


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Bell KJL, Azizi L, Nilsson PM, Hayen A, Irwig L, Ostgren CJ, Sundrom J
Katy J L Bell, Lamiae Azizi, Peter M Nilsson, Andrew Hayen, Les Irwig, Carl J Ostgren, Johan Sundrom: Prognostic impact of systolic blood pressure variability in people with diabetes, PLOS One, 13 (2018), no. 4, 11 pages; art. e0194084.

2. Hayen A, Quine MP
A Hayen, M P Quine: Areas of components ofa Voronoi polygon in a homogeneous poisson process in the plane, Advances in Applied Probability, 34 (2002), 281–291. 2003d:60025

3. Hayen A, Quine MP
Hayen, A. and Quine, M.P.: Calculating the proportion of triangles in a Poisson-Voronoi tessellation of the plane, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 67 (2000), 351–358. MR1815169

4. Hayen A, Quine MP
Hayen, A. and Quine, M.P.: The proportion of triangles in a Poisson-Voronoi tessellation of the plane, Advances in Applied Probability, 32 (2000), 67–74. 2001h:60019

Number of matches: 4