


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Chan MH

1. Bouin E, Chan MH, Henderson C, Kim PS
Emeric Bouin, Matthew H. Chan, Christopher Henderson, Peter S. Kim: Influence of a mortality trade-off on the spreading rate of cane toads fronts, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 43 (2018), no. 11, 1627–1671.

2. Chan MH, Kim PS, Marangell R
Matthew H Chan, Peter S Kim, Robert Marangell: Stability of travelling waves in a Wolbachia invasion, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 23 (2018), no. 2, 609–628.

3. Chan MH, Hawkes K, Kim PS
M. H. Chan, K. Hawkes and P. S. Kim: Modelling the evolution of traits in a two-sex population, with an application to grandmothering, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 79 (2017), no. 9, 2132–2148.

4. Loo SL, Chan MH, Hawkes K, Kim PS
Sara L Loo, Matthew H Chan, Kristen Hawkes and Peter S Kim: Further Mathematical Modelling of Mating Sex Ratios & Male Strategies with Special Relevance to Human Life History, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 79 (2017), no. 8, 1907–1922.

5. Hall CL, Mason MS, Psaltis S, Chan MH, Conway E, Foy B, Mirnaziry SR, Rose D, Taylor S, Tomczyk J
Cameron L. Hall, Matthew S. Mason, Steven Psaltis, Matthew Chan, Eamon Conway, Brody Foy, Sayyed R. Mirnaziry, Danya Rose, Stephen Taylor and Jakub Tomczyk: Structural modelling of deformable screens for large door openings, ANZIAM Journal, Volume 57 (2016), no. 57, M55–M114.

6. Chan MH, Hawkes K, Kim PS
M.H. Chan, K. Hawkes, P.S. Kim: Evolution of longevity, age at last birth and sexual conflict with grandmothering, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 393 (2016), 145–157.

7. Chan MH, Shine R, Brown GP, Kim PS
Matthew H. Chan, Richard Shine, Gregory P.Brown and Peter S. Kim: Mathematical modelling of spatial sorting and evolution in a host-parasite system, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 380 (2015), 530–541.

8. Chan MH, Kim PS
M.H.T. Chan and P.S. Kim: Modelling the impact of marine reserves on a population with depensatory dynamics, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 76 (2014), no. 9, 2122–2143.

9. Chan MH, Kim PS
Matthew H. Chan and Peter S. Kim: Modelling the Impact of Marine Reserves on a Population with Depensatory Dynamics, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 76 (2014), 2122–2143.

10. Chan MH, Kim PS
M.H.T. Chan and P.S. Kim: An age-structured approach to modelling behavioural variation maintained by life-history trade-offs, PLoS One, 9 (2014), no. 1, e84774.

11. Chan MH, Kim PS
Matthew H T Chan and Peter S Kim: Modelling a Wolbachia Invasion Using a Slow--Fast Dispersal Reaction--Diffusion Approach, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75 (2013), no. 9, 1501–1523.

Number of matches: 11