


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Adler FR

1. Lee J, Adler FR, Kim PS
Junehyuk Lee, Frederick R. Adler and Peter S. Kim: A mathematical model for the macrophage response to respiratory viral infection in normal and asthmatic conditions, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 79 (2017), no. 9, 1979–1998.

2. Koop JAH, Kim PS, Knutie SA, Adler FR, Clayton DH
J.A.H. Koop, P.S. Kim, S.A. Knutie, F. Adler, and D.H. Clayton: An introduced parasitic fly may lead to local extinction of Darwin’s finch populations, Journal of Applied Ecology, 53 (2016), no. 2, 511–518.

3. Adler FR, Kim PS
Frederick R Adler, Peter S Kim: Models of contrasting strategies of rhinovirus immune manipulation, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 327 (2013), no. 21, 1–10.

Number of matches: 3