


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Degli Esposti M

1. Cristadoro G, Degli Esposti M, Altmann EG
Giampaolo Cristadoro, Mirko Degli Esposti & Eduardo G Altmann: The common origin of symmetry and structure in genetic sequences, Scientific Reports, 8 (2018), Article 15817.

2. Degli Esposti M (ed.), Altmann EG (ed.), Pachet F (ed.)
Several authors: Creativity and Universality in Language, Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis, M. Degli Esposti, E. G. Altmann, F. Pachet (eds.), Springer, Berlin, Germany, (2016), xii+208pp. ISBN 978-3-319-24401-3.

Number of matches: 2