


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Sidhu HS

1. Sidhu HS, Sexton MJ, Nelson MI, Mercer GN, Weber RO
Harvider S Sidhu, Mary J Sexton, Mark I Nelson, Geoffry N Mercer and Rodney O Weber: A simple combustion process in a semibatch reactor, EMAC 2000 proceedings, EMAC 2000, R L May, G F Fitz-Gerald, I H Grundy (eds.), Proceedings of the fourth biennial engineering mathematics and applications conference, RMT University, Melbourne, (2000), 251–254. ISBN 085825 705 X.

2. Sidhu HS, Forbes LK, Gray BF
H S Sidhu, L K Forbes and B F Gray: Forced reaction in a CSTR. A comparison between the full system and the reduced model, Chemical Engineering Science, 52 (1997), no. 16, 2667–2676.

3. Weber RO, Mercer GN, Sidhu HS, Gray BF
R O Weber, G N Mercer, H S Sidhu and B F Gray: Combustion waves for gases (\(Le=1\)) and solids (\(Le \to \infty\)), Royal Society of London. Proceedings, 453 (1997), 1105–1118. 98a:80007

4. Forbes LK, Gray BF, Sidhu HS
L. K. Forbes, B. F. Gray and H. S. Sidhu: Periodically forced hydrocarbon oxidation in a CSTR, Bifurcation and Chaos, 6 (1996), 12.

5. Gray BF, Forbes LK, Sidhu HS
B. F. Gray, L. K. Forbes and H. S. Sidhu: A detailed study of the effects of forcing a hydrocarbon oxidation reaction, Mathematical Computation and Modelling, 24 (1996), no. 8, 65–88.

6. Sidhu HS, Forbes LK, Gray BF
H. S. Sidhu, L. K. Forbes and B. F. Gray: Analysis of the unified thermal and chain branching model of hydrocarbon oxidation, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A, A449 (1995), 493–514.

Number of matches: 6