


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Stark AE
Alan E Stark: Stable populations and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, Hereditas, 160 (2023), no. 1, Article 19 (5 pages).

2. Stark AE, Seneta E
Alan E Stark and Eugene Seneta: A Markov Chain Model for the Evolution of Sex Ratio, Twin Research and Human Genetics, 26 (2023), 21–25.

3. Stark AE
Alan E Stark: Pseudo-Random Mating with Multiple Alleles, Twin Research and Human Genetics, 2021 (2021), 1–4.

4. Stark AE
Alan E Stark: A Misconception About the Hardy–Weinberg Law, Twin Research and Human Genetics, 2021 (2021), 1 – 3.

5. Stark AE
Alan E Stark: On Random and Systematic Variation in the Prevalence of Defective Color Vision, Twin Research and Human Genetics, 23 (2020), 278–282.

6. Stark AE
Alan E Stark: Hemophilia B – Mutation Rates and Incidence – A Simulation Study, Twin Research and Human Genetics, 23 (2020), no. 3, 174–177.

7. Stark AE
Alan E Stark: Variation in Prevalence of Rare Heritable Traits — A Simulation Study — Illustrated by Neurofibromatosis Type 1, Twin Research and Human Genetics, 22 (2019), no. 4, 229–232.

8. Stark AE
Alan Edmund Stark: The genetic epidemiology of the form of microcephaly ascribed to mutation at the WDR62 locus, Annals of Translational Medicine, 4 (2016), no. 15, 1–7 Art. 281.

9. Stark AE
Alan Edmund Stark: Determining the frequency of sporadic cases of rare X-linked disorders, Annals of Translational Medicine, 4 (2016), no. 4, Art. 75; 4 pages.

10. Stark AE
Alan E Stark: A Contribution to the Genetic Epidemiology of Structured Populations, International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research, 4 (2015), 277–281.

11. Stark AE
Alan E Stark: Estimation of Divergence from Hardy--Weinberg Form, Twin Research and Human Genetics, 18 (2015), no. 4, 399–405.

12. Seneta E, Stark AE
Alan E Stark and Eugene Seneta: Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium as Foundational, International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research, 3 (2014), 198–202.

13. Stark AE, Seneta E
Alan E Stark and Eugene Seneta: Wilhelm Weinberg's Early Contribution to Segregation Analysis, Genetics, 195 (2013), no. 1, 1–6.

14. Stark AE, Seneta E
Alan E Stark and Eugene Seneta: A Reality Check on Hardy--Weinberg, Twin Research and Human Genetics, 16 (2013), no. 4, 782–789.

15. Stark AE, Seneta E
Alan Stark and Eugene Seneta: On S.N. Bernstein's derivation of Mendel's Law and 'rediscovery' of the Hardy-Weinberg distribution, Genetics and Molecular Biology, 35 (2012), no. 2, 388–394.

16. Stark AE, Seneta E
Alan Stark and Eugene Seneta: A N Kolmogorov's defence of Mendelism, Genetics and Molecular Biology, 34 (2011), no. 2, 177–186.

Number of matches: 16