


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Ipser JR

1. Brill DR, Chrzanowski PL, Pereira CM, Fackerell ED, Ipser JR
Brill DR, Chrzanowski PL, Pereira CM, Fackerell ED, Ipser JR: Solution of the scalar wave equation in a Kerr background by separation of variables, Physical Review. D, 5 (1972), 1913–1915. 52:7441

2. Fackerell ED, Ipser JR
Fackerell ED, Ipser JR: Weak electromagnetic fields around a rotating black hole, Physical Review. D, 5 (1972), 2455–2458.

3. Fackerell ED, Ipser JR, Thorne KS
Fackerell ED, Ipser JR, Thorne KS: Relativistic star clusters, Communications on Astrophysics and Space Science, 1 (1969), 134–139.

Number of matches: 3