


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Hillman JA, Kochloukova DH
Jonathan Hillman and Dessislava H. Kochloukova: Pro-\(p\) completions of \(PD_n\)-groups, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 265 (2025), 801–831.

2. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Elementary amenable groups of cohomological dimension 3, Journal of Group Theory, 27 (2024), 1–11.

3. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Poincaré Duality in Dimension 3, The Open Book Series, Silvio Levy (at MSP) (ed.), Mathematical Sciences Publishers, Berkeley, Ca 94720-3840, USA, (2024), xiv+176. ISBN 2329-9061, 2329-907X.

4. Hambleton I, Hillman JA
Ian Hambleton and Jonathan A. Hillman: Quotients of \(S^2\times{S^2}\), Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 108 (2023), no. 4, 1393–1416.

5. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Nilpotent groups with balanced presentations, J. Group Theory, 25 (2022), 713–726.

6. Hillman JA
J. A. Hillman: 3-manifolds with nilpotent embeddings in \(S^4\), Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 29 (2021), no. 14, 2050094.

7. Hillman JA
Jonathan A Hillman: \(PD_4\)-Complexes and 2-Dimensional Duality Groups, 2019-20 MATRIX Annals, MATRIX Book Series, Springer Nature Switzerland, Switzerland, (2020), 57–109. ISBN 978-3-030-62497-2.

8. Hillman JA
Jonathan A Hillman: Poincaré Duality in Dimension 3, The Open Books Series, Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP), Berkeley, California, USA, (2020), 166. ISBN 978-1-935107-06-4.

9. Freedman M, Hillman JA
Michael Freedman and Jonathan Hillman: Width of codimension two knots, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 29 (2020), no. 1, 1950094 (8 pages).

10. Hillman JA
Jonathan Hillman: 3-Manifolds with abelian embeddings in \(S^4\), Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 29 (2020), no. 1, 2050001 (22 pages).

11. Berrick AJ, Hillman JA
A J Berrick and J A Hillman: Whitehead's asphericity question and its relation to other open problems, Algebraic Topology and Related Topics, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser, Singapore, (2019), 27–49. ISBN 978-981-13-5741-1 (print), 978-981-13-5742-8 (online). MR3991175

12. Bleile B, Bokor I, Hillman JA
B. Bleile, I. Bokor and J.A.Hillman: Poincaré complexes with highly connected universal covers, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 18 (2018), 3749–3788.

13. Hillman JA
J. A. Hillman: \(\mathbb{S}ol^3\times\mathbb{E}^1\)-manifolds, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 105 (2018), 46–56.

14. Hillman JA
J. A. Hillman: Deficiency and commensurators, Journal of Group Theory, 21 (2018), 511–530.

15. Hillman JA
J A Hillman: Solvable normal subgroups of 2-knot groups, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 26 (2017), no. 11, 1750066–1 – 1750066–11.

16. Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman: Indecomposable non-orientable \(PD_3\)-complexes, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 17 (2017), 645–656.

17. Budney R, Hillman JA
R Budney and J A Hillman: A small infinitely-ended 2-knot group, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 26 (2017), no. 1, 1750008–1 – 1750008–11.

18. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: The \(\mathbb{F}_2\)-cohomology rings of 3-manifolds, (2024), preprint.

19. Hillman JA
J. A. Hillman: Locally flat embeddings of 3-manifolds in \(S^4\), (2024), preprint.

20. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Homotopy types of 4-manifolds with 3-manifold fundamental groups, (2023), preprint.

21. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Non-solvable torsion-free virtually solvable groups, (2023), preprint.

22. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: The groups of branched twist-spun knots, (2023), preprint.

23. Hillman JA
Jonathan A Hillman: Sections of surface bundles, Geometry and Topology Monographs, Interactions between low dimensional topology and mapping class groups, Cameron Gordon, John Greenlees, Joel Hass, Ciprian Manolescu (eds.), MSP, University of Warwick, UK, (2015), 1 – 21. ISBN 1464-8989.

24. Hillman JA
Jonathan A Hillman: On Farber’s invariants for simple 2q-knots, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 60 (2015), no. 4, 405–422.

25. Hillman JA, Kochloukova DH, Lima I
J.Hillman, D.Kochloukova and I.Lima: Pro-\(p\) completions of Poincaré duality groups, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 200 (2014), 1–17.

26. Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman: The \(\mathbb{F}_2\)-cohomology rings of \(\mathbb{S}\mathrm{ol}^3\)-manifolds, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 89 (2014), 191–201.

27. Hillman JA, Howie J
J A Hillman and J Howie: Seifert Fibered Knot Manifolds, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 22 (2013), no. 14, 1350082–1–1350082–17.

28. Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman: The groups of fibred 2-knots, Geometry and Topology Down Under, Geometry and Topology Down Under, C.D.Hodgson, W.B.Jaco, M.G.Scharlemann and S.Tillmann (eds.), Contemporary Mathematics vol. 597, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, (2013), 281–294. ISBN 0-8218-8480-8.

29. Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman: \(S^2\)-bundles over 2-orbifolds, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 87 (2013), 69–86.

30. Hillman JA
Jonathan A Hillman: Erratum to "Strongly minimal \(\mathrm{PD}_4\)-complexes" [Topology Appl. 156 (8) (2009) 1565--1577], Topology and Its Applications, 159 (2012), no. 3, 933.

31. Budney R, Burton BA, Hillman JA
Ryan Budney, Benjamin A.Burton, Jonathan Hillman: Triangulating a Cappell-Shaneson knot complement, Mathematical Research Letters, 19 (2012), no. 5, 1117–1126.

32. Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman: Algebraic Invariants of Links (2nd edition), World Scientific, Singapore, (2012), xiv+353. ISBN 978-981-4407-38-0.

33. Dancer EN, Hillman JA, Pestoia A
E N Dancer, Jonathan Hillman and Angela Pestoia: Deformation retracts to the fat diagonal and applications to the existence of peak solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 256 (2012), no. 1, 67–78.

34. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Indecomposable \(PD_3\)-complexes, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 12 (2012), 131–153. MR2916272

35. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Geometric decompositions of 4-dimensional orbifold bundles, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 63 (2011), 871–886.

36. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: 2-Knots with solvable groups, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 20 (2011), no. 7, 977–994.

37. Hillman JA, Roushon SK
J.A.Hillman and S.K.Roushon: Surgery on \(\widetilde{\mathbb{SL}}\times\mathbb{E}^n\)-manifolds, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 54 (2011), 283–287.

38. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Alexander polynomials of ribbon links, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 20 (2011), 327–331.

39. Hillman JA
Jonathan A Hillman: the linking pairings of orientable Seifert manifolds, Topology and its Applications, 158 (2011), 468–478.

40. Bridson MR, Groves G, Hillman JA, Martin GJ
M.R.Bridson, G.Groves, J.A.Hillman and G.J.Martin: Cofinitely hopfian groups, open mappings and knot complements, Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, 4 (2010), 693–707.

41. Hillman JA, Silver DS, Williams SG
J.A.Hillman, D.S.Silver and S.G.Williams: On reciprocality of twisted Alexander invariants, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 10 (2010), 1017–1026. MR2629774

42. Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman: Embedding 3-manifolds with circle actions, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 137 (2009), no. 12, 4287–4294. MR2538589

43. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Strongly minimal \(PD_4\)-complexes, Topology and its Applications, 156 (2009), 1565–1577. MR2512608

44. Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman: Knot groups and slice conditions, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 17 (2008), 1511–1517. MR2477590

45. Hillman JA, Schmidt A
J.A.Hillman and A.Schmidt: Pro-\(p\) groups with positive deficiency, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 40 (2008), 1065–1069. MR2471955

46. Berrick AJ, Hillman JA
A.J.Berrick and J.A.Hillman: The Whitehead conjecture and \(L^2\)-Betti numbers, Guido's Book of Conjectures, Monographies de L'Enseignement Mathématique, L'Enseignement Mathé matique, (2008), 35–37.

47. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Finitely dominated covering spaces of 3- and 4-manifolds, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 84 (2008), 99–108. MR2469270

48. Hillman JA
Jonathan A Hillman: Geometries and infrasolvmanifolds in dimension 4, Geom Dedicata, 129 (2007), 57–72. MR2353982

49. Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman: On 4-manifolds with zero-entropy metrics, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 39 (2007), 327–328. MR2323466

50. Hillman JA, Kochloukova DH
J.A.Hillman, D.H.Kochloukova: Finiteness conditions and \(PD_r\)-group covers of \(PD_n\)-complexes, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 256 (2007), 45 – 56. MR2282258

51. Hillman JA
J.Hillman: Hermitian pairings and isolated singularities, Real and Complex Singularities -- Proceedings of the Australian-Japanese Workshop, Australian-Japanese Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, L.Paunescu, A.Harris, T.Fukui and S.Koike (eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, (2007), 46–55. ISBN 978-981-270-551-8. MR2336681

52. Hillman JA, Matei D, Morishita M
J. Hillman, D. Matei and M .Morishita: Pro-\(p\) link groups and \(p\)-homology groups, Primes and Knots, Primes and Knots, T. Kohno and M. Morisita (eds.), Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I., (2006), 121–136. MR2276139

53. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: \(PD_4\)-complexes with strongly minimal models, Topology and its Applications, 153 (2006), no. 14, 2413–2424. MR2243720

54. Hillman JA, Livingston C, Naik S
Jonathan A. Hillman, Charles Livingston and Swatee Naik: Twisted Alexander polynomials of periodic knots, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 6 (2006), 145–169. MR2199457

55. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Centralizers and normalizers of subgroups of \(PD_3\)-groups and open \(PD_3\)-groups, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 204 (2006), 244–257. MR2184809

56. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Singularities of plane algebraic curves, Expositiones Mathematicae, 23 (2005), 233–254. MR2164776

57. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: An indecomposable \(PD_3\)-complex whose fundamental group has infinitely many ends, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 138 (2005), 55–57. MR2127227

58. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: \(PD_4\)-complexes with free fundamental group, Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, 34 (2004), 295–306. MR2120518

59. Hong SH, Eades P, Hillman JA
Seok-Hee Hong, Peter Eades, Jonathan Hillman: Linkless symmetric drawings of series parallel digraphs, Computational Geometry, 29 (2004), 191–221. MR2095374

60. Hillman JA
Jonathan A Hillman: Homomorphisms of nonzero degree between \(PD_n\)-groups, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 77 (2004), 335–348. MR2099805

61. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: An indecomposable \(PD_3\)-complex: II, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 4 (2004), 1103–1109. MR2113897

62. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: \(PD_4\)-complexes with fundamental group a \(PD_2\)-group, Topology and its Applications, 142 (2004), 49–60. MR2071292

63. Berrick AJ, Hillman JA
A.J.Berrick and J.A.Hillman: Perfect and acyclic subgroups of finitely presentable groups, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 68 (2003), 683–698. MR2009444

64. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Tits alternatives and low dimensional topology, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 55 (2003), 365–383. MR1961291

65. Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman: An homology 4-sphere group with negative deficiency, L'Enseignement Mathématique. Revue Internationale. IIe Série, 48 (2002), 259–262. 2003m:57046

66. Hillman JA
J.A. Hillman: On 4-dimensional mapping tori, Topology and Geometry: Commemorating SISTAG, Sigapore International Symposium on Topology and Geometry, A.J.Berrick, Man Chun Leung, Xingwang Xu (eds.), Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I., (2002), 97–105. ISBN 0-8218-2820-7. 2003i:57036

67. Hillman JA
J.A. Hillman: Four-Manifolds, Geometries and Knots, Geometry and Topology Monographs, Geometry and Topology Publications, Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, 5 (2002), xiv+379. 2003m:57047

68. Hillman JA
Jonathan Hillman: Algebraic Invariants of Links, Knots and Everything, World Scientific, Singapore, 32 (2002), xii+305. ISBN 981-238-154-6. 2003k:57014

69. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Deficiencies of lattices in connected Lie groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 65 (2002), 393–397. 2003d:22008

70. Hillman JA
J.A. Hillman: Virtual surface bundle groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 62 (2000), 353–356. 2001i:57029

71. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Applications of \(L^2\)-Betti numbers to low dimensional topology, Atti Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Universita di Modena, 48 (2000), 259–272. 2001g:57056

72. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Complex surfaces which are fibre bundles, Topology and its Applications, 100 (2000), 187–191. 2000i:32031

73. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: On 4-dimensional mapping tori and product geometries, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 58 (1998), 229–238. 2000a:57049

74. Hillman JA, Kearton C
J.A. Hillman and C. Kearton: Simple 4-knots, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 7 (1998), 907–923. 99k:57053

75. Hillman JA
J.A.Hillman: On 4-manifolds which admit geometric decompositions, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 50 (1998), 415–431. 99c:57050

76. Crisp JS, Hillman JA
J.S.Crisp, J.A.Hillman: Embedding Seifert fibred 3-manifolds and Sol\({}^3\)-manifolds in 4-space, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 76 (1998), 685–710. 99g:57027

77. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Optimal presentations for solvable 2-knot groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 57 (1998), 129–133. 99d:57017

78. Cobb RJ, Hillman JA
R.Cobb and J.A.Hillman: \(S^2\) bundles over aspherical closed surfaces are geometric, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 125 (1997), 3415–3422. 98d:57021

79. Hillman JA, Jeffries BRF, Ricker WJ, Straub B
J.A.Hillman, B.R.F.Jefferies, W.J.Ricker, B.Straub: Differential properties of the numerical range map of pairs of matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 267 (1997), 317–334. 98h:15050

80. Hillman JA, Sakuma M
J.A.Hillman and M.Sakuma: On the homology of finite abelian coverings of links, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 40 (1997), 309–315. 98i:57010

81. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: On \(L^2\)-homology and asphericity, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 99 (1997), 271–283. 98f:57035

82. Hillman JA, Kearton C
J.A. Hillman and C. Kearton: Algebraic invariants of simple 4-knots, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 6 (1997), 307–318. 99b:57047

83. Dimca A, Hillman JA, Paunescu L
A.Dimca, J.A.Hillman, L.Paunescu: On hypersurfaces in real projective spaces, Far Eastern Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 5 (1997), 159–168. 97k:57035

84. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: On the homotopy types of closed 4-manifolds covered by \(S^2\times \mathbb{R}^2\), Topology and its Applications, 75 (1997), 287–295. 98a:57032

85. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Embedding homology equivalent 3-manifolds in 4-space, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 223 (1996), 473–481. 97h:57044

86. Hillman JA, Kawauchi A
Hillman JA, Kawauchi A: Unknotting orientable surfaces in the 4-sphere, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 4 (1995), 213–224. 96g:57022

87. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Flat 4-manifold groups, New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, 24 (1995), 29–40. 96f:57019

88. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On the splitting field of the Alexander polynomial of a periodic knot, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 52 (1995), 313–315. 97c:57007

89. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Free products and 4-dimensional connected sums, The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 27 (1995), 387–391. 96h:57017

90. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On 4-manifolds with finitely dominated covering spaces, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 121 (1994), 619–626. 94h:57032

91. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Minimal 4-manifolds for groups of cohomological dimension 2, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II, 37 (1994), 455–461. 95g:57034

92. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: The Algebraic characterization of Geometric 4-Manifolds, London Mathematical Society Lecture Series, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 198 (1994), 282. ISBN 0 521 40117 8. 95m:57032

93. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On 3-dimensional Poincaré duality complexes and 2-knot groups, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 114 (1993), 215–218. 94h:57037

94. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On 4-manifolds with universal covering space \(S^2\times \mathbb{R}^2\) or \(S^3\times \mathbb{R}\), Topology and its Applications, 52 (1993), 23–42. 95b:57020

95. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On 4-manifolds with universal covering space a compact geometric manifold, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. A, 55 (1993), no. 2, 137–148. 94i:57031

96. Farber MS, Hillman JA
Farber MS, Hillman JA: Doubly null concordant knots have hyperbolic stable isometry structures, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 2 (1993), 125–140. 94i:57038

97. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: A remark on branched cyclic covers, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 87 (1993), 237–240. 94f:57001

98. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Invariants for simple 4-knots, Annual Conference of the Australian Mathematical Society, Perth, July 1992, (1992),

99. Hillman JA, Linnell PA
Hillman JA, Linnell PA: Elementary amenable groups of finite Hirsch length are locally-finite by virtually-solvable, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 52 (1992), 237–241. 93b:20067

100. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Geometries on 4-manifolds, Euler characteristic and elementary amenable groups, Proceedings of an International Conference on Knots, International conference on Knot Theory Related Topics, Osaka, Japan, August 15--19 1990, de Gruyter, New York, (1992), 25–46. 94b:57022

101. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Complex analytic surfaces and 2-knots, Annual Conference of the Australian Math. Soc., Melbourne, June 1991, (1991),

102. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On 4-manifolds homotopy equivalent to circle bundles over 3-manifolds, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 75 (1991), 277–287. 93m:57022

103. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On 4-manifolds homotopy equivalent to surface bundles over surfaces, Topology and its Applications, 40 (1991), 275–286. 92g:57031

104. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Elementary amenable groups and 4-manifolds with Euler characteristic 0, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 50 (1991), 160–170. 92g:20057

105. Bieri R, Hillman JA
Bieri R, Hillman JA: Subnormal subgroups of 3-dimensional Poincaré duality groups, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 206 (1991), 67–69. 92e:57002

106. Hillman JA, Plotnick SP
Hillman JA, Plotnick SP: Geometrically fibred 2-knots, Mathematische Annalen, 287 (1990), 259–273. 91g:57023

107. Hillman JA, Wilson SMJ
Hillman JA, Wilson SMJ: On the reflexivity of Cappell Shaneson 2-knots, The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 21 (1989), 591–593. 90k:57028

108. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: A homotopy fibration theorem in dimension 4, Topology and its Applications, 33 (1989), 151–161. 90k:57023

109. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: The algebraic characterization of the exteriors of certain two-knots, Inventiones Mathematicae, 97 (1989), 195–207. 90d:57026

110. Hillman JA, Kearton C
Hillman JA, Kearton C: Stable isometry structures and the factorization of \(\mathbb{Q}\)-acyclic stable knots, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 39 (1989), 175–182. 90h:57026

111. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: 2-knots and their Groups, Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series, Cambridge University Press, 5 (1989), 90d:57025

112. Hillman JA, Kearton C
Hillman JA, Kearton C: Seifert matrices and 6-knots, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 309 (1988), 843–857. 89j:57015

113. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Two-knot groups with torsion free abelian normal subgroups of rank two, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 63 (1988), 664–671. 90a:57033

114. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: 3-Dimensional Poincaré duality groups which are extensions, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 195 (1987), 89–92. 88m:57022

115. Datta B, Hillman JA, Nag S
Datta B, Hillman JA, Nag S: Characterization theorems for compact hypercomplex manifolds, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 43 (1987), 231–245. 88j:32038

116. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: The kernel of integral cup product, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 43 (1987), 10–15. 88f:20066

117. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Symmetries of knots and links, and invariants of abelian coverings, II, Kobe Journal of Mathematics, 3 (1986), 149–165. 88f:57005

118. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Symmetries of knots and links, and invariants of abelian coverings, I, Kobe Journal of Mathematics, 3 (1986), 7–27. 88f:57005

119. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Finite simple even-dimensional knots, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 34 (1986), 369–374. 88d:57003

120. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Abelian normal subgroups of two-knot groups, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 61 (1986), 122–148. 87m:57023

121. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Knot modules and the elementary divisor theorem, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 40 (1986), 115–124. 87i:57019

122. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On metabelian two-knot groups, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 96 (1986), 372–374. 87f:57023

123. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Seifert fibre spaces and Poincaré duality groups, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 190 (1985), 365–369. 87d:57002

124. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: The kernel of the cup product, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 32 (1985), 261–274. 87b:20067

125. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Topological concordance and \(F\)-isotopy, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 98 (1985), 107–110. 86i:57008

126. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Factorization of Kojima knots and hyperbolic concordance of Levine pairings, Houston Journal of Mathematics, 10 (1984), 187–194. 86i:57024

127. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Simple locally flat 3-knots, The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 16 (1984), 599–602. 86a:57019

128. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Links with infinitely many semifree periods are trivial, Archiv der Mathematik (Basel), 42 (1984), 568–572. 86a:57003

129. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Polynomials determining Dedekind domains, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 29 (1984), 167–175. 85h:13013

130. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: On the Alexander polynomial of a cyclically periodic knot, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 89 (1983), 155–156. 85b:57005

131. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Aspherical four manifolds and the centres of two-knot groups, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 58 (1983), 166. 84d:57011

132. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Alexander polynomials, annihilator ideals and the Steinitz-Fox-Smythe invariant, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 45 (1982), 31–48. 84a:57002

133. Hillman JA, Bayer E, Kearton C
Hillman JA, Bayer E, Kearton C: The factorization of simple knots, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 90 (1981), 495–506. 83e:57005

134. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Aspherical four manifolds and the centres of two-knot groups, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 56 (1981), 465–478. 83d:57017

135. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Finite knot modules and the factorization of certain simple groups, Mathematische Annalen, 257 (1981), 261–274. 83c:57009

136. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: New proofs of two theorems on periodic knots, Archiv der Mathematik (Basel), 37 (1981), 457–461. 83b:57003

137. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: The Torres conditions are insufficient, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 89 (1981), 19–22. 82j:57003

138. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Blanchfield pairings with squarefree Alexander polynomial, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 176 (1981), 551–563. 82i:57025

139. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: A link with Alexander module free which is not an homology boundary link, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 20 (1981), 1–5. 82d:57001

140. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Alexander Ideals of Links, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer Verlag, 895 (1981), MR0653808

141. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Spanning links by non-orientable surfaces, The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford. Second Series, 31 (1980), 169–179. 81f:57002

142. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Orientability, asphericity and two-knots, Houston Journal of Mathematics, 6 (1980), 67–76. 81f:57017

143. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Trivializing ribbon links by Kirby moves, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 21 (1980), 21–28. 80d:57005

144. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Longitudes of a link and principality of an Alexander ideal, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 72 (1978), 370–374. 80c:57006

145. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: Alexander ideals and Chen groups, The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 10 (1978), 105–110. 57:17621

146. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: High dimensional knot groups which are not two-knot groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 16 (1977), 449–462. 58:31098

147. Hillman JA
Hillman JA: A non homology boundary link with zero Alexander polynomial, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 16 (1977), 229–236. 56:12300

Number of matches: 147