


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Argyros A

1. Tuniz A, Ireland D, Poladian L, Argyros A, de Sterke CM, Kuhlmey BT
Alessandro Tuniz, Damian Ireland, Leon Poladian, Alexander Argyros, C Martijn de Sterke, and Boris T Kuhlmey: Imaging performance of finite uniaxial metamaterials with large anisotropy, Optics Letters, 39 (2014), no. 11, 3286–3289.

2. Argyros A, Lwin R, Leon-Saval SG, Poulin J, Poladian L, Large MCJ
Alexander Argyros, Richard Lwin, Sergio G. Leon-Saval, Jerome Poulin, Leon Poladian, and Maryanne C. J. Large: Low loss and temperature stable microstructured polymer optical fibers, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 30 (2012), no. 1, 192–197.

3. Poladian L, Straton M, Docherty A, Argyros A
L Poladian, M Straton, A Docherty, and A Argyros: Pure chiral optical fibres, Optics Express, 19 (2011), no. 2, 968–980.

4. Argyros A, Pla J, Ladouceur F, Poladian L
Alexander Argyros, Jarryd Pla, Francois Ladouceur, Leon Poladian: Circular and elliptical birefringence in spun microstructured optical fibers, Optic Express, 17 (2009), no. 18, 15983–15990.

5. Docherty A, Poladian L, Argyros A, Large MCJ, Poulin J, Kashyap R
Andrew Docherty, Leon Poladian, Alexander Argyros, Maryanne C J Large, Jerome Poulin, Raman Kashyap: Increasing the numerical aperture of large-core microstructured Polymer optical fibers using a 'Y'- bridge cladding, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 27 (2009), no. 11, 1610–1616.

6. Argyros A, Leon-Saval SG, Pla J, Docherty A
Alexander Argyros, Sergio Leon-Saval, Jarryd Pla and Andrew Docherty: Antiresonant reflection and inhibited coupling in hollow-core square lattice optical fibres, Optics Express, 16 (2008), no. 8, 5642–5648.

7. van Eijkelenborg MA, Argyros A, Bachmann A, Barton GW, Henry G, Issa NA, Klein KF, Large MCJ, Manos S, Padden WEP, Poladian L, Poisel H, Zhao Y
M.A. van Eijkelenborg, A. Argyros, A. Bachmann, G. Barton, G. Henry, N.A. Issa, K.F. Klein, M.C.J. Large, S. Manos, W. Padden, L. Poladian, H. Poisel, Y. Zhao: Applications of microstructured polymer optical fibres, CLEO-IQEC-Phast Technical Digest, Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics and International Quantum Electronics Conference, Optical Society of America, (2004), CThX1. ISBN 1-55752-770-9. MR2165652

8. van Eijkelenborg MA, Argyros A, Bachmann A, Barton GW, Large MCJ, Henry G, Issa NA, Klein KF, Poisel H, Pok W, Poladian L, Manos S, Zagari J
M. A. van Eijkelenborg, A. Argyros, A. Bachmann, G. Barton, M.C.J. Large, G. Henry, N.A. Issa, K.F. Klein, H. Poisel, W. Pok, L. Poladian, S. Manos and J. Zagari: Bandwidth and loss measurements of graded-index microstructured polymer optical fibre, Electronics Letters, 40 (2004), 592–593.

9. Zagari J, Argyros A, Issa NA, Barton GW, Henry GW, Large MCJ, Poladian L, van Eijkelenborg MA
J. Zagari, A. Argyros, N. A. Issa, G. Barton, G. Henry, M.C.J. Large, L. Poladian, M.A. van Eijkelenborg: Small-core single-mode microstructured polymer optical fiber with large external diameter, Optics Letters, 29 (2004), 818–820.

Number of matches: 9