


Publication Search Results

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  • Author = Hui FKC

1. Nghiem LH, Hui FKC, Muller S, Welsh AH
Linh H Nghiem, Francis K C Hui, Samuel Muller, A H Welsh: Likelihood-based surrogate dimension reduction, Statistics and Computing, 34 (2024), no. 1, Article number 51 (15 pages).

2. Hui FKC, Muller S, Welsh AH
Francis K C Hui, Samuel Muller, A H Welsh: GEE-Assisted Variable Selection for Latent Variable Models with Multivariate Binary Data, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 118 (2023), no. 542, 1252–1263.

3. Nghiem LH, Hui FKC, Muller S, Welsh AH
Linh H Nghiem, FKC Hui, Samuel Müller, AH Welsh: creening methods for linear errors-in-variables models in high dimensions, Biometrics, 00 (2022), 1–14.

4. Nghiem LH, Hui FKC, Muller S, Welsh AH
Linh H Nghiem, FKC Hui, Samuel Müller, AH Welsh: Estimation of graphical models for skew continuous data., Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. Theory and Applications, 49 (2022), no. 4, 1811– 1841.

5. Hui FKC, Nghiem LH
FKC Hui, Linh H Nghiem: Sufficient dimension reduction for clustered data via finite mixture modelling., Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 64 (2022), 133–157.

6. Nghiem LH, Hui FKC, Muller S, Welsh AH
Linh H Nghiem, Francis K. C. Hui, Samuel Muller and A H Welsh: Sparse sliced inverse regression via Cholesky matrix penalization, Statistica Sinica, 32 (2022), no. Special Online Issue, 2431–2453.

7. Hui FKC, Muller S, Welsh AH
FKC Hui, S Mueller, AH Welsh: The LASSO on latent indices for regression modeling with ordinal categorical predictors, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 149 (2020), 1–13.

8. Hui FKC, You C, Shang HL, Muller S
FKC Hui, C You, HL Shang, S Mueller: Semiparametric Regression Using Variational Approximations, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 114 (2019), no. 528, 1765–1777. MR4047298

9. Hui FKC, Muller S, Welsh AH
FKC Hui, S Müller, AH Welsh: Testing random effects in linear mixed models: another look at the F-test (with discussion), Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 61 (2019), no. 1, 61–84. MR3942093

10. Hui FKC, Muller S, Welsh AH
FKC Hui, S Müller, AH Welsh: Sparse pairwise likelihood estimation for multivariate longitudinal mixed models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113 (2018), no. 524, 1759–1769.

11. Hui FKC, Tanaka E, Warton D
Francis K. C. Hui, Emi Tanaka and David Warton: Order selection and sparsity in latent variable models via the ordered factor LASSO, Biometrics, 74 (2018), no. 4, 1311–1319.

12. Hui FKC, Muller S, Welsh AH
FKC Hui, S Müller, AH Welsh: Joint selection in mixed models using regularized PQL, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112 (2017), no. 519, 1323–1333.

13. Hui FKC, Muller S, Welsh AH
FKC Hui, S Müller, AH Welsh: Hierarchical selection of fixed and random effects in generalized linear mixed models, Statistica Sinica, 27 (2017), 501–518.

14. Hui FKC, Warton DI, Ormerod JT, Haapaniemi V, Taskinen S
Francis K C Hui, David I Warton, John T Ormerod, Viivi Haapaniemi and Sara Taskinen: Variational Approximations for Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26 (2017), no. 1, 35–43.

Number of matches: 14