


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Wishart JR, Kułik R
Justin Wishart and Rafal Kułik: Kink estimation in stochastic regression with dependent errors and predictors, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 4 (2010), 875–913.

2. Kułik R, Raimondo M
Rafal Kułik and Marc Raimondo: Wavelet regression in random design with heteroscedastic dependent errors, The Annals of Statistics, 37 (2009), no. 6A, 3396–3430. MR2549564

3. Kułik R, Raimondo M
Rafal Kułik and Marc Raimondo: L^p - Wavelet regression with correlated errors and inverse problems, Statistica Sinica, 19 (2009), 1479–1489. MR2589193

4. Kułik R
R Kułik: Sums of extreme values of subordinated long-range dependent sequences: moving averages with finite variance, Electronic Journal of Probability, 13 (2008), 961–979. MR2413291

5. Kułik R
R Kułik: Nonparametric deconvolution problem for dependent sequences, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 2 (2008), 722–740. MR2430252

6. Csörgő M, Kułik R
Miklos Csörgő and Rafal Kułik: Reduction principles for quantile and Bahadur-Kiefer processes of long-range dependent linear sequences, Probability Theory and Related Fields, 142 (2008), no. 3-4, 339–366. MR2438695

7. Csörgő M, Kułik R
Miklos Csörgő and Rafal Kułik: Weak convergence of Vervaat and Vervaat error processes of long-range dependent sequences, Journal of theoretical probability, 21 (2008), no. 3, 672–686. MR2425364

8. Kułik R, Wichelhaus C
Rafal Kulik and Cornelia Wichelhaus: Dependence in lag for markov chains on partially ordered state spaces with applications to degradable networks, Stochastic models, 23 (2007), no. 4, 683–696. MR2362703

9. Kułik R
Rafal Kulik: Bahadur-Kiefer theory for sample quantiles of weakly dependent linear processes, Bernoulli: a journal of mathematical statistics and probability, 13 (2007), no. 4, 1071–1090. MR2364227

10. Daduna H, Kułik R, Sauer C, Szekli R
Daduna H, Kulik R, Sauer C and Szekli R: Dependence ordering for queuing networks with breakdown and repair, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 20 (2006), 575–594. MR2265248

11. Kułik R
Kulik R: Limit theorems for self-normalized linear processes, Statistics and Probability Letters, 76 (2006), 1947–1953.

12. Kułik R
Kulik R: Limit theorems for moving averages with random coefficients and heavy-tailed noise, Journal of Applied Probability, 43 (2006), 245–256. MR2225064

13. Schwarz M, Sauer C, Daduna H, Kułik R, Szekli R
Schwarz M, Sauer C, Daduna H, Kulik R and Szekli R: M/M/1 Queueing systems with inventory, Queueing Systems, 54 (2006), 55–78. MR2264356

Number of matches: 13