


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Brown TC

1. Brown TC, Ivanoff BG, Weber NC
Brown TC, Ivanoff BG, Weber NC: Poisson convergence in two dimensions with application to row and column exchangeable arrays, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 23 (1986), 307–318. 88d:60142

2. Brown TC, Cartwright DI, Eagleson GK
Brown TC, Cartwright DI, Eagleson GK: Correlations and characterizations of the uniform distribution, The Australian Journal of Statistics, 28 (1986), 89–96. 87i:62032

3. Brown TC, Cartwright DI, Eagleson GK
Brown TC, Cartwright DI, Eagleson GK: Characterizations of invariant distributions, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 97 (1985), 349–355. 86i:60023

Number of matches: 3