. Dissanayake GS
G. S. Dissanayake: Advancement of fractionally differenced Gegenbauer processes with long memory, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 94 (2016), no. 1, 173–174. MR3539334

9. Dissanayake GS, Peiris MS, Proietti T
G S Dissanayake, M S Peiris, T Proietti: State space modeling of Gegenbauer processes with long memory, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 100 (2016), 115–130. MR3505794

10. Dissanayake GS
G. S. Dissanayake: Rapid Optimal Lag Order Detection and Parameter Estimation of Standard Long Memory Time Series, Causal Inference in Econometrics, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, (2016), 17–28. ISBN 978-3-319-27283-2. MR3469185

11. Dissanayake GS, Peiris MS, Proietti T
G S Dissanayake, M S Peiris and T Proietti: Estimation of Generalized Fractionally Differenced Processes with Conditionally Heteroskedastic Errors, Proceedings ITISE 2014, International Work Conference on Time Series, Ignacio Rojas Ruiz and Gonzalo Ruiz Garcia (eds.), Copicentro Granada S L, Granada, (2014), 871–890. ISBN 978-84-15814-97-9.

12. Dissanayake GS, Peiris MS
Gnanadarsha Dissanayake, Shelton Peiris: Generalized Fractional Processes with Conditional Heteroskedasticity, Sri Lankan Journal of Applied Statistics, 12 (2011) (2012), 1–12.

Number of matches: 12