


Publication Search Results

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1. Liu CX, Alexander TJ, Altmann EG
Cathy Xuanchi Liu, Tristram J Alexander, Eduardo G Altmann: A generative model for non-assortative communities in directed networks, Journal of Complex Networks, 13 (2025), no. 1, cnae048 (16 pages).

2. Liu CX, Alexander TJ, Altmann EG
Cathy Xuanchi Liu, Tristram J Alexander and Eduardo G Altmann: Nonassortative relationships between groups of nodes are typical in complex networks, PNAS Nexus, 2 (2023), no. 11, pgad364 (7 pages).

3. Rafat MZ, Dullin HR, Kuhlmey BT, Tuniz A, Luo H, Roy D, Skinner S, Alexander TJ, Wheatland MS, de Sterke CM
M Z Rafat, Holger R Dullin, Boris T Kuhlmey, Alessandro Tuniz, Haoyuan Luo, Dibyendu Roy, Sean Skinner, Tristram J Alexander, Michael S Wheatland and C Martijn de Sterke: Self-Stabilization of Light Sails by Damped Internal Degrees of Freedom, Physical Review Applied, 17 (2022), no. 2, Article 024016.

4. Bednarek M, Ross AS, Boichak O, Doran YJ, Carr G, Altmann EG, Alexander TJ
Monika Bednarek, Andrew S Ross, Olga Boichak, Y J Doran, Georgia Carr, Eduardo G Altmann, Tristram J Alexander: Winning the discursive struggle? The impact of a significantenvironmental crisis event on dominant climate discourses on Twitter, Discourse, Context & Media, 45 (Open Access) (2022), 100456 (13 pages).

5. Chen HH, Alexander TJ, Oliveira DFM, Altmann EG
Hongjia H Chen, Tristram J Alexander, Diego F M Oliveira and Eduardo G Altmann: Scaling laws and dynamics of hashtags on Twitter, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 30 (2020), no. 6, Art. 063112.

Number of matches: 5