


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Stewart S, Oktac A, Easdown D
Sepideh Stewart, Asuman Oktac, David Easdown: Discussion on teaching and learning linear algebra at ICME-15, IMAGE The Bulletin of the International Linear Algebra Society, Fall 2024 (2024), no. 73, 3–5.

2. Easdown D
David Easdown: Reaching out through the MOOC introduction to calculus, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'22), 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances, Josep Domenech (ed.), HEAd, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de Valènci, Valencia, Spain, (2022), 1253–1261. ISBN 978-841396003-6.

3. Shneerson LM, Easdown D
L.M. Shneerson and D. Easdown: On finite presentations of inverse semigroups with zero having polynomial growth, Semigroup Forum, 99 (2019), no. 2, 391–446. MR4026389

4. Easdown D, Papadopoulos G, Zheng CY
David Easdown, George Papadopoulos and Collin Zheng: Summer school versus term-time for fundamental mathematics at the tertiary level, International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 27 (2019), no. 5, 13–26.

5. Easdown D, Roberts B, Corran R
David Easdown, Brad Roberts and Ruth Corran: A novel approach to mathematics examination design and marking, Proceedings of the 11th Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics, Eleventh Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics, Maria Madalena Dullius, Italo Gabriel Neide, Marli Teresinha Quartieri, Marcelo de Carvalho Borba, Amanda Gabriele Rauber, Suzana Helena Strate Bonzanini (eds.), Univates, Lajeado, Brazil, (2018), 32–48. ISBN 978-85-8167-237-3.

6. Easdown D, Gardiner S, McElwee B
David Easdown, Sean Gardiner and Brett McElwee: Maximal subgroups of free idempotent-generated semigroups factored out by biorder relations, (2024), preprint.

7. Alotaibi I, Easdown D
Ibrahim Alotaibi and David Easdown: Exceptional groups of order 243, (2023), preprint.

8. Easdown D, Shneerson L
David Easdown and Lev Shneerson: On identities of Rees quotients of free inverse semigroups defined by positive relators, (2023), preprint.

9. Alotaibi I, Easdown D
Ibrahim Alotaibi and David Easdown: Minimal degrees associated with some wreath products of groups, (2023), preprint.

10. Papadopoulos G, Easdown D
George Papadopoulos and David Easdown: Student perspectives on summer school versus term-time for undergraduate mathematics, (2021), preprint.

11. Easdown D, Papadopoulos G, Zheng C
David Easdown, George Papadopoulos and Collin Zheng: Summer school versus term-time for fundamental mathematics at the tertiary level, (2019), preprint.

12. Shneerson LM, Easdown D
L.M. Shneerson and D. Easdown: On finite presentations of inverse semigroups with zero having polynomial growth, (2019), preprint.

13. Easdown D, Corran R, Roberts B
David Easdown, Ruth Corran and Brad Roberts: A novel approach to mathematics examination design and marking, (2017), preprint.

14. Easdown D, Hendriksen M, Saunders N
David Easdown, Michael Hendriksen and Neil Saunders: Absorption of Direct Factors With Respect to the Minimal Faithful Permutation Degree of a Finite Group, (2016), preprint.

15. Easdown D, Saunders N
David Easdown and Neil Saunders: The Minimal Faithful Permutation Degree for a Direct Product Obeying an Inequality Condition, Communications in Algebra, 44 (2016), no. 8, 3518–3537. MR3492203

16. Easdown D
David Easdown: Prime numbers that avoid the Mersenne property with respect to all other primes, (2015), preprint.

17. Easdown D, Hendriksen M
David Easdown and Michael Hendriksen: Minimal permutation representations of semidirect products of groups, (2015), preprint.

18. Easdown D, Saunders N
David Easdown and Neil Saunders: The Smallest Faithful Permutation Degree for a Direct Product obeying an Inequality Condition, (2014), preprint.

19. Easdown D, Wood LN
David Easdown and Leigh Wood: Novel threshold concepts in the mathematical sciences, Threshold Concepts: from personal practice to communities of practice, Proceedings of the National Academy's Sixth Annual Conference and the Fourth Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference, National Academy's Sixth Annual Conference and the Fourth Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference, Catherine O'Mahony, Avril Buchanan, Mary Rourke and Bettie Higgs (eds.), NAIRTL (Irish National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning), Cork, Ireland, (2014), 44–50. ISBN 978-1-906642-59-4.

20. Easdown D, Shneerson LM
D. Easdown and L.M. Shneerson: Growth of Rees quotients of free inverse semigroups defined by small numbers of relators, (2013), preprint.

21. Easdown D, Shneerson LM
D Easdown and L M Shneerson: Growth of rees quotients of free inverse semigroups defined by small numbers of relators, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 23 (2013), no. 3, 521–545.

22. Easdown D, Wood LN
David Easdown and Leigh Wood: Novel threshold concepts in the mathematical sciences, (2012), preprint.

23. Easdown D
David Easdown: Excursions to and from semantic oblivion, (2011), preprint.

24. Easdown D
David Easdown: Excursions to and from semantic oblivion, Proceedings of Volcanic Delta 2011, Volcanic Delta 2011: The Eighth Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics, John Hannah and Mike Thomas (eds.), University of Canterbury, Christchurch New Zealand, (2011), 78–85. ISBN 978-0-473-20019-0.

25. Easdown D
David Easdown: A First Course in Linear Algebra 3rd Edition, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest New South Wales, (2011), 353. ISBN 978 1442 548251.

26. Shneerson LM, Easdown D
L.M.Shneerson and D. Easdown: Growth of finitely presented Rees quotients of free inverse semigroups, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 21 (2011), 315–328.

27. Shneerson LM, Easdown D
L.M. Shneerson and D. Easdown: Growth of finitely presented Rees quotients of free inverse semigroups, (2010), preprint.

28. Easdown D, Jordan P, Roberts B
David Easdown, Patrick Jordan, Brad Roberts: Biordered sets and fundamental semigroups, Semigroup Forum, 81 (2010), 85–101. MR2672173

29. Easdown D, Sapir MV, Volkov MV
D. Easdown, M.V. Sapir and M.V. Volkov: Periodic elements of the free idempotent generated semigroup on a biordered set, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 20 (2010), no. 2, 189–194. MR2646748

30. Easdown D, Jordan P, Roberts B
David Easdown, Patrick Jordan, Brad Roberts: Biordered sets and fundamental semigroups, (2009), preprint.

31. Easdown D, Ancev T, Bishop T, Mansfield S, Ougrinovskaia A, Saunders N, Warren D
David Easdown, Tiho Ancev, Thomas Bishop, Sarah Mansfield, Anna Ougrinovskaia, Neil Saunders, Di Warren: Learning and teaching in summer: is it better and why?, (2009), preprint.

32. Easdown D
David Easdown: Syntactic and semantic reasoning in mathematics teaching and learning, (2009), preprint.

33. Easdown D, Ancev T, Bishop T, Mansfield S, Ougrinovskaia A, Saunders N, Warren D
David Easdown, Tiho Ancev, Thomas Bishop, Sarah Mansfield, Anna Ougrinovskaia, Neil Saunders, Di Warren: Learning and teaching in summer: is it better and why?, Motivating Science Undergraduates: Ideas and Interventions, Motivating Science Undergraduates: Ideas and Interventions, Alexandra Hugman (ed.), UniServe Science Conference Proceedings, UniServe Science, The University of Sydney, (2009), 24–29. ISBN 978-1-74210-149-1.

34. Easdown D
David Easdown: Syntactic and semantic reasoning in mathematics teaching and learning, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 40 (2009), no. 7, 941–949.

35. Easdown D, Sapir MV, Volkov MV
D. Easdown, M.V. Sapir and M.V. Volkov: Periodic elements of the free idempotent generated semigroup on a biordered set, (2008), preprint.

36. Easdown D
David Easdown: A First Course in Linear Algebra Second Edition, Jill Gillies (ed.), Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest, New South Wales, (2008), 314. ISBN 9780733992834.

37. Easdown D
David Easdown: Graph algebras and automata (book review), Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society, 35 (2008), no. 2, 130–131.

38. Easdown D, East J, FitzGerald DG
David Easdown, James East and D G FitzGerald: A presentation of the dual symmetric inverse monoid, International Journal of Algebra Computation, 18 (2008), no. 2, 357–374. MR2403826

39. Easdown D
David Easdown: The importance of true-false statements in mathematics teaching and learning, (2007), preprint.

40. Easdown D, East J, FitzGerald DG
David Easdown, James East, D.G. FitzGerald: A presentation for the dual symmetric inverse monoid, (2007), preprint.

41. Easdown D
David Easdown: The role of proof in mathematics teaching and the Plateau Principle, (2007), preprint.

42. Easdown D
David Easdown: The role of proof in mathematics teaching and the Plateau Principle, Proceedings of the Assessment in Science Teaching and Learning Symposium, Science Teaching and Learning Research including Threshold Concepts, Alexandra Hugman, Ian Johnston and Mary Peat (eds.), Uniserve Science, Uniserve, Sydney, (2007), 28–33. ISBN 978-1-74210-005-0.

43. Easdown D
David Easdown: A First Course in Linear Algebra, Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW, (2007), 247. ISBN 978 0 7339 9051 9.

44. Easdown D
David Easdown: A new approach to assignments and examinations in mathematics courses, (2006), preprint.

45. Easdown D
David Easdown: Integrating assessment and feedback to overcome barriers to learning at the passive/active interface in mathematics courses, (2006), preprint.

46. Easdown D
David Easdown: Teaching mathematics: the gulf between semantics (meaning) and syntax (form), (2006), preprint.

47. Easdown D
David Easdown: Alleviating obstructions to learning, Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Jarmila Novotna, Hana Moraova, Magdalena Dratka, Nada Stehlikova (eds.), Charles University, Prague, (2006), I–387.

48. Easdown D
David Easdown: A new approach to assignments and examinations in mathematics courses, UniServe Science Assessment Symposium Proceedings, 2006 Symposium Assessment in Science Teaching and Learning, Ian Johnston, Mary Peat (eds.), UniServe Science, University of Sydney, (2006), 165–168. ISBN 1 86487 865 7.

49. Easdown D
David Easdown: Integrating assessment and feedback to overcome barriers to learning at the passive/active interface in mathematics courses, UniServe Science Assessment Symposium Proceedings, 2006 Symposium Assessment in Science Teaching and Learning, Ian Johnston, Mary Peat (eds.), UniServe Science, University of Sydney, (2006), 37–42. ISBN 1 86487 865 7.

50. Easdown D
David Easdown: Teaching matheamatics: the gulf between semantics (meaning) and syntax (form), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics at the Undergraduate Level, 3rd International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics at the Undergraduate Level, Douglas Quinney (ed.), John Wiley and Sons Inc, Istanbul, Turkey, (2006), 1–5. ISBN 0471072709.

51. Easdown D
David Easdown: A recent novel approach to assessment and feedback in mathematics courses, Best Practice in Assessment and Student Feedback: A Forum, Best Practice in Assessment and Student Feedback: A Forum, Barb McLean, Executive Officer (Learning & Teaching), University of Sydney (eds.), University of Sydney, University of Sydney, (2006), 8.

52. Easdown D, East J, FitzGerald DG
D. Easdown, J. East and D. G. FitzGerald: Presentations of factorizable inverse monoids, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged), 71 (2005), 509–520. MR2206594

53. Easdown D, East J, FitzGerald DG
David Easdown, James East and D.G. FitzGerald: Braids and factorizable inverse monoids, Semigroups and Languages, Workshop on Semigroups and Languages, I.M. Araujo, M.J.J. Branco, V.H. Fernandes and G.M.S. Gomes (eds.), World Scientific, New Jersey, London, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, Chennai, (2004), 86–105. ISBN ISBN 981-238-917-2. MR2170755

54. Easdown D, Lavers TG
D. Easdown and T.G. Lavers: The inverse braid monoid, Advances in Mathematics, 186 (2004), 438–455. MR2073914

55. Easdown D, Shneerson LM
D. Easdown and L.M. Shneerson: Principal Rees Quotients of Free Inverse Semigroups, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 45 (2003), 263–267. 2004f:20108

56. Antony N, Coleman CE, Easdown D
Noelle Antony, Clare Coleman and David Easdown: Group presentations for a class of radical rings of matrices, Semigroups, Algorithms, Automata and Languages, Thematic term on Semigroups, Algorithms, Automata and Languages, Gracinda M.S. Gomes, Jean-Eric Pin and Pedro V. Silva (eds.), World Scientific, New Jersey, London, Singapore, Hong Kong, (2002), 293–311. ISBN 981-238-099-X. MR2023792

57. Coleman CE, Easdown D
Coleman Clare, Easdown David: Decomposition of rings under the circle operation, Beitraege zur Algebra und Geometrie, 43 (2002), 55–88. 2003f:16035

58. Coleman CE, Easdown D
Clare Coleman and David Easdown: Complementation in the group of units of a ring, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 62 (2000), no. 2, 183–192. 2001g:16063

59. Easdown D, Gould V
David Easdown and Victoria Gould: Cancellative orders, Semigroup Forum, 55 (1997), 185–195. 98h:20105

60. Easdown D, Gould V
David Easdown, Victoria Gould: Orders in power semigroups, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 38 (1996), 39–47.. 97a:20112

61. Easdown D, Gould V
David Easdown, Victoria Gould: Commutative orders, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 126A (1996), 1201–1216.. 97m:20069

62. Shneerson LM, Easdown D
L.M. Shneerson, D. Easdown: Growth and existence of identities in a class of finitely presented inverse semigroups with zero, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 6 (1996), 105–121. 96m:20093

63. Easdown D, Gould V
David Easdown and Victoria Gould: Commutative Orders, (1996), preprint.

64. Easdown D, Gould V
David Easdown and Victoria Gould: Orders in Power Semigroups, (1996), preprint.

65. Easdown D, Gould V
David Easdown and Victoria Gould: Cancellative Orders, (1996), preprint.

66. Easdown D, Munn WD
D Easdown and W D Munn: Trace Functions on Inverse Semigroup Algebras, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 52 (1995), 359–372. 96k:20133

67. Byleveld S, Easdown D
S Byleveld and D Easdown: The Minimal Faithful Degree of a Finite Commutative Inverse Semigroup, Computational Algebra and Number Theory, Bosma W, van der Poorten A (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, (1995), 19–27. ISBN 07923 3501 5. 96k:20129

68. Easdown D, Munn WD
Easdown D, Munn WD: On semigroups with involution, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 48 (1993), 93–100. 94f:20120

69. Easdown D
Easdown D: Minimal faithful permutation and transformation representations of groups and semigroups, Contemporary Mathematics, 131 (1992), no. 3, 75–84. MR1175873

70. Bruce ID, Easdown D
Bruce ID, Easdown D: The And/Or theorem for perceptrons, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series A), 53 (1992), 1–8. 94g:92003

71. Easdown D
Easdown D: Presentations of symmetric inverse and full transformation semigroups, Algebraic theory of semigroups and applications (Oberwolfach, Germany, July 1991), (1991),

72. Easdown D
Easdown D: Biordered sets: a tool for constructing semigroups, Monoids and Semigroups with Applications, Berkeley Workshop on Monoids, Berkeley, July 31 -- August 5 1989, Rhodes J (ed.), World Scientific Publishing, (1991), MR1232671

73. Easdown D
Easdown D: Biordered sets of rings, Monash Conference on Semigroup Theory in Honour of G.B. Preston, Monash Conference on Semigroups in honour of G.B. Preston, Monash, July 12--14 1990, Hall TE, Jones PK, Meakin JC eds (eds.), World Scientific Publishing, (1991), MR1232671

74. Easdown D
Easdown D: Minimal faithful permutation and transformation representations of groups and semigroups, Proceedings of the Maltsev Algebra Conference, Novosibirsk, USSR, (1989), Maltsev Algebra Conference, Novosibirsk, USSR, August 21--26 1989, (1991), MR1232671

75. Easdown D
Easdown D: The free semigroup on a biordered set, Conference/Workshop on Semigroups, Formal Languages and Applications, Sydney, July 17--20 1990, (1990),

76. Easdown D
Easdown D: The local semilattice of chains of idempotents, Semigroup Forum, (1989),

77. Easdown D
Easdown D: Minimal faithful permutation and transformation representations of groups and semigroups, Proceedings of the International Conference on Algebra in Honour of A.I. Malcev, (1989),

78. Easdown D
Easdown D: Biordered sets : a tool for constructing semigroups, Monoids, Semigroup Theory and Applications, Proceedings to the Berkeley Workshop on Monoids, World Scientific Publishing Company, (1989),

79. Easdown D
Easdown D: Modelling Human Thought Processes, Curtin Gazette, 1 (1988),

80. Easdown D, Praeger CE
Easdown D, Praeger CE: On minimal faithful permutation representations of finite groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 38 (1988), 207–220. 89i:20007

81. Easdown D
Easdown D: Biorder preserving coextensions of fundamental semigroups, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics, 31 (1988), 463–467. MR0969075

82. Easdown D
Easdown D: The minimal faithful degree of a semilattice of groups, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series A), 45 (1988), 341–350. 89j:20073

83. Easdown D
Easdown D: The minimal faithful degree of a fundamental inverse semigroup, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 35 (1987), 373–378. 88g:20142

84. Easdown D
Easdown D: Biordered sets of some interesting classes of semigroups, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Regular Semigroups and Applications, University of Kerala, India, July 1986, (1986),

85. Easdown D
Easdown D: Efficient representations of semigroups, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Regular Semigroups and Applications, (1986),

86. Easdown D
Easdown D: Biordered sets come from semigroups, Journal of Algebra, 96 (1985), 581–591. 87d:06020

87. Easdown D
Easdown D: Biordered sets of eventually regular semigroups, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series, 49 (1984), 483–503. 86a:20076

88. Easdown D
Easdown D: Biordered sets of bands, Semigroup Forum, 29 (1984), 241–246. 86a:20075

89. Easdown D
Easdown D: A new proof that regular biordered sets come from regular semigroups, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics, 96A (1984), 109–116. 85k:20177

90. Easdown D, Hall TE
Easdown D, Hall TE: Reconstructing some idempotent generated semigroups from their biordered sets, Semigroup Forum, 29 (1984), 207–216. 86a:20081

91. Easdown D
Easdown D: Biordered sets are biordered subsets of idempotents of semigroups, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series A), 37 (1984), 258–268. 85i:20067

Number of matches: 91