


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Zhang PM

1. Liu X, Duan Y, Zhang PM
Xin Liu, Yi-shi Duan, Peng-ming Zhang: Multi-types of Skyrmions in SU(N) quantum Hall system, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 44 (2005), 371. MR2487010

2. Zhang PM, Duan Y, Liu X
Peng-ming Zhang, Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu: Knots in the non-abelian Chern-Simons theory, Modern Physics Letters A, 19 (2004), 2629. MR2441777

3. Zhang PM, Duan Y, Liu X, Zhong C
Peng-ming Zhang, Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu, Cheng-kui Zhong: Knotlike Mermin-Ho vortices in the superfluid ³He-A, Annals of Physics, 313 (2004), 16. MR2079809

4. Duan Y, Liu X, Zhang PM
Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu, Peng-ming Zhang: Mermin-Ho vortices and monopoles in three-component spinor BEC, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and General, 36 (2003), 563. MR2482741

5. Duan Y, Liu X, Zhang PM
Yi-shi Duan, Xin Liu, Peng-ming Zhang: Decomposition theory of the U(1) gauge potential and the London assumption in topological quantum mechanics, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 14 (2002), 7941.

Number of matches: 5