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Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Jin R

1. Huang A, Jin R, Robinson J
Alan Huang, Rungao Jin and John Robinson: Robust permutation tests for two samples, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139 (2009), 2631–2642. MR2523654

2. Jin R, Robinson J
Rungao Jin and John Robinson: Robust permutation tests for one sample, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 116 (2003), 475–487. MR2000095

3. Jin R, Robinson J
Rungao Jin and John Robinson: Saddlepoint approximations of the two sample Wilcoxon statistic, Crossing Boundaries: Statistical Essays in Honor of Jack Hall, The Symposium in Honor of the 70th Birthday of W. Jackson Hall, John E Kolassa and David Oakes (eds.), Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Lecture Notes Monograph Series, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Beachwood, Ohio USA, (2003), 139–148. ISBN 0-940600-58-7.

4. Jin R, Robinson J
R. Jin and J. Robinson: Saddlepoint approximation near the endpoints of the support, Statistics and Probability Letters, 45 (1999), 295–303. 2000i:62017

Number of matches: 4