


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Batra SK, Fraser WB
Subhash Batra, W Barrie Fraser: Engineering Fundamentals of Ring Spinning/Twisting, Over-end Unwinding and Two-for-One Twisting in Textile Processes, Engineering With Fibers series, B Pourdeyhimi, S Batra and M Jaffe (eds.), DEStech Publications, INC, USA, (2015), 186. ISBN 978-1-60595-172-0.

2. Cave GE, Fraser WB
Gregory E Cave and W B Fraser: The effect of yarn elasticity on the stability of the two-for-one twister balloon, Journal of the Textile Institute, 2011 (2011), no. iFirst Article, 1–16.

3. Phillips DG, Tran CD, Fraser WB, van der Heijden GHM
D G Phillips, Canh-Dung Tran, W B Fraser and G H M van der Heijden: Torsional properties of staple fibre plied yarns, the Journal of Textile Institute, 101 (2010), no. 7, 595–612.

4. Tang ZX, Wang L, Fraser WB, Wang X
Zheng-Xue Tang and Lijing Wang, W Barrie Fraser and Xungai Wang: In-situ tensile properties of a ballooning staple yarn, Textile Research Journal, 79 (2009), no. 6, 548–554.

5. Tran CD, Phillips DG, Fraser WB
C D Tran, D G Phillips and W B Fraser: Stationary solution of the ring-spinning balloon in zero air drag using a RBFN based mesh-free method, the Journal of the Textile Institute, iFirst (2008), 1–10.

6. Fraser WB, Macaskill C, McGuinness M, Thornton A
W.B. Fraser, C. Macaskill, M. McGuinness and A. Thornton: Strip track-off and buckling between transport rollers, Proceedings of the Mathematics and Statistics in Industry Study Group MISG 2007, Mathematics and Statistics in Industry Study Group MISG 2007, T. Marchant, M. Edwards and G. Mercer (eds.), Mathematics and Statistics in Industry Study Group, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, (2008), 13–31. ISBN 978-0-646-48555-3.

7. Fraser WB, van der Heijden GHM
W B Fraser and G H M van der Heijden: On the theory of localised snarling instabilities in false-twist yarn processes, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 61 (2008), 81–95.

8. Tang ZX, Fraser WB, Wang X
Zhengxue Tang, W Barrie Fraser and Xungai Wang: Modelling yarn balloon motio in ring spinning, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 31 (2007), 1397–1410.

9. van der Heijden GHM, Fraser WB
G H M van der Heijden and W B Fraser: Geometrically non-linear vibrations of structure, Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium 483, Euromech Colloquium 483, - (ed.), Euromech, DEMEGI-FEUP, Portugal, (2007), 221–224. ISBN 978-989-95208-2-0.

10. Tang ZX, Wang X, Fraser WB, Wang L
Z X Tang, X Wang, W B Fraser and L Wang: An investigation of yarn snarling and balloon flutter instabilities in ring spinning, Journal of the Textile Institute, 97 (2006), no. 5, 441–448.

11. Tang ZX, Wang X, Wang L, Fraser WB
Z X Tang, X Wang, L Wang and W B Fraser: The effect of yarn hairiness on air drag in ring spinning, Textile Research Journal, 76 (2006), no. 7, 559–566.

12. Tang ZX, Wang X, Fraser WB, Wang L
Zhengxue Tang, Xungai Wang, W Barrie Fraser and Lijing Wang: Simulation and experimental validation of a ring spinning process, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 14 (2006), 809–816.

13. Tang ZX, Wang X, Fraser WB
Zhengxue Tang, Xungai Wang and W Barrie Fraser: Recent studies on yarn tension and energy consumption in ring spinning, Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 9 (2005), no. 4, 1–15.

14. Clark JD, Fraser WB, Rahn CD, Rajamani A
James David Clarke, Wynstone Barrie Fraser, Christopher David Rahn and Arun Rajamani: Limit-cycle oscillations of a heavy whirling cable subject to aerodynamic drag, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences., 461 (2005), no. 2055, 875–893. MR2121940

15. Galan J, Fraser WB, Acheson DJ, Champneys AR
J Galan, W B Fraser, D J Acheson and A R Champneys: The parametrically excited upside-down rod: an elastic jointed pendulum model, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 280 (2005), 359–377.

16. Tang ZX, Wang X, Fraser WB, Wang L
Zheng-Xue Tang, Xungai Wang, W Barrie Fraser, and Lijing Wang: An experimental investigation of yarn tension in simulated ring spinning, Fibers and Polymers, 5 (2004), 275–279.

17. Tang ZX, Wang X, Fraser WB
Zheng-Xue Tang, Xungai Wang and Barrie Fraser: Minimizing energy consumption of yarn winding in ring spinning, Textile Research Journal, 74 (2004), 1097–1103.

18. Tang ZX, Wang X, Fraser WB
Zheng-Xue Tang, Xungai Wang and Barrie Fraser: Skin friction coefficient on a yarn package surface in ring spinning, Textile Research Journal, 74 (2004), 845–850.

19. Champneys AR, Fraser WB
A R Champneys and W B Fraser: Resonance tongue interaction in the parametrically excited column, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 65 (2004), 267–298. MR2112398

20. Thompson RS, Macaskill C, Fraser WB, Farnell L
R S Thompson, C Macaskill, W B Fraser and L Farnell: Acoustic intensity for a long vessel with non-circular cross-section, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 51 (2004), 566–575.

21. Tang ZX, Wang X, Fraser WB
Zheng-Xue Tang, Xungai Wang and Barrie Fraser: Distribution of power requirements during yarn winding in ring spinning, Textile Research Journal, 74 (2004), 735–741.

22. Fraser WB, van der Heijden GHM
W B Fraser and G H M van der Heijden: Brief Notes, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 70 (2003), 771–774.

23. Domokos G, Fraser WB, Szeberenyi I
G Domokos, W B Fraser, I Szeberenyi: Symmetry-breaking bifurcations of the uplifted elastic strip, Physica D, 185 (2003), 67–77. MR2014892

24. Tang ZX, Wang X, Fraser WB
Zheng-Xue Tang, Xungai Wang and Barrie Fraser: Energy consumption per unit yarn production in ring spinning, Proceedings of the sixth engineering mathematics and applications conference, The sixth engineering mathematics and applications conference, R L May and W F Blyth (eds.), EMAC 2003 Proceedings, UTS Printing Services, Sydney, (2003), 289 – 294. ISBN 1 86365 533 6.

25. Mullin T, Champneys AR, Fraser WB, Galan J, Acheson DJ
Tom Mullin, Alan Champneys, W Barrie Fraser, Jorge Galan, David Acheson: The 'Indian wire trick' via parametric excitation: a comparison between theory and experiment, The Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 459 (2003), 539–546. 2004f:70053

26. Thompson RS, Macaskill C, Farnell L, Fraser WB
R S Thompson, C Macaskill, L Farnell, W B Fraser: Ultrasound Intensity Calculations for a Vessel with Simulated Wall Lesion, 2002 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, 2002 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, S C Schneider, D E Yuhas (eds.), The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, (2002), 1755–1758. ISBN 0-7803-7583-1.

27. Fraser WB, Champneys AR
W Barrie Fraser and Alan R Champneys: The 'Indian rope trick' for a parametrically excited flexible rod: nonlinear and subharmonic analysis, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 458 (2002), 1353–1373. 2003e:74038

28. Lemon G, Fraser WB
G. Lemon and W.B. Fraser: Steady-state bifurcations and dynamical stability of a heavy whirling cable acted on by aerodynamic drag, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, 457 A (2001), 1021–1041. 2002h:74036

29. Clark JD, Fraser WB, Stump DM
J.D. Clark, W.B. Fraser & D.M. Stump: Modelling of tension in yarn package unwinding, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 40 (2001), 59–75.

30. Stump DM, Fraser WB
D M Stump, W B Fraser: Bending boundary layers in a moving strip. The theme of solitary waves and localization phenomena in elastic structures, Nonlinear Dynamics, 21 (2000), 55–70. 2000m:74063

31. Champneys AR, Fraser WB
Alan R Champneys, Barrie Fraser: The 'Indian rope trick' for a parametrically excited flexible rod: linearized analysis, Royal Society of London. Proceedings, 456 (2000), 553–570. 2001j:74052

32. Stump DM, Watson PJ, Fraser WB
D M Stump, P J Watson, W B Fraser: Mathematical modelling of interwound DNA supercoils, Journal of Biomechanics, 33 (2000), 407–413.

33. Stump DM, Fraser WB
D.M. Stump, W.B. Fraser: Multiple solutions for writhed rods:implications for DNA supercoiling, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, A456 (2000), 455–467. 2001k:74064

34. Fraser WB, Stump DM
W.B. Fraser and D.M. Stump: Twist in balanced-ply structures, Journal of the Textile Institute, 89 (1998), 485–497.

35. Clark JD, Fraser WB, Sharma R, Rahn CD
J.D. Clark, W.B. Fraser, R. Sharma and C.D. Rahn: The dynamic response of a ballooning yarn: theory and experiment, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, A 454 (1998), 2767–2789. 99f:73053

36. Stump DM, Fraser WB
D.M. Stump and W.B. Fraser: On the dynamical theory of twist in yarn plying, Mathematical Engineering in Industry, 7 (1998), 41–56. MR1647474

37. Stump DM, Fraser WB, Gates KE
D. M. Stump, W. B. Fraser and K. E. Gates: The writhing of circular cross-section rods: undersea cables to DNA supercoils, Proceedings of the Royal Society. London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, A 454 (1998), 2123–2156.

38. Fraser WB, Stump DM
W.B. Fraser and D.M. Stump: Yarn twist in the ring-spinning balloon, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 454 (1998), 707–723. 99e:73078

39. Fraser WB, Stump DM
Fraser, W.B. and Stump, D.M.: The equilibrium of the convergence point in two-strand yarn plying, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 35 (1998), 285–298.

40. Fraser WB
W.B. Fraser: The theory of yarn plying, The 33rd Australian applied Mathematics Conference: AZIAM'97, ANZIAM'97 33rd Australian Applied Mathematics Conference, Conference programme and book of Abstracts (eds.), 33rd Australian Applied Mathematics Conference, Australian Math Soc: ANZIAM, Gelong VIC., (1997), no pagination. ISBN 0 7259 0869 6.

41. Fraser WB, Fackerell ED
W.B. Fraser and E.D. Fackerell: Modelling optical fibre cable, Proceedings of MISG96, Mathematics-in-industry Study Group 1996, John Hewitt (ed.), MISG, Melbourne, (1996), 92–102. ISBN 0 646 28979 9.

42. Stump DM, Fraser WB
D.M. Stump and W.B. Fraser: Transient solutions of the ring-spinning balloon equations, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 63 (1996), 523–528.

43. Fraser WB
W. Barrie Fraser: A mathematical model of textile yarn ring-spinning, Proceedings of the Second Biennial Australian Engineering Mathematics Conference, Australian Engineering Mathematics Conference 1996, W.Y.D. Yuen, P. Broadbridge, J.M. Striner (eds.), Institution of Engineers, Australia, Barton, ACT, (1996), 371–377. ISBN 0 85825 653 3.

44. Stump DM, Fraser WB
Stump, D.M. and Fraser, W.B.: A simplified model of fabric drape based on ring theory, Textile Research Journal, 66 (1996), no. 8, 506–514.

45. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: Ring spinning, Textile Horizons, April/May (1996), 37–39.

46. Fraser WB, Clark JD, Ghosh TK, Zeng Q
Fraser WB, Clark JD, Ghosh TK, Zeng Q: The effect of a control ring on the stability of the ring-spinning balloon, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 452 (1996), 47–62.

47. Davy J, Fraser WB
J Davy and WB Fraser: Analysis of ultrasonic sensing systems, 1995 Mathematics-in-Industry Study Group, John Hewitt, Basil Benjamin and Phil Howlett (eds.), MISG, Melbourne, (1995), 29–36.

48. Fraser WB, Farnell L, Stump DM
Fraser WB, Farnell L, Stump DM: The effect of a slub on the stability of the ring-spinning balloon, Journal of the Textile Institute, 86 (1995), no. 4, 610–634.

49. Stump DM, Fraser WB
Stump DM, Fraser WB: Dynamic bifurcation of the ring-spinning balloon, Mathematical Engineering Journal, 5 (1995), no. 2, 161–186. MR1343899

50. Batra SK, Ghosh TK, Zeng Q, Robert KQ, Fraser WB
Batra SK, Ghosh TK, Zeng Q, Robert KQ, Fraser WB: An integrated approach to the ring spinning process Part IV: Inherent instability of the free balloon, Textile Research Journal, 65 (1995), no. 7, 417–423.

51. Fraser WB, Farnell L, Stump DM
Fraser WB, Farnell L, Stump DM: Effect of yarn non-uniformity on the stability of the ring-spinning balloon, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 449 (1995), 597–621.

52. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: Lagrangian Dynamics, School of Mathematics and Statistics, (1995),

53. Huang X, Karihaloo BL, Fraser WB
X Huang, B L Karihaloo and W B Fraser: Contribution of first-order moduli differences to dilatant transformation toughening, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 30 (1993), no. 2, 151–160.

54. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: Air drag and friction in the two-for-one twistor: Results from the theory, Journal of the Textile Institute, 84 (1993), 364–375.

55. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: The dynamics of ballooning yarns in ring spinning and two-for-one twisting, Proceedings of the IVth Polish Conference on Textile and Crane Machines, Polish Conference on Textile and Crane Machines, Bielsko-Biala, (1993), 61–78.

56. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: On the theory of the two-for-one twister, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, A 447 (1993), 409–425.

57. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: On the dynamical theory of yarn balloons, 29th Australian Applied Mathematics Conference, Hahndorf, February 1993, (1993),

58. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: On the theory of ring spinning, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, A342 (1993), MR1253327

59. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: On the theory of ring spinning, 28th Australian Applied Mathematics Conference, Bateman's Bay, February 1992, (1992),

60. Fraser WB, Ghosh TK, Batra SK
Fraser WB, Ghosh TK, Batra SK: On unwinding yarn from a cylindrical package, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, A436 (1992), 479–498. 93e:73031

61. Huang X, Fraser WB, Karihaloo BL
Huang X, Fraser WB, Karihaloo BL: Contribution of first-order moduli differences to dilatant transformation toughening, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 30 (1992), 151–160.

62. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: The effect of yarn elasticity on the unwinding balloon, Journal of the Textile Institute, 83 (1992), 603–613.

63. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: Unravelling the unwinding problem, 27th Australian Applied Mathematics Conference, Hanmer Springs, New Zealand, February 1991, (1991),

64. Fraser WB
Fraser WB: The unwinding problem: a moving boundary value problem, Mini-conference on approximate methods for boundary value problems, Centre for Mathematical Analysis, ANU, (1990), MR1123673

65. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: An introduction to stochastic differential equations, International Journal of Mathematics Education, Science and Technology, 14 (1983), 181–188.

66. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Separable equations for a cylindrical anisotropic elastic waveguide, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 72 (1980), 151–157.

67. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Orthogonality of the elastodynamic eigenfunctions for a cylinder of arbitrary cross-section, Mechanics Research Communications, 6 (1979), 217–222. 80m:73028

68. Fraser WB
W.B. Fraser: On the orthogonality of the axisymetric axial eigenfunctions for an elastic circular cylinder, Mechanics Research Communications, 4 (1977), 303–307. MR0464836

69. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Orthogonality relation for the Rayleigh-Lamb modes of vibration of a plate, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 59 (1976), 215–216.

70. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: An orthogonality relation for the modes of wave propagation in an elastic circular cylinder, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 43 (1975), 568–571.

71. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Narrow-bandwidth pulses in elastic bars, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 58 (1975), 1096–1098.

72. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Bending of a stretched plate containing an eccentrically plate-reinforced hole of arbitrary shape, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 11 (1975), 1245–1256.

73. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Bending of a radially prestressed annular plate by tilting a central rigid inclusion, Journal of Elasticity, 5 (1975), 129–140.

74. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Bending of a highly stretched plate containing an eccentrically plate-reinforced circular hole, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 11 (1975), 501–518.

75. Amazigo JC, Fraser WB
J C Amazigo, W B Fraser: Buckling under external pressure of cylindrical shells with dimple shaped initial imperfections, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 7 (1971), 883–900.

76. Fraser WB, Booker RE
W B Fraser, R E Booker: Dispersion of elastic waves in a triangular bar, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 18 (1971), 261–269.

77. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Longitudinal elastic waves in square bars, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 37 (1970), 537–538.

78. Fraser WB, Budiansky B
W B Fraser, Bernard Budiansky: The buckling of a column with random initial deflections, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 36 (1969), 233–240.

79. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Stress wave propagation in rectangular bars, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 5 (1969), 379–297.

80. Fraser WB
W B Fraser: Dispersion of elastic waves in elliptical bars, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 10 (1969), 247–260.

Number of matches: 80