


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Antony N
Noelle Antony: On parabolic submonoids of a class of singular Artin monoids, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 82 (2007), no. 1, 29–37. MR2301969

2. Antony N
Noelle Antony: The natural embedding of positive singular Artin monoids, Communications in Algebra, 34 (2006), no. 9, 3329–3346. MR2252676

3. Antony N
Noelle Antony: On Parabolic Submonoids of Singular Artin Monoids, (2005), preprint.

4. Antony N
Noelle Antony: On Singular Artin Monoids and Contributions to Birman's Conjecture, Communications in Algebra, 33 (2005), 4043–4056. MR2183979

5. Antony N
Noelle Antony: Positive singular Artin monoids inject into their singular Artin monoids, (2004), preprint.

6. Antony N
Noelle Antony: On the injectivity of the Vassiliev homomorphism of singular Artin monoids, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 70 (2004), 401–422. MR2103972

7. Antony N, Coleman CE, Easdown D
Noelle Antony, Clare Coleman and David Easdown: Group presentations for a class of radical rings of matrices, Semigroups, Algorithms, Automata and Languages, Thematic term on Semigroups, Algorithms, Automata and Languages, Gracinda M.S. Gomes, Jean-Eric Pin and Pedro V. Silva (eds.), World Scientific, New Jersey, London, Singapore, Hong Kong, (2002), 293–311. ISBN 981-238-099-X. MR2023792

Number of matches: 7