


Publication Search Results

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1. Dullin HR, Marangell R
Holger R Dullin, Robert Marangell: An Evans function for the linearised 2D Euler equations using Hill’s determinant, Physica D, 457 (2024), no. January 2024, Article number 133954 (14 pages).

2. Burton LG, Dullin HR, Altmann EG
Lachlan G Burton, Holger R Dullin, Eduardo G Altmann: Probabilistic description of dissipative chaotic scattering, Physical Review E, 108 (2023), no. 5, Article 054223.

3. Rafat MZ, Dullin HR, Kuhlmey BT, Tuniz A, Luo H, Roy D, Skinner S, Alexander TJ, Wheatland MS, de Sterke CM
M Z Rafat, Holger R Dullin, Boris T Kuhlmey, Alessandro Tuniz, Haoyuan Luo, Dibyendu Roy, Sean Skinner, Tristram J Alexander, Michael S Wheatland and C Martijn de Sterke: Self-Stabilization of Light Sails by Damped Internal Degrees of Freedom, Physical Review Applied, 17 (2022), no. 2, Article 024016.

4. Dawson SR, Dullin HR, Nguyen DMH
Sean R Dawson, Holger R Dullin and Diana M H Nguyen: The Harmonic Lagrange Top and the Confluent Heun Equation, Regular and chaotic dynamics, 27 (2022), no. 4, 443–459.

5. Dawson S, Dullin HR, Nguyen DMH
Sean Dawson, Holger R Dullin and Diana M H Nguyen: Monodromy in prolate spheroidal harmonics, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 146 (2021), 953–982.

6. Duignan N, Dullin HR
Nathan Duignan and Holger R Dullin: On the C 8/3-regularisation of simultaneous binary collisions in the planar four-body problem, Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), no. 7, 4944–4982.

7. Duignan N, Dullin HR
Nathan Duignan and Holger R Dullin: On the \(C^{8/3}\)-regularisation of simultaneous binary collisions in the planar four-body problem, Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), no. 7, 4944–4982.

8. Albouy A, Dullin HR
Alain Albouy and Holger R Dullin: Relative equilibria of the 3-body problem in \(\mathbb{R}^4\), Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 12 (2020), no. 3, 323–341.

9. Dullin HR, Scheurle J
Holger R Dullin and Jürgen Scheurle: Symmetry reduction of the 3-body problem in \(\mathbb{R}^4\), Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 12 (2020), no. 3, 377–394.

10. Dullin HR, Latushkin Y, Marangell R, Vasudevan S, Worthington J
Holger Dullin, Yuri Latushkin, Robert Marangell, Shibi Vasudevan, Joachim Worthington: Instability of unidirectional flows for the 2D \(\alpha\)-Euler equations, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 19 (2020), no. 4, 2051–2079.

11. Duignan N, Dullin HR
Nathan Duignan and Holger R Dullin: Regularisation for Planar vector fields, Nonlinearity, 33 (2020), no. 1, 106–138.

12. Alonso J, Dullin HR, Hohloch S
Jaume Alonso, Holger R Dullin and Sonja Hohloch: Symplectic classification of coupled angular momenta, Nonlinearity, 33 (2020), no. 1, 417–468.

13. Dullin HR, Worthington J
Holger Dullin and Joachim Worthington: Stability theory of the 3-dimensional Euler equations, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 79 (2019), no. 5, 2168–2191. MR4025780

14. Dullin HR, Meiss JD, Worthington J
H R Dullin, J D Meiss and J Worthington: Poisson structure of the three-dimensional Euler equations in Fourier space, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 52 (2019), Article 365501 (15pp).

15. Martynchuk N, Dullin HR, Efstathiou K, Waalkens H
N Martynchuk, H R Dullin, K Efstathiou and H Waalkens: Scattering invariants in Euler's two-center problem, Nonlinearity, 32 (2019), no. 4, 1296–1326. MR3923169

16. Tong W, Dullin HR
William Tong and Holger R Dullin: Using the geometric phase to optimize planar somersaults, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 84 (2019), no. 1, 44–62. MR3904246

17. Chiscop I, Dullin HR, Efstathiou K, Waalkens H
Irina Chiscop, Holger R Dullin, Konstantinos Efstathiou and Holger Waalkens: A Lagrangian fibration of the isotropic 3-dimensional harmonic oscillator with monodromy, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 60 (2019), Art. 032103. MR3927837

18. Alonso J, Dullin HR, Hohloch S
Jaume Alonso, Holger R Dullin and Sonja Hohloch: Taylor series and twisting-index invariants of coupled spin–oscillators, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 140 (2019), no. June 2019, 131–151.

19. Dullin HR, Worthington J
Holger R Dullin, Joachim Worthington: Stability Results for Idealized Shear Flows on a Rectangular Periodic Domain, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 20 (2018), no. 2, 473–484.

20. Dullin HR, Waalkens H
Holger R Dullin and Holger Waalkens: Defect in the Joint Spectrum of Hydrogen due to Monodromy, Physical Review Letters, 120 (2018), no. 2, 5 pages – 020507.

21. Dullin HR, Worthington J
Holger R Dullin and Joachim Worthington: Stability Results for Idealised Shear Flows on a Rectangular Periodic Domain, J. Math. Fluid Mech., 19 (2017), 1–12.

22. Tong W, Dullin HR
Wiliam Tong and Holger R. Dullin: A new twisting somersault - 513XD, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 27 (2017), 1–25.

23. Dullin HR
Holger R Dullin: A New Twisting Somersault, SIAM News, 50 (2017), no. 2, 12.

24. Dullin HR, Tong W
Holger R Dullin and William Tong: Twisting Somersault, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (SIADS), 15 (2016), no. 4, 1806–1822. MR3553919

25. Bharadwaj S, Duignan N, Dullin HR, Leung K, Tong W
Sudarsh Bharadwaj, Nathan Duignan, Holger R Dullin, Karen Leung, and William Tong: The diver with a rotor, Indagationes Mathematicae, 27 (2016), no. 5, 1147–1161. MR3573753

26. Dullin HR, Marangell R, Worthington J
Holger R Dullin, Robert Marangell and Joachim Worthington: Instability of equilibria for the two-dimensional euler equations on the torus, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 76 (2016), no. 4, 1446–1470. MR3529742

27. Dullin HR, Montgomery R
Holger R Dullin and Richard Montgomery: Syzygies in the two center problem, Nonlinearity, 29 (2016), no. 4, 1212–1237. MR3476506

28. Dullin HR, Pelayo Á
Holger R Dullin, Álvaro Pelayo: Generating Hyperbolic Singularities in Semitoric Systems Via Hopf Bifurcations, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 26 (2016), no. 3, 787–811. MR3490533

29. Arunasalam S, Dullin HR, Nguyen DMH
Suntharan Arunasalam, Holger R Dullin and Diana M H Nguyen: The Lie--Poisson structure of the symmetry reduced regularized \(n\)-body problem, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 48 (2015), 065202 (12 pages).

30. Dullin HR, Worthington J
H R Dullin and J Worthington: The vanishing twist in the restricted three-body problem, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 276 (2014), 12–20.

31. Dullin HR, Tong W
Holger R Dullin and William Tong: Geometric phase in diving, Proceedings of 1st Symposium for Researchers in Diving, Diving Research Worldwide : 1st Symposium for Researchers in Diving, In T Kothe and O Stoll (eds.), Diving research worldwide, Verlag, Hamburg, (2013), 24–29. ISBN 9783880206038.

32. Rose D, Dullin HR
Danya Rose and Holger R Dullin: A symplectic integrator for the symmetry reduced and regularised planar 3-body problem with vanishing angular momentum, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 117 (2013), no. 2, 169–185.

33. Papadopoulos G, Dullin HR
George Papadopoulos and Holger R Dullin: Semi-global symplectic invariants of the euler top, Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 5 (2013), no. 2, 215–232.

34. Dullin HR
Holger R Dullin: The Lie--Poisson structure of the reduced \(n\)-body problem, Nonlinearity, 26 (2013), no. 6, 1565–1579.

35. Dullin HR
Holger R Dullin: Semi-global symplectic invariants of the spherical pendulum, Journal of Differential Equations, 254 (2013), no. 7, 2942–2963.

36. Tong W, Dullin HR
William Tong and Holger R Dullin: The Equilateral Pentagon at Zero Angular Momentum: Maximal Rotation through Optimal Deformation, SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems, 11 (2012), no. 3, 963–987. MR3022056

37. Dullin HR, Hanßman H
Holger R Dullin and Heinz Hanßman: The degenerate C. Neumann system I: symmetry reduction and convexity, Central European Journal of Mathematics, 10 (2012), no. 5, 1627–1654.

38. Dullin HR, Meiss JD
H. R. Dullin and J. D. Meiss: Resonances and Twist in Volume-Preserving Mappings, SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems, 11 (2012), no. 1, 319–349. MR2902619

39. Dullin HR, Lomeli HE, Meiss JD
H R Dullin, H E Lomeli, and J D Meiss: Symmetry reduction by lifting for maps, Nonlinearity, 25 (2012), no. 6, 1709–1733. MR2929599

40. Schmidt S, Dullin HR
Sven Schmidt, Holger R Dullin: Dynamics near the \(p\colon\text{-}q\) resonance, Physica D, 239 (2010), 1884–1891.

41. Fitch NJ, Weidner CA, Parazzoli LP, Dullin HR, Lewandowski. HJ
N. J. Fitch, C. A. Weidner, L. P. Parazzoli, H. R. Dullin, and H. J. Lewandowski.: Experimental Demonstration of Classical Hamiltonian Monodromy in the 1:1:2 Resonant Elastic Pendulum, Physical Review Letters, 103 (2009), 034301.

42. Dullin HR, Waalkens H
H. R. Dullin, and H. Waalkens: Dullin and Waalkens Reply to Comment on ``Non-uniqueness of the phase shift in central scattering due to monodromy'', Physical Review Letters, 102 (2009), 188902.

43. Schmidt S, Dullin HR, Richter PH
Sven Schmidt, Holger R. Dullin, and Peter H. Richter: A Poincaré Section for the General Heavy Rigid Body, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 8 (2009), no. 1, 371–389. MR2481288

44. Dullin HR, Meiss JD
H R Dullin and J D Meiss: Quadratic volume-preserving maps: invariant circles and bifurcations, SIAM Journal of Dynamical Systems, 8 (2009), no. 1, 76–128. MR2481277

45. Dullin HR, Meiss JD
H. R. Dullin, J. D. Meiss: Nilpotent normal form for divergence-free vector fields and volume-preserving maps, Physica D, 237 (2007), 156–166. MR2434100

46. Fitch NJ, Weidner CA, Parazzoli LP, Dullin HR, Lewandowski HJ
N. J. Fitch, C. A. Weidner, L. P. Parazzoli, H. R. Dullin, and H. J. Lewandowski.: Experimental Demonstration of Classical Hamiltonian Monodromy in the 1:1:2 Resonant Elastic Pendulum, Physical Review Letters, 103 (2008), 034301.

47. Dullin HR, Waalkens H
H. R. Dullin and H. Waalkens: Non-uniqueness of phase shift in central scattering due to monodromy, Physical Review Letters, 101 (2008), 070405.

48. Dullin HR, Tsygvintsev A
H. R. Dullin and A. Tsygvintsev: On the analytic non-integrability of the rattleback problem, Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math., 17 (2008), no. 3, 57–79.

49. Dullin HR, Schmidt S, Richter PH, Großmann S
H. R. Dullin, S. Schmidt, P. H. Richter, and S. Großmann: Extended Phase Diagram of the Lorenz Model, Int. J. Bif. Chaos, 17 (2007), 3013–3033.

50. Davison CM, Dullin HR, Bolsinov AV
C.M. Davison, H.R. Dullin, A.V. Bolsinov: Geodesics on the Ellipsoid and Monodromy, J. Geom. Phys., 57 (2007), 2437–2454.

51. Davison CM, Dullin HR
C.M. Davison, H.R. Dullin: Geodesic flow on three dimensional ellipsoids with equal semi-axes, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 12 (2007), 172–197.

52. Dullin HR, Vu Ngoc S
H.R. Dullin, Vu Ngoc S: Symplectic Invariants near Hyperbolic-Hyperbolic Points, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 12 (2007), 689–716.

53. Cushman R, Dullin HR, Hanßmann H, Schmidt S
R. Cushman, H.R. Dullin, H. Hanßmann, S. Schmidt: The \(1\colon\pm2\) resonance, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 12 (2007), 642–663.

54. Dullin HR, Ivanov AV, Meiss JD
H. R. Dullin, A. V. Ivanov, and J. D. Meiss: Normal Forms for Symplectic Maps with Twist Singularities, Physica D, 215 (2006), 157–190.

55. Bolsinov AV, Dullin HR, Veselov AP
A. V. Bolsinov, H. R. Dullin, and A. P. Veselov: Spectra of Sol-manifolds: Arithmetic and Quantum Monodromy, Comm. Math. Phys., 264 (2006), 583–611.

56. Dullin HR, Ivanov AV
H. R. Dullin and A.V. Ivanov: Vanishing twist in the Hamiltonian Hopf bifurcation, Physica D,, 201 (2005), 27–44.

57. Dullin HR, Meiss JD, Sterling DG
H. R. Dullin, J. D. Meiss and D. G. Sterling: Symbolic Codes for Rotational Orbits., SIADS,, 4 (2005), 515–562.

58. Dullin HR, Robinson J, Waalkens H, Creagh S, Tanner G
H. R. Dullin, J. Robinson, H. Waalkens, S. Creagh, and G. Tanner: Maslov indices and monodromy., J. Phys. A,, 38 (2005), L443–L447.

59. Dullin HR, Ivanov AV
H. R. Dullin and A.V. Ivanov: Another look at the saddle-centre bifurcation: Vanishing Twist, Physica D,, 211 (2005), 47–56.

60. Dullin HR, Giacobbe A, Cushman R
H. R. Dullin, A. Giacobbe, and R. Cushman: Monodromy in the resonant swing spring, Physica D, 190 (2004), 15–37.

61. Dullin HR, Gottwald GA, Holm DD
H. R. Dullin, G. Gottwald, and D. D. Holm: On asymptotically equivalent shallow water wave equations, Physica D, 190 (2004), 1–14.

62. Dullin HR, Fasso F
H. R. Dullin, and F. Fasso: An algorithm for detecting Directional Quasi-Convexity, BIT Numerical Analysis, 44 (2004), 571–584.

63. Dullin HR, Vu Ngoc S
H. R. Dullin, and Vu Ngoc San: Vanishing Twist near Focus-Focus points, Nonlinearity, 17 (2004), 1777–1786.

64. Waalkens H, Richter PH, Dullin HR
H. Waalkens, P. H. Richter, and H. R. Dullin: The problem of two fixed centers: bifurcations, actions, monodromy, Physica D, 196 (2004), 265–310.

65. Cushman R, Dullin HR, Giacobbe A, Holm DD, Joyeux M, Lynch P, Sadovskii DA, Zhilinskii BI
R. H. Cushman, H. R. Dullin, A. Giacobbe, D. D. Holm, M. Joyeux, P. Lynch, D. A. Sadovskii, and B. I. Zhilinskii: The CO2 molecule as a quantum realization of the 1:1:2 resonant swing-spring with monodromy, Phys. Rev. Lett., 93 (2004), 24302.

66. Dullin HR, Matveev V
H. R. Dullin and V. Matveev: A new integrable system on the sphere, Math Research Letters, 11 (2004), 715–722.

67. Dullin HR
H. R. Dullin: Poisson Integrator for Symmetric Tops, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 9 (2004), 255–264.

68. Dullin HR, Gottwald GA, Holm DD
H.R. Dullin, G.A. Gottwald and D.D. Holm: On asymptotically equivalent shallow water wave equations, Physica D, 190 (2004), 1–14. MR2043789

69. Dullin HR, Howard JE, Horányi M
H. R. Dullin, J. E. Howard, and M. Horányi: Generalizations of the Störmer problem for dust grain orbits, Physica D,, 171 (2002), 178–195.

70. Dullin HR, Meiss JD
H. R. Dullin, and J. D. Meiss: Twist Singularities for Symplectic Maps, Chaos,, 13 (2003), 1–16.

71. Waalkens H, Junge A, Dullin HR
H. Waalkens, A. Junge, and H. R. Dullin: Quantum Monodromy in the two-centre problem, J. Phys. A,, 36 (2003), L307–L314.

72. Dullin HR, Gottwald GA, Holm DD
H. R. Dullin, G. Gottwald, and D. D. Holm: Camassa-Holm, Korteweg-de Vries-5 and other asymptotically equivalent equations for shallow water waves, Fluid Dynamics Research,, 33 (2003), 73–95.

73. Dullin HR, Gottwald GA, Holm DD
H.R. Dullin, G.A Gottwald and D.D Holm: Camassa-Holm, Korteweg-de Vries-5 and other asymptotically equivalent equations for shallow water waves, Fluid Dynamics Research, 33 (2003), 73–95. MR1995028

74. Waalkens H, Dullin HR
H. Waalkens and H. R. Dullin: Quantum monodromy in prolate ellipsoidal billiards, Ann. Physics, 295 (2002), 81–112.

75. Dullin HR, Richter PH, Veselov AP, Waalkens H
H. R. Dullin, P. H. Richter, A. P. Veselov, and H. Waalkens: Actions of the Neumann system via Picard-Fuchs equations, Physica D,, 155 (2001), 159–183 2001..

76. Dullin HR, Bäcker A
H. R. Dullin and A. Bäcker: About ergodicity in the family of limaçon billiards, Nonlinearity,, 14 (2001), 1673–1687.

77. Dullin HR, Gottwald GA, Holm DD
H. R. Dullin, G. Gottwald, and D. D. Holm: An integrable shallow water equation with linear and nonlinear dispersion, Phys. Rev. Lett.,, 87 (2001), 4501.

78. Dullin HR, Gottwald GA, Holm DD
H. Dullin, G.A. Gottwald and D. Holm: An integrable shallow water system with linear and nonlinear dispersion, Physical Review Letters, 87 (2001), 4501–4505.

79. Dullin HR, Meiss JD, Sterling DG
H. R. Dullin, J. D. Meiss, and D. G. Sterling: Generic twistless bifurcations, Nonlinearity, 13 (2000), 203–224.

80. Howard JE, Dullin HR, Horányi M
J. E. Howard, H. R. Dullin, and M. Hor´nyi: Stability of halo orbits, Phys. Rev. Lett., 84 (2000), 3244.

81. Dullin HR, Meiss JD
H. R. Dullin and J. D. Meiss: Generalized Hénon maps: the cubic diffeomorphisms of the plane, Physica D, 143 (2000), 262–289.

82. Dullin HR, Sterling DG, Meiss JD
H. R. Dullin, D. G. Sterling, and J. D. Meiss: Self-rotation number for maps of the plane, Physica D, 145 (2000), 25–46.

83. Dullin HR, Easton RW
H. R. Dullin and R. W. Easton: Stability of Levitrons., Physica D,, 126 (1999), 1–17.

84. Waalkens H, Wiersig J, Dullin HR
H. Waalkens, J. Wiersig, and H. R. Dullin: Triaxial ellipsoidal quantum billiards, Ann. Physics, 276 (1999), 64–110.

85. Dullin HR, Matveev V, Topalov P
H. R. Dullin, V. Matveev, and P. Topalov: On integrals of third degree in momenta, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 4 (1999), no. 3, 35–44.

86. Sterling DG, Dullin HR, Meiss JD
D. G. Sterling, H. R. Dullin, and J. D. Meiss: Homoclinic bifurcations for the Hénon map, Physica D,, 134 (1999), 153–184.

87. Dullin HR
H. R. Dullin: Linear stability in billiards with potential, Nonlinearity, 11 (1998), 151–173.

88. Dullin HR
H. R. Dullin: Symbolic dynamics and the discrete variational principle, J. Phys. A, 31 (1998), 9065–9072.

89. Howard JE, Dullin HR
J. E. Howard and H. R. Dullin: Linear stability of natural symplectic maps, Phys. Lett. A, 246 (1998), 273–283.

90. Dullin HR, Meiss JD
H. R. Dullin and J. D. Meiss: Stability of minimal periodic orbits, Phys. Lett. A, 247 (1998), 227–234.

91. Dullin HR, Richter PH, Veselov AP
H. R. Dullin, P. H. Richter, and A. P. Veselov: Action variables of the Kovalevskaya top, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 3 (1998), no. 3, 18–26.

92. Bäcker A, Dullin HR
A. Bäcker and H. R. Dullin: Symbolic dynamics and periodic orbits for the cardioid billiard, J. Phys. A, 30 (1997), 1991–2020.

93. Bolsinov AV, Dullin HR
A. V. Bolsinov and H. R. Dullin: On the Euler case in rigid body dynamics and the Jacobi problem (Russian), Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2 (1997), no. 1, 13–25.

94. Waalkens H, Wiersig J, Dullin HR
H. Waalkens, J. Wiersig, and H. R. Dullin: Elliptic quantum billiard, Ann. Physics,, 260 (1997), 50–90.

95. Dullin HR, Richter PH, Wittek A
H. R. Dullin, P. H. Richter, and A. Wittek: A two parameter study of the extent of chaos in a billiard system, Chaos,, 6 (1996), 43–58.

96. Bolsinov AV, Dullin HR, Wittek A
A. Bolsinov, H. R. Dullin, and A. Wittek: Topology of energy surfaces and existence of transversal Poincaré sections, J. Phys. A,, 29 (1996), 4977–4985.

97. Richter PH, Dullin HR, Waalkens H, Wiersig J
P. H. Richter, H. R. Dullin, H. Waalkens, and J. Wiersig: Spherical pendulum, actions and spin, J. Phys. Chem.,, 100 (1996), 19124–19135.

98. Dullin HR, Wittek A
H. R. Dullin and A. Wittek: Complete Poincaré sections and tangent sets, J. Phys. A, 28 (1995), 7157–7180.

99. Dullin HR
H. R. Dullin: Melnikov's method applied to the double pendulum, Z. Phys. B, 93 (1994), 521–528.

100. Dullin HR, Wittek A
H. R. Dullin and A. Wittek: Efficient calculation of actions, J. Phys. A, 27 (1994), 7461–7474.

101. Dullin HR, Juhnke M, Richter PH
H. R. Dullin, M. Juhnke, and P. H. Richter: Action integrals and energy surfaces of the Kovalevskaya top, Bifurcation and Chaos, 4 (1994), 1535–1562.

Number of matches: 101