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1. Duignan N, Sato N
Nathan Duignan, Naoki Sato: Relating Hamiltonian systems with multiple invariants to generalized Hamiltonian mechanics via multisymplectic geometry, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 211 (2025), Article 105438 (18 pages).

2. Cardona R, Duignan N, Perrella D
Robert Cardona, Nathan Duignan and David Perrella: Asymmetry of MHD Equilibria for Generic Adapted Metrics, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 249 (2025), no. 1, 39 pages.

3. Perrella D, Duignan N, Pfefferie D
David Perrella, Nathan Duignan and David Pfefferie: Existence of global symmetries of divergence-free fields with first integrals, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 64 (2023), no. 5, Article no. 052705 (31 pages).

4. Duignan N, Meiss JD
Nathan Duignan, James D. Meiss: Distinguishing between regular and chaotic orbits of flows by the weighted Birkhoff average, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 449 Open Access (2023), Article 133749 (16 pages).

5. Burby JW, Duignan N, Meiss JD
J W Burby, N Duignan, and J D Meiss: Minimizing separatrix crossings through isoprominence, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 65 (2023), no. 4, Article 045004 (14 pages).

6. Duignan N, Dullin HR
Nathan Duignan and Holger R Dullin: On the C 8/3-regularisation of simultaneous binary collisions in the planar four-body problem, Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), no. 7, 4944–4982.

7. Duignan N, Dullin HR
Nathan Duignan and Holger R Dullin: On the C8/3-regularisation of simultaneous binary collisions in the planar four-body problem, Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), no. 7, 4944–4982.

8. Duignan N, Moeckel R, Montgomery R, Yu G
Nathan Duignan, Richard Moeckel, Richard Montgomery & Guowei Yu: Chazy-Type Asymptotics and Hyperbolic Scattering for the n-Body Problem, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 238 (2020), 255–297.

9. Duignan N, Dullin HR
Nathan Duignan and Holger R Dullin: Regularisation for Planar vector fields, Nonlinearity, 33 (2020), no. 1, 106–138.

10. Bharadwaj S, Duignan N, Dullin HR, Leung K, Tong W
Sudarsh Bharadwaj, Nathan Duignan, Holger R Dullin, Karen Leung, and William Tong: The diver with a rotor, Indagationes Mathematicae, 27 (2016), no. 5, 1147–1161. MR3573753

Number of matches: 10