


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Galloway DJ, Ivers DJ
David Galloway and David Ivers: Slow-burning instabilities of Dufort-Frankel finite differencing, Anziam Journal, 63 (2021), no. 1, 23–38.

2. Ivers DJ, Phillips CG
D.J. Ivers and C.G. Phillips: Effects of anisotropic turbulent thermal diffusion on spherical magnetoconvection in the Earth's core, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 276 (2017), 54–89.

3. Ivers DJ
D.J. Ivers: Tilted incompressible Coriolis modes in spheroids, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 833 (2017), 131–163.

4. Ivers DJ
David Ivers: Enumeration, orthogonality and completeness of the incompressible Coriolis modes in a tri-axial ellipsoid harmonics, Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 111 (2017), no. 5, 333–354.

5. Farmer D, Ivers DJ
David Farmer and David Ivers: hp-finite element method for coupled linear systems of mixed-order differential equations with boundary layer behaviour, ANZIAM Journal, 58 (2017), E98–E142.

6. Gubbins D, Ivers DJ, Williams S
D. Gubbins, D.J. Ivers and S. Williams: Analysis of regional crustal magnetization in vector cartesian harmonics, Geophysical Journal International, 211 (2017), no. 3, 1285–1295.

7. Ivers DJ
D.J. Ivers: Kinematic dynamos in spheroidal geometries, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 473 (2017), 20170432.

8. Phillips CG, Ivers DJ
C.G. Phillips and D.J. Ivers: Axisymmetric, antidynamo theory for no generation of azimuthal electromotive force from an azimuthal magnetic field: The axisymmetric, alpha-phi-phi, antidynamo theorem, (2023), preprint.

9. Ivers DJ
D. J. Ivers: Oblate Spheroidal Kinematic Dynamos, (2017), preprint.

10. Engwirda D, Ivers DJ
Darren Engwirda and David Ivers: Off-centre Steiner points for Delaunay-refinement on curved surfaces, Computer-Aided Design, 72 (2016), 157–171. MR3446967

11. Ivers DJ, Jackson A, Winch DE
D J Ivers, A Jackson and D Winch: Enumeration, orthogonality and completeness of the incompressible Coriolis modes in a sphere, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 766 (2015), 468–498.

12. Ivers DJ, Phillips CG
D J Ivers and C G Phillips: Homogeneous planar and two-dimensional mean-field antidynamo theorems with zero mean flow, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 108 (2014), no. 6, 716–733.

13. Phillips CG, Ivers DJ
C G Phillips and D J Ivers: From isotropic to rapidly rotating anisotropic alpha-squared dynamos, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 108 (2014), no. 1, 60–82.

14. Ivers DJ, Phillips CG
D.J. Ivers and C.G. Phillips,: Homogeneous planar and two-dimensional mean-field antidynamo theorems with zero mean flow, (2013), preprint.

15. Ivers DJ, Phillips CG
DJ Ivers, CG Phillips: Anisotropic turbulent thermal diffusion and thermal convection in a rapidly rotating fluid sphere, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 190-191 (2011), 1–9.

16. Farmer D, Ivers DJ
David Farmer and David J Ivers: Aspects of a hybrid hp-finite element/spectral method for the linearised magnetohydrodynamic equations in spherical geometries, ANZIAM Journal, 52 (2011), C379–C394.

17. Ivers DJ (ed.)
David J Ivers: The Earth's Magnetic Interior, IAGA Special Sopron Book Series, Eduard Petrovsky, Emilio Herrera-Bervera, T Harinarayana, David Ivers (eds.), Springer, The Netherlands, (2011), 445. ISBN 978-94-007-0322-3.

18. Gubbins D, Ivers DJ, Masterton M, Winch DE
D Gubbins, D Ivers, M Masterton and D E Winch: Analysis of lithospheric magnetization in vector spherical harmonics, Geophysical Journal International, 187 (2011), 99–117.

19. Latter H, Ivers DJ
Henrik Latter and David Ivers: Spherical single-roll dynamos at large magnetic Reynolds numbers, Physics of Fluids, 22 (2010), 066601 (12 pages).

20. Ivers DJ, Latter H
David Ivers and Henrik Latter: Spherical Single-Roll Dynamos at Large Magnetic Reynolds Numbers, (2008), preprint.

21. Stening RJ, Reztsova T, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Winch DE
Robert Stening, Tamara Reztsova, David Ivers, Jonathan Turner, Denis Winch: Spherical cap harmonic analysis of magnetic variations data from mainland Australia, Earth, Planets and Space, 60 (2008), 1177–1186.

22. Cameron DA, Ivers DJ, Evans TA, Myerscough MR
David A Cameron, David J Ivers, Theodore A Evans and Mary R Myerscough: Optimal reproduction strategies in two species of mound-building termites, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 70 (2008), no. 1, 189–209. MR2365954

23. Turner JPR, Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Stening RJ
J P R Turner, D E Winch, D J Ivers and R J Stening: Regular daily variations in satellite magnetic total intensity data, Annales Geophysicae, 25 (2007), 2167–2174.

24. Ivers DJ, Phillips CG
D. J. Ivers, C. G. Phillips: Scalar and vector spherical harmonic spectral equations of rotating non-linear and linearised magnetohydrodynamics, (2006), preprint.

25. Bachtiar AA, Ivers DJ, James RW
A A Bachtiar, D J Ivers and R W James: Planar velocity dynamos in a sphere, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, 462 (2006), no. 2072, 2439–2456. MR2245177

26. Stening RJ, Reztsova T, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Winch DE
Robert Stening, Tamara Reztsova, David Ivers, Jon Turner and Denis Winch: A critique of methods of determining the position of the focus of the Sq current system, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (2005), 1–9.

27. Phillips CG, Ivers DJ
C G Phillips, D J Ivers: Spherical magnetic instabilities in the earth's core and equatorial symmetries, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 153 (2005), 83–100.

28. Ivers DJ
D J Ivers: An angular spectral method for solution of the heat equation in spheroidal geometries, ANZIAM Journal, 46 (2005), 854–870. MR2181904

29. Stening RJ, Reztsova T, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Winch DE
R Stening, T Reztsova, D Ivers, J Turner and D Winch: Morning quiet-time ionospheric current reversal at mid to high latitudes, Annales Geophysicae, 23 (2005), 385–391.

30. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Stening RJ
D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening: Geomagnetism and Schmidt quasi-normalization, Geophysical Journal International, 160 (2005), 487–504.

31. Turner JPR, Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Stening RJ
Jon Turner, Denis Winch, David Ivers, Robert Stening: Analysis of satellite magnetic data, Exploration Geophysics, 36 (2005), 317–321.

32. Bachtiar AA, Ivers DJ, James RW
A.A. Bachtiar, D.J. Ivers, R.W. James: Numerical investigation of the planar velocity antidynamo theorem in a sphere, (2003), preprint.

33. Phillips CG, Ivers DJ
Phillips CG, Ivers DJ: Strong field anisotropic diffusion models for the Earth's core, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 140 (2003), 13–28.

34. Ivers DJ, Phillips CG
Ivers DJ, Phillips CG: A vector spherical harmonic spectral code for linearised magnetohydrodynamics, ANZIAM Journal, 44(E) (2003), C423–C442.

35. Ivers DJ
Ivers DJ: A time-stepping dynamically-consistent spherical-shell dynamo code, ANZIAM Journal, 44(E) (2003), C400–C422.

36. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Stening RJ
Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR and Stening RJ: Satellite magnetic data and geomagnetic daily variations, Proceedings of the National Space Society of Australia Third Australian Space science Workshop, Third Australian Space Science Workshop, Wayne Short (ed.), National space society of Australia, Sydney, (2003), 1–13.

37. Ivers DJ, Stening RJ, Turner JPR, Winch DE
Ivers DJ, Stening RJ, Turner JPR and Winch DE: Equatorial electrojet from Oersted scalar magnetic field observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (2003), 1061 doi:10.1029/2002JA009310.

38. Britton S, Coleman CE, Ivers DJ, James RW, Macaskill C
Britton S., Coleman C.E., Ivers D.J., James R.W. and Macaskill C.: Using AcroTeX to provide a structured learning environment for mathematics, Remarkable Delta:03 Communications, Fourth Southern Hemisphere Symposium on Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Teaching and Learning, Derek Holton and Ivan Reilly (eds.), International Delta Steering Committee, New Zealand, (2003), 58–63. ISBN 0 476 00046 7.

39. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Stening RJ
D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening: The dynamics of the equatorial electrojet, OIST-4 Proceedings, 4th Oersted International Science Team Conference, Peter Stauning et al... (ed.), DMI Scientific Report, Danish Meteorological Institute, Lyngbyvej, Copenhagen, (2003), 197–200. ISBN 87-7478-484-6.

40. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Stening RJ
D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening: SQ and L at satellite altitudes, OIST-4 Proceedings, 4th Oersted International Science Team Conference, Peter Stauning et al... (ed.), DMI Scientific Report, Danish Meteorological Institute, Lyngbyvej, Copenhagen, (2003), 193–200. ISBN 87-7478-484-6.

41. Winch DE, Ivers DJ, Turner JPR, Stening RJ
D E Winch, D J Ivers, J P R Turner and R J Stening: Schmidt Quasi-normalization, OIST-4 Proceedings, 4th Oersted International Science Team Conference, Peter Stauning et al... (ed.), DMI Scientific Report, Danish Meteorological Institute, Lyngbyvej, Copenhagen, (2003), 45–48. ISBN 87-7478-484-6.

42. Phillips CG, Ivers DJ
Phillips CG, Ivers DJ: Spectral interactions of rapidly-rotating anisotropic turbulent viscous and thermal diffusion in the Earth's core, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 128 (2001), 93–107.

43. Ivers DJ, Phillips CG
D.J. Ivers and C.G. Phillips: Dynamo problems in spherical and nearly spherical geometries, Dynamo and Dynamics, a Mathematical Challenge, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Dynamo and Dynamics, a Mathematical Challenge, P. Chossat, D Armbruster and I. Oprea (eds.), Nato Science Series II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, (2001), 207–215. ISBN 0-7923-7069-4 (HB). MR1864567

44. Phillips CG, Ivers DJ
C.G. Phillips and D.J. Ivers: Spherical anisotropic diffusion models for the Earth's core, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 117 (2000), 209–223.

45. Ivers DJ, Stening RJ, Turner JPR, Winch DE
D J Ivers, R J Stening, J Turner, and D E Winch: Orsted and Magsat scalar anomaly fields, Earth Planets Space, 52 (2000), 1213–1225.

46. Ivers DJ
Ivers DJ: On the antidynamo theorem for partly symmetric flows, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 80 (1995), 121–128. 97e:76093

47. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: An antidynamo theorem for spherically symmetric generation-diffusion conditions, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 79 (1995), 259–275. 96j:86013

48. Ivers DJ
Ivers DJ: On generalised toroidal-poloidal solutions of vector field equations, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series B), 30 (1989), 436–449. 90e:86016

49. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: Antidynamo theorems for non-radial flows, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 40 (1988), 147–163. 89c:76116

50. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: An antidynamo theorem for nearly symmetry flows, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 44 (1988), 271–278. 90g:85005

51. Ivers DJ
Ivers DJ: Recent symmetric anti-dynamo results, IUGG XIX general assembly, Vancouver 1987, (1987),

52. Ivers DJ
Ivers DJ: Necessary conditions for dynamo action, Workshop on nonlinear dynamics of rotating magnetic systems, Los Angeles, USA 1987, (1987),

53. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: Antidynamo theorems for non-radial flows, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 40 (1986), 147–163.

54. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: Extension of the Namikawa-Matsushita antidynamo theorem to toroidal fields, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 36 (1986), 317–324. 87m:76069

55. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: Axisymmetric antidynamo theorems in compressible non-uniform conducting fluids, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, 312 (1984), 179–218. 85i:86005

56. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: Interpretation of the spectral proof of Cowling's theorem, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 16 (1981), 325–328.

57. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: On the maintenance of magnetic fields by compressible flows and the Nernst-Ettingshausen effect, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 16 (1981), 319–323.

Number of matches: 57