


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Gordoa PR

1. Gordoa PR, Joshi N, Pickering A
Pilar R. Gordoa, Nalini Joshi, Andrew Pickering: Second and fourth Painlevé hierarchies and Jimbo-Miwa linear problems, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 47 (2006), 073504. MR2250304

2. Gordoa PR, Joshi N, Pickering A
Pilar R Gordoa, Nalini Joshi, Andrew Pickering: Bäcklund transformations for fourth Painlevé hierarchies, Journal of Differential Equations, 217 (2005), 124–153. MR2170530

3. Gordoa PR, Joshi N, Pickering A
P. R. Gordoa, N. Joshi and A. Pickering: A new technique in nonlinear singularity analysis, Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 39 (2003), 435–449. MR2001184

4. Gordoa PR, Joshi N, Pickering A
P R Gordoa, N Joshi and A Pickering: On a generalized \(2+1\) dispersive water wave hierarchy, Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 37 (2001), 327–347.

5. Gordoa PR, Joshi N, Pickering A
Pilar R Gordoa, Nalini Joshi, Andrew Pickering: On a generalized \(2+1\) dispersive water wave hierarchy, Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 37 (2001), 327–347. MR1855426

6. Gordoa PR, Joshi N, Pickering A
P Gordoa, N Joshi and A Pickering: Truncation-type methods and Bäcklund transformations for ordinary differential equations: the third and fifth Painlevé equations, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 43A (2001), 23–32. 2002h:34189

7. Gordoa PR, Joshi N, Pickering A
P Gordoa, N Joshi and A Pickering: Mappings preserving locations of movable poles II: the third and fifth Painlevé equations, Nonlinearity, 14 (2001), 567–582. 2002b:34134

Number of matches: 7