


Publication Search Results

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1. Wong SYK, Chan JSK, Azizi L
Steven Y K Wong, Jennifer S K Chan, Lamiae Azizi: Quantifying neural network uncertainty under volatility clustering, Neurocomputing, 614 (2025), Article 128816 (14 pages).

2. Cheema P, Alamdari MM, Vio G, Azizi L, Luo S
P Cheema, M Makki Alamdari, G. Vio, L Azizi, S Luo: On the use of matrix profiles and optimal transport theory for multivariate time series anomaly detection within structural health monitoring, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 204 (2023), no. December 2023, Article number 110797.

3. Yu W, Wade S, Bondell HD, Azizi L
Weichang Yu, Sara Wade, Howard D. Bondell & Lamiae Azizi: Nonstationary Gaussian Process Discriminant Analysis With Variable Selection for High-Dimensional Functional Data, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 32 (2023), no. 2, 588–600.

4. Wong SYK, Chan JSK, Azizi L, Xu RYD
Steven Y K Wong, Jennifer S K Chan, Lamiae Azizi, Richard Y D Xu: Supervised temporal autoencoder for stock return time-series forecasting, Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2021, IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2021, W K Chan, B Claycomb, H Takakura, J Yang, Y Teranishi, D Towey, S Segura, H Shahria, S Reisman, S I Ahamed (eds.), IEEE, USA, (2021), 1735–1741. ISBN 978-166542463-9.

5. Hyland CC, Tao Y, Azizi L, Gerlach M, Peixoto TP, Altmann EG
Charles C Hyland, Yuanming Tao, Lamiae Azizi, Martin Gerlach, Tiago P Peixoto, and Eduardo G Altmann: Multilayer networks for text analysis with multiple data types, EPJ Data Science, 10 (2021), no. 1 (Open Access), Article no. 33 (16 pages).

6. James N, Menzies M, Azizi L, Chan JSK
Nick James, Max Menzies, Lamiae Azizi, Jennifer Chan: Novel semi-metrics for multivariate change point analysis and anomaly detection, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 412 (2020), no. November 2020, 15 pages art. no. 132636..

7. Yu W, Azizi L, Ormerod JT
Weichang Yu, Lamiae Azizi and John Ormerod: Variational nonparametric discriminant analysis, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 142 (2020), 106817 (16 pages).

8. Wharrie S, Azizi L, Altmann EG
Sophie Wharrie, Lamiae Azizi and Eduardo G Altmann: Micro-, meso-, macroscales: The effect of triangles on communities in networks, Physical Review E, 100 (2019), no. 2, Art. 022315 (8 pages).

9. Bell KJL, Azizi L, Nilsson PM, Hayen A, Irwig L, Ostgren CJ, Sundrom J
Katy J L Bell, Lamiae Azizi, Peter M Nilsson, Andrew Hayen, Les Irwig, Carl J Ostgren, Johan Sundrom: Prognostic impact of systolic blood pressure variability in people with diabetes, PLOS One, 13 (2018), no. 4, 11 pages; art. e0194084.

10. Chandra R, Azizi L, Cripps S
Rohitash Chandra, Lamiae Azizi and Sally Cripps: Bayesian Neural Learning via Langevin Dynamics for Chaotic Time Series Prediction, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10638 (2017), 564–573.

11. Copp T, Mccaffery K, Azizi L, Doust J, Mol BWJ, Jansen J
T Copp, K Mccaffery, L Azizi, J Doust, BWJ Mol, J Jansen: Influence of the disease label polycystic ovary syndrome' on intention to have an ultrasound and psychosocial outcomes: A randomised online study in young women, Human Reproduction, 32 (2017), no. 4, 876–884.

Number of matches: 11