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Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Hall CL

1. Hall CL, Lustri CJ
Cameron L Hall, Christopher J Lustri: Multiple scales and matched asymptotic expansions for the discrete logistic equation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 85 (2016), 1345–1362. MR3511444

2. Hall CL, Mason MS, Psaltis S, Chan MH, Conway E, Foy B, Mirnaziry SR, Rose D, Taylor S, Tomczyk J
Cameron L. Hall, Matthew S. Mason, Steven Psaltis, Matthew Chan, Eamon Conway, Brody Foy, Sayyed R. Mirnaziry, Danya Rose, Stephen Taylor and Jakub Tomczyk: Structural modelling of deformable screens for large door openings, ANZIAM Journal, Volume 57 (2016), no. 57, M55–M114.

Number of matches: 2