


Publication Search Results

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1. Dimca A, Paunescu L, Suciu AI
Alexandru Dimca, Laurențiu Păunescu, Alexander I Suciu: Papadima Volume, European Journal of Mathematics, 6 (2020), no. 3, 619–623.

2. Dimca A, Lehrer GI
Alexandru Dimca and Gus Lehrer: Hodge numbers, rational points and discriminant varieties, Configuration Spaces: Geometry, Combinatorics and Topology, Configuration Spaces: Geometry, Combinatorics and Topology, A. Björner, F. Cohen, C. De Concini, C. Procesi and M. Salvetti (eds.), Publications of the Centro di Ricerca Matematica 'Ennio De Giorgi', Springer, Pisa, (2012), 231–254. ISBN 9788876424304.

3. Dimca A, Paunescu L
Alexandru Dimca and Laurentiu Paunescu: On the connectivity of complex affine hypersurfaces, II, Topology, 39 (2000), no. 5, 1035–1043. 2001h:32043

4. Dimca A, Paunescu L
A Dimca and L Paunescu: Real singularities and dihedral representations, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Singularities and Topology, Workshop on real and complex singularities, Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas (ed.), Matematica contemporana, Sociedade Brasileira De Matematica, Brasil, (1997), 67–82. 99g:14070

5. Dimca A, Lehrer GI
A Dimca and G I Lehrer: Purity and equivariant weight polynomials, Algebraic Groups and Lie Groups, Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series, 9 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., (1997), 161–181. ISBN 0 521 58532 5. 99h:14023

6. Dimca A, Hillman JA, Paunescu L
A.Dimca, J.A.Hillman, L.Paunescu: On hypersurfaces in real projective spaces, Far Eastern Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 5 (1997), 159–168. 97k:57035

7. Dimca A
Dimca A: Residues and cohomology of complete intersections, Duke Mathematical Journal, 78 (1995), 89–100. 96e:14057

8. Choudary ADR, Dimca A
Choudary ADR, Dimca A: Complex hypersurfaces diffeomorphic to affine spaces, Kodai Mathematical Journal, 17 (1994), 171–178. 95f:14084

9. Choudary ADR, Dimca A
Choudary ADR, Dimca A: Koszul complexes and hypersurface singularities, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 121 (1994), 1009–1016. 94j:13017

10. Dimca A, Saito M
Dimca A, Saito M: On the cohomology of a general fiber of a polynomial map, Compositio Mathematica, 85 (1993), 299–309. 94b:32060

11. Dimca A
Dimca A: Singularities and Topology of Hypersurfaces, Universitext, Springer-Verlag, (1992), MR1194180

12. Dimca A
Dimca A: Differential forms and hypersurface singularities, Singularity Theory and its Applications, Mon D, Montaldi J eds (eds.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1462 Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, (1991), 122–153. MR1129028

13. Dimca A
Dimca A: On the de Rham cohomology of a hypersurface complement, American Journal of Mathematics, 113 (1991), 763–771. 93c:14021

14. Deligne P, Dimca A
Deligne P, Dimca A: Filtrations de Hodge et par l'ordre du \(p\) le pour les hypersurfaces singulières, Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série, 23 (1990), MR1072821

15. Dimca A
Dimca A: Betti numbers of hypersurfaces and defects of linear systems, Duke Mathematical Journal, 60 (1990), 285–298. 91f:14041

16. Dimca A, Choudary ADR
Dimca A, Choudary ADR: Singular complex surfaces in \(\P^3\) having the same \(\Z\)-homology and \(\Q\)-homotopy type as \(\P^3\), The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 22 (1990), 145–147. 91e:14017

17. Dimca A
Dimca A: On analytic abelian coverings, Mathematische Annalen, 279 (1988), 501–515. 89c:32020

18. Dimca A
Dimca A: Topics on Real and Complex Singularities, Vieweg Advanced Lectures in Mathematics, Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, Braunscheig, (1987), MR1013785

19. Dimca A, Choudary ADR
Dimca A, Choudary ADR: Hypersurface singularities, codimension two complete intersections and tangency sets, Geometriæ Dedicata, 24 (1987), 255–260. MR0914821

20. Dimca A, Tibar M
Dimca A, Tibar M: Pull-backs of isolated singularities under analytic coverings, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 32 (1987), 523–530. 88k:32021

21. Dimca A, Choudary ADR
Dimca A, Choudary ADR: On the dual and hessian mappings of projective hypersurfaces, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 101 (1987), 461–468. 88d:14021

22. Dimca A
Dimca A: Milnor numbers and multiplicities of dual varieties, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 31 (1986), 535–538. 87k:14002

23. Dimca A
Dimca A: Singularities and coverings of weighted complete intersections, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 366 (1986), 184–193. 87g:14056

24. Dimca A
Dimca A: On the homology and cohomology of complete intersections with isolated singularities, Compositio Mathematica, 58 (1986), 321–339. 87m:14022

25. Dimca A
Dimca A: Monodromy and Betti numbers of weighted complete intersections, Topology, 24 (1985), 369–374. 87h:14003

26. Dimca A, Dimiev
Dimca A, Dimiev: On analytic coverings of weighted projective spaces, The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 17 (1985), 234–238. 87b:32015

27. Dimca A, Gibson CG
Dimca A, Gibson CG: Classification of equidimensional contact unimodular map germs, Mathematica Scandinavica, 56 (1985), 15–28. 87a:58027

28. Dimca A
Dimca A: On isolated singularities of complete intersections, Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series, 31 (1985), 401–406. 87d:14003

29. Dimca A
Dimca A: Monodromy of functions defined on isolated singularities of complete intersections, Compositio Mathematica, 54 (1985), 105–119. 87a:32008

30. Dimca A, Rosian R
Dimca A, Rosian R: The Samuel stratification of the discriminant is Whitney regular, Geometriæ Dedicata, 17 (1984), 181–184. MR0771194

31. Dimca A
Dimca A: Sur les singularités isolées d'intersections complètes, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique, 299 (1984), 21–24. 85f:32037

32. Dimca A
Dimca A: Are the isolated singularities of complete intersections determined by their singular subspaces?, Mathematische Annalen, 267 (1984), 461–472. 85k:32023

33. Dimca A
Dimca A: Function germs defined on isolated hypersurfaces singularities, Compositio Mathematica, 53 (1984), 245–258. 86a:32027

34. Dimca A
Dimca A: Germes des fonctiones definis sur des singularités isolées d'hypersurfaces, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique, 297 (1983), 117–120. 84j:32013

35. Dimca A, Gibson CG
Dimca A, Gibson CG: On the unfolding of the first contact unimodular family of plane to plane map germs, The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford. Second Series, 34 (1983), 297–304. 85e:58021b

36. Dimca A, Gibson CG
Dimca A, Gibson CG: Contact unimodular germs from the plane to the plane, The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford. Second Series, 34 (1983), 281–295. 85e:58021a

37. Dimca A, Gibson CG
Dimca A, Gibson CG: On contact germs of the plane, Proc. Symp. Pure Math., 40 American Mathematical Society, (1983), 277–282.

38. Dimca A
Dimca A: A geometric approach to the classification of pencils of quadrics, Geometriæ Dedicata, 14 (1983), 105–111. MR0708627

39. Dimca A
Dimca A: Tangencies of generic real projective hypersurfaces, Mathematica Scandinavica, 53 (1983), 216–220. 85m:58028

40. Dimca A, Dimca G
Dimca A, Dimca G: Two applications of the Thom polynomials, Annals University Timisoara, 20 (1982), 3–6. MR0696975

41. Dimca A
Dimca A: On the Boardman symbol of a map germ, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 25 (1980), 203–208. 81i:58014

42. Dimca A
Dimca A: Two remarks on transversality, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 24 (1979), 1433–1435. 81f:57032

43. Dimca A
Dimca A: Morse functions and stable mappings, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 24 (1979), 1293–1297. 81c:58016

44. Dimca A
Dimca A: On the algebraic structures and the automorphism groups of the nonsingular projective hypersurfaces, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 24 (1979), 545–548. 81h:14008

45. Dimca A
Dimca A: Topologia intersectiilor complete II, Studii şi Cercetări Matematice. Mathematical Reports, 29 (1977), 3–15. MR0447267

46. Dimca A
Dimca A: Topologia intersectiilor complete I, Studii şi Cercetări Matematice. Mathematical Reports, 28 (1976), 635–643. MR0429931

Number of matches: 46