


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Cartwright DI, Koziarz V, Yeung SK
Donald I Cartwright, Vincent Koziarz and Sai-Kee Yeung: On the Cartwright-Steger Surface, Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 26 (2017), 655–689.

2. Cartwright DI, Steger TM
Donald I Cartwright and Tim Steger: Enumeration of the 50 fake projective planes, Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 348 (2010), 11–13. MR2586735

3. Cartwright DI, Woess W
Donald Cartwright and Wolfgang Woess: The spectrum of the averaging operator on a network (metric graph), Illinois journal of mathematics, 51 (2007), no. 3, 805–830. MR2379723

4. Cartwright DI, Krön B
Donald I Cartwright, Bernhard Krön: On Stallings' unique factorisation groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 73 (2006), no. 1, 27–36. MR2206560

5. Cartwright DI, Woess W
Donald I Cartwright, Wolfgang Woess: Isotropic random walks in a building of type \(\tilde A_d\), Mathematische Zeitschrift, 247 (2004), 101–135. MR2054522

6. Cartwright DI, Kuhn G
Donald I. Cartwright, Gabriella Kuhn: Restricting cuspidal representations of the group of automorphisms of a homogeneous tree, Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana. Sezione B, 8 (2003), no. 6-B, 353–379. 2004e:20044

7. Cartwright DI, Solé P, Zuk A
Donald I. Cartwright, Patrick Solé and Andrzej Zuk: Ramanujan geometries of type \({\tilde A}_n\), Discrete Mathematics, 269 (2003), 35–43. 2004e:05113

8. Cartwright DI, Kupka J
Donald I Cartwright, Joseph Kupka: When factorial quotients are integers, Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 29 (2002), no. 1, 19–29. 2003g:11019

9. Cartwright DI, Steger TM
Donald I Cartwright, Tim Steger: Elementary symmetric polynomials in numbers of modulus 1, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 54 (2002), 239–262. 2003h:05188

10. Cartwright DI, Kuhn G, Soardi PM
Donald Cartwright, Gabriella Kuhn, Paolo M Soardi: A product formula for spherical representations of a group of automorphisms of a homogeneous tree, I, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 353 (2001), 349–364. 2001b:20042

11. Cartwright DI
Cartwright Donald I: Spherical harmonic analysis on buildings of type \(A_n\), Monatshefte für Mathematik, 133 (2001), 93–109. 2002h:20042

12. Cartwright DI, Kuhn G
Donald I Cartwright, Gabriella Kuhn: A product formula for spherical representations of a group of automorphisms of a homogeneous tree, II, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 353 (2001), 2073–2090. 2002b:20034

13. Cartwright DI
Donald I Cartwright: Harmonic functions on buildings of type \(A_n\), Random walks and discrete potential theory, Random Walks and Discrete Potential Theory, Massimo Picardello, Wolfgang Woess (eds.), Symposia Mathematica Volume, 39 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, (1999), 104–138. ISBN 0 521 77312 1. 2002b:31010

14. Cartwright DI, Steger TM
Donald I Cartwright and Tim Steger: A family of \(A_n\)-groups, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 103 (1998), 125–140. 99e:20040

15. Cartwright DI, Steger TM
Donald I Cartwright and Tim Steger: Application of the Bruhat-Tits tree of \(\mathrm{SU}_3(h)\) to some \(\tilde A_2\) groups, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series A), 64 (1998), no. 3, 329–344. 99i:11026

16. Cartwright DI
Donald I. Cartwright: A brief introduction to buildings, Harmonic functions on trees and buildings, Workshop on Harmonic Functions on Graphs, Adam Kor´nyi (ed.), Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, (1997), 45–77. ISBN 0-8218-0605-X. 98k:51026

17. Cartwright DI, Shapiro M
Donald I. Cartwright and Michael Shapiro: Hyperbolic buildings, affine buildings, and automatic groups, Michigan Mathematical Journal, 42 (1995), 511–523. 96k:20071

18. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: Groups acting simply transitively on the vertices of a building of type \({\tilde A}_n\), Groups of Lie Type and their geometries, Groups of Lie type and their geometries, Kantor WM, Di Martino L (eds.), London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 207 Cambridge University Press, (1995), 43–76. MR1320514

19. Cartwright DI, Kaimanovich VA, Woess W
Cartwright DI, Kaimanovich VA, Woess W: Random walks on the affine group of local fields and homogeneous trees, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 44 (1994), 1243–1288. MR1306556

20. Cartwright DI, Młotkowski W
Cartwright DI, Młotkowski W: Harmonic analysis for groups acting on triangle buildings, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. A, 56 (1994), 345–383. MR1271526

21. Cartwright DI, Młotkowski W, Steger TM
Cartwright DI, Młotkowski W, Steger T: Property \((\mathrm{T})\) and \(\tilde A_2\)-groups, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 44 (1994), 213–248. MR1262886

22. Cartwright DI, Mantero AM, Steger TM, Zappa A
Cartwright DI, Mantero AM, Steger T, Zappa A: Groups acting simply transitively on the vertices of a building of type \({\tilde A}_2\) II: the cases \(q=2\) and \(q=3\), Geometriæ Dedicata, 47 (1993), 167–226. 95b:20054

23. Cartwright DI, Mantero AM, Steger TM, Zappa A
Cartwright DI, Mantero AM, Steger T, Zappa A: Groups acting simply transitively on the vertices of a building of type \({\tilde A}_2\) I, Geometriæ Dedicata, 47 (1993), 143–166. 95b:20053

24. Cartwright DI, Soardi PM, Woess W
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM, Woess W: Martin and end compactifications of non locally finite graphs, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 338 (1993), 679–693. 93j:60096

25. Cartwright DI, Woess W
Cartwright DI, Woess W: Infinite graphs with nonconstant Dirichlet finite harmonic functions, SIAM Journal for Discrete Mathematics, 5 (1992), no. 3, 380–385. 94a:31005

26. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: Singularities of the Green function of a random walk on a discrete group, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 113 (1992), 183–188. 93e:60137

27. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: Local limit theorems on discrete groups, Harmonic Analysis and Probability, University of New South Wales, July 1991, (1991),

28. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: Groups acting on triangle buildings, Harmonic Analysis and Discrete Potential Theory, Frascati, Italy, June 1991, (1991),

29. Cartwright DI, Sawyer S
Cartwright DI, Sawyer S: The Martin boundary for general isotropic random walks on a tree, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 4 (1991), 111–136. 92f:60131

30. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: On the asymptotic behaviour of convolution powers of probabilities on discrete groups, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 107 (1989), 287–290. 91a:60024

31. Cartwright DI, Soardi PM
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM: Convergence to ends for random walks on the automorphism group of a tree, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 107 (1989), 817–823. 90f:60137

32. Cartwright DI, Kucharski K
Cartwright DI, Kucharski K: Jackson's theorem for compact connected Lie groups, Journal of Approximation Theory, 55 (1988), 352–359. 89j:43008

33. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: Random walks on direct sums of discrete groups, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 1 (1988), 341–356. 89j:60013

34. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: Some examples of random walks of free products on discrete groups, Annali Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta, 106 (1988), 1–15. MR0964500

35. Cartwright DI, Soardi PM
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM: A local limit theorem for random walks on the cartesian product of discrete groups, Unione Matematica Italiana. Bollettino. A. Serie VII, 1--A (1987), 107–115. 89a:60159

36. Cartwright DI, Soardi PM
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM: Random walks on free products, quotients and amalgams, Nagoya Mathematics Journal, 102 (1986), 163–180. 88i:60120a

37. Cartwright DI, Soardi PM
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM: Harmonic analysis on the free product of two cyclic groups, Journal of Functional Analysis, 65 (1986), 147–171. 87m:22015

38. Brown TC, Cartwright DI, Eagleson GK
Brown TC, Cartwright DI, Eagleson GK: Correlations and characterizations of the uniform distribution, The Australian Journal of Statistics, 28 (1986), 89–96. 87i:62032

39. Barbour AD, Cartwright DI, Donnelly JB, Eagleson GK
Barbour AD, Cartwright DI, Donnelly JB, Eagleson GK: A new rank test for the \(k\)-sample problem, Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, 14 (1985), 1471–1484.

40. Brown TC, Cartwright DI, Eagleson GK
Brown TC, Cartwright DI, Eagleson GK: Characterizations of invariant distributions, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 97 (1985), 349–355. 86i:60023

41. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: Lebesgue constants for Jacobi series, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 87 (1983), 427–433. 84b:42019

42. Cartwright DI, Soardi PM
Cartwright DI, Soardi PM: Best conditions for the norm convergence of Fourier series, Journal of Approximation Theory, 38 (1983), 344–353. 85a:42017

43. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: \(L_p\)-norms of characters on the exceptional compact Lie groups, Unione Matematica Italiana. Bollettino. A. Serie VI, 2 (1983), 339–351. 84i:22014

44. Cartwright DI, McMullen JR
Cartwright DI, McMullen JR: A generalized universal complexification for compact groups, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 331 (1982), 1–15. 84d:22009

45. Cartwright DI, McMullen JR
Cartwright DI, McMullen JR: A structural criterion for the existence of infinite Sidon sets, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 96 (1981), 301–317. 83c:43009

46. Cartwright DI, Howlett RB, McMullen JR
Cartwright DI, Howlett RB, McMullen JR: Extreme values for the Sidon constant, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 81 (1981), 531–537. 82c:43005

47. Cartwright DI, Field MJ
Cartwright DI, Field MJ: A refinement of the arithmetic mean--geometric mean inequality, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 71 (1978), no. 1, 36–38. 57:16516

48. Cartwright DI, McMullen JR
Cartwright DI, McMullen JR: A note on the fractional calculus, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II, 21 (1978/79), 79–80. 57:16488

49. Cartwright DI, Lotz HP
Cartwright DI, Lotz HP: Disjunkte Folgen in Banachverbänden und Kegel-absolut-summierende Operatoren, Archiv der Mathematik (Basel), 28 (1977), 525–532. 58:2442

50. Cartwright DI, Lotz HP
Cartwright DI, Lotz HP: Some characterizations of \(AM\)- and \(AL\)-spaces, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 142 (1975), 97–103. 52:3912

51. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: Extensions of positive operators between Banach lattices, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., 3 (1975), no. 164, iv + 48. 52:3913

52. Cartwright DI
Cartwright DI: The order completeness of some spaces of vector-valued functions, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 11 (1974), 57–61. 50:14207

Number of matches: 52