


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Chaichian M, Tureanu A, Zhang RB
M Chaichian, A Tureanu and R B Zhang: Extended Poincaré supersymmetry in three dimensions and supersymmetric anyons, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 53 (2012), no. 7, 072302 (8 pages).

2. Chaichian M, Tureanu A, Zhang RB, Zhang X
M Chaichian, A Tureanu, R B Zhang and Xiao Zhang: Riemannian geometry of noncommutative surfaces, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49 (2008), no. 7, 073511–1 (26 pp).

3. Chaichian M, Kulish PP, Tureanu A, Zhang RB, Zhang X
M Chaichian, P P Kulish, A Tureanu, R B Zhang and Xiao Zhang: Noncommutative fields and actions of twisted Poincaré algebra, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 49 (2008), no. 4, 16 pp. MR2390766

Number of matches: 3