


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = van der Heijden GHM

1. Phillips DG, Tran CD, Fraser WB, van der Heijden GHM
D G Phillips, Canh-Dung Tran, W B Fraser and G H M van der Heijden: Torsional properties of staple fibre plied yarns, the Journal of Textile Institute, 101 (2010), no. 7, 595–612.

2. Fraser WB, van der Heijden GHM
W B Fraser and G H M van der Heijden: On the theory of localised snarling instabilities in false-twist yarn processes, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 61 (2008), 81–95.

3. van der Heijden GHM, Fraser WB
G H M van der Heijden and W B Fraser: Geometrically non-linear vibrations of structure, Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium 483, Euromech Colloquium 483, - (ed.), Euromech, DEMEGI-FEUP, Portugal, (2007), 221–224. ISBN 978-989-95208-2-0.

4. Fraser WB, van der Heijden GHM
W B Fraser and G H M van der Heijden: Brief Notes, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 70 (2003), 771–774.

Number of matches: 4