


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Cox CD

1. Janbandhu V, Tallapragada V, Li JV, Shewale B, Ghazanfar S, Patrick R, Cox CD, Harvey RP
Vaibhao Janbandhu, Vikram Tallapragada, Jinyuan Vero Li, Bharti Shewale, Shila Ghazanfar, Ralph Patrick, Charles D Cox , Richard P Harvey: Novel Mouse Model for Selective Tagging, Purification, and Manipulation of Cardiac Myofibroblasts, Circulation, 149 (2024), no. 24, 1931–1934.

2. Kuchel PW, Cox CD, Daners D, Shishmarev D, Galvosas P
Philip W. Kuchel, Charles D. Cox, Daniel Daners, Dmitry Shishmarev and Petrik Galvosas: Surface model of the human red blood cell simulating changes in membrane curvature under strain, Scientific Reports, 11 (2021), no. 13712, 1–18.

Number of matches: 2