


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Fukui T, Koike S, Paunescu L
T. Fukui, S. Koike and L. Paunescu: The seventh Japanese-Australian workshop in real and complex singularities, T. Fukui, S. Koike and L. Paunescu (eds.), Romanian Academy, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Revue Romaine Math. Pures Appl. 64, (2019), 393--586.

2. Koike S (ed.), Fukui T (ed.), Paunescu L (ed.), Harris A (ed.), Isaev A (ed.)
Satoshi Koike, Toshizumi Fukui, Laurentiu Paunescu, Adam Harris, Alexander Isaev: Proceedings of the 4th Japanese-Australian Workshop (JARCS4), Proceedings of the 4th Japanese-Australian Workshop (JARCS4), 4th Japanese-Australian Workshop (JARCS4), Satoshi Koike, Toshizumi Fukui, Laurentiu Paunescu, Adam Harris, Alexander Isaev (eds.), JARCS, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, (2014), 203. ISBN 9789814596039.

3. Fukui T, Kurdyka K, Paunescu L
Toshizumi Fukui, Krzysztof Kurdyka and Laurentiu Paunescu: Tame nonsmooth inverse mapping theorems, Siam Journal of Optimization, 20 (2010), no. 3, 1573–1590.

4. Fukui T, Paunescu L
T Fukui and L Paunescu: On blow-analytic equivalence, Arc Spaces and Additive Invariants in Real Algebraic and Analytic Geometry, Panoramas et Syntheses, Societe Mathematique de France, Marseilles, (2008), 87–125. ISBN 2-85629-236-4.

5. Fukui T, Kurdyka K, Paunescu L
T. Fukui, K. Kurdyka and L. Paunescu: On Injectivity of Tame Mappings, The second Japanese-Australian Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, S. Koike, T. Fukui, L. Paunescu and A. Harris (eds.), RIMS Kokyuroku 1610, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, (2008), 29–31.

6. Fukui T, Kurdyka K, Paunescu L
Toshizumi Fukui, Krzysztof Kurdyka, Laurentiu Paunescu: An inverse mapping theorem for ARC-analytic homeomorphisms, Geometric singularity theory, Geometry and Topology of Caustics - Caustics '02, Heisuke Hironaka, Stanislaw Janeczko and Stanislaw Lojasiewicz (eds.), Banach Center Publications, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, Warsaw, (2004), 49–56. MR2104336

7. Paunescu L, Kuo TC, Fukui T
L Paunescu, T C Kuo and T Fukui: Constructing blow-analytic isomorphisms, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 51 (2001), 1071–1087. 2003d:58061

8. Fukui T, Paunescu L
Toshizumi Fukui, Laurentiu Paunescu: Stratification theory from the weighted point of view, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 53 (2001), 73–97. 2002f:32055

9. Fukui T, Paunescu L
Toshizumi Fukui, Laurentiu Paunescu: Modified analytic trivialization for weighted homogeneous function-germs, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 52 (2000), 433–446. 2001a:58060

Number of matches: 9