


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Dawson SR, Dullin HR, Nguyen DMH
Sean R Dawson, Holger R Dullin and Diana M H Nguyen: The Harmonic Lagrange Top and the Confluent Heun Equation, Regular and chaotic dynamics, 27 (2022), no. 4, 443–459.

2. Dawson S, Dullin HR, Nguyen DMH
Sean Dawson, Holger R Dullin and Diana M H Nguyen: Monodromy in prolate spheroidal harmonics, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 146 (2021), 953–982.

3. Arunasalam S, Ciappara J, Nguyen DMH, Tan SJ, Yacobi O
Suntharan Arunasalam, Joshua Ciappara, Diana MH Nguyen, Suo Jun Tan, Oded Yacobi: A Note on Categorification and Spherical Harmonics, Algebras and Representation Theory, 23 (2020), 1285–1295.

4. Arunasalam S, Ciappara J, Nguyen DMH, Tan SJ, Yacobi O
Suntharan Arunasalam, Joshua Ciappara, Diana M. H. Nguyen, Suo Jun Tan, Oded Yacobi: A note on categorification and spherical harmonics, Algebras and Representation Theory, Online First (2019), 1–11.

5. Arunasalam S, Dullin HR, Nguyen DMH
Suntharan Arunasalam, Holger R Dullin and Diana M H Nguyen: The Lie--Poisson structure of the symmetry reduced regularized \(n\)-body problem, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 48 (2015), 065202 (12 pages).

Number of matches: 5