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Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Patrick E, Canete NP, Iyengar SS, Harman AN, Sutherland GT, Yang P
Ellis Patrick, Nicolas P Canete, Sourish S Iyengar, Andrew N Harman, Greg T Sutherland, Pengyi Yang: Spatial analysis for highly multiplexed imaging data to identify tissue microenvironments, Cytometry Part A, 103 (2023), no. 7, 593–599.

2. Canete NP, Iyengar SS, Ormerod JT, Baharlou H, Harman AN, Patrick E
Nicolas P Canete, Sourish S Iyengar, John T Ormerod , Heeva Baharlou, Andrew N Harman and Ellis Patrick: spicyR: spatial analysis of in situ  cytometry data in R, Bioinformatics, 38 (2022), no. 11, 3099–3105.

Number of matches: 2