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Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Achar PN, Hardesty W
Pramod N Achar, William Hardesty: Silting complexes of coherent sheaves and the Humphreys conjecture, Duke Mathematical Journal, Open Access 173 (2024), no. 12, 2397–2445.

2. Achar PN, Hardesty W
Pramod N Achar, William Hardesty: Co-t-structures on derived categories of coherent sheaves and the cohomology of tilting modules, Representation Theory, 28 (2024), 49–89.

3. Achar PN, Hardesty W, Riche S
Pramod N Achar, William Hardesty, Simon Riche: Integral exotic sheaves and the modular Lusztig-Vogan bijection, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2 (2022), no. 106 number 3, 2403–2458.

4. Hardesty W
William Hardesty: Explicit calculations in an infinitesimal singular block of SLn, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Published Online 10 February 2022 (Open Access) (2022), 34 pages.

5. Achar P, Hardesty W, Riche S
Pramod Achar, William Hardesty, Simon Riche: Representation Theory of Disconnected Reductive Groups, Documenta Mathematica, 25, Open access (2020), 2149–2177.

Number of matches: 5