


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Hador RB

1. Hador RB, Buchen PW
R Ben Hador and P W Buchen: Love and Rayleigh waves in non-uniform media, Geophysical Journal International, 137 (1999), 521–534.

2. Buchen PW, Hador RB
P W Buchen and R Ben Hador: Reply to comment by S Ivansson on "Free-mode surface wave computations", Geophysical Journal International, 132 (1999), 728–728.

3. Buchen PW, Hador RB
P W Buchen and R Ben Hador: Perturbation formulas for linear dispersive waves in spatially non-uniformed media, Wave Motion, 26 (1997), 187–197.

Number of matches: 3