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1. Jing N, Liu M, Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu, Alexander Molev: Quantum Sugawara operators in type A, Advances in Mathematics, 454 (2024), 109907 (26 pages).

2. Jing N, Liu M, Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu and Alexander Molev: Eigenvalues of quantum Gelfand invariants, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 65 (2024), Article number 061703 (10 pages).

3. Jing N, Liu M, Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu and Alexander Molev: Representations of quantum affine algebras in their R-matrix realization, SIGMA, 16 (2020), no. 145, 25pp.

4. Jing N, Yang F, Liu M
Naihuan Jing, Fan Yang and Ming Liu: Yangian doubles of classical types and their vertex representations, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 61 (2020), no. 5, Art. 5094058.

5. Jing N, Liu M, Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu and Alexander Molev: Isomorphism between the \(R\)-matrix and Drinfeld presentations of quantum affine algebra: types \(B\) and \(D\), SIGMA, 16 (2020), 043, 49 pages.

6. Jing N, Liu M, Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu and Alexander Molev: Isomorphism between the \(R\)-matrix and Drinfeld presentations of quantum affine algebra: Type \(C\), Journal of Mathematical Physics, 61 (2020), no. 3, 031701, 41pp..

7. Jing N, Liu M, Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu, Alexander Molev: Isomorphism Between the \(R\)-Matrix and Drinfeld Presentations of Yangian in Types \(B\), \(C\) and \(D\), Communications in Mathematical Physics, 361 (2018), no. 3, 827–872.

8. Jing N, Kožić S, Molev AI, Yang F
Naihuan Jing, Slaven Kožić, Alexander Molev and Fan Yang: Center of the quantum affine vertex algebra in type \(A\), Journal of Algebra, 496 (2018), 138–186.

9. Jing N, Liu M
Jing Naihuan and Liu Ming: \(R\)-matrix realization of two-parameter quantum affine algebra \(U_{r,s}(\hat{gl}_n)\), Journal of Algebra, 488 (2017), 1–28. MR3680910

10. Jing N, Liu M, Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu and Alexander Molev: Representations of quantum affine algebras in their \(R\)-matrix realization, (2020), preprint.

11. Jing N, Liu M, Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu and Alexander Molev: Isomorphism between the R-matrix and Drinfeld presentations of quantum affine algebra: types B and D, (2019), preprint.

12. Jing N, Liu M, Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu and Alexander Molev: Isomorphism between the R-matrix and Drinfeld presentations of quantum affine algebra: type C, (2019), preprint.

13. Jing N, Liu M, Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu and Alexander Molev: Isomorphism between the \(R\)-matrix and Drinfeld presentations of Yangian in types \(B\), \(C\) and \(D\), (2017), preprint.

14. Jing N, Kožić S, Molev AI, Yang F
Naihuan Jing, Slaven Kožić, Alexander Molev and Fan Yang: Center of the quantum affine vertex algebra in type A, (2016), preprint.

15. Gao X, Liu M, Bai C, Jing N
Gao Xu, Liu Ming, Bai Chengming and Jing Naihuan: Rota-Baxter operators on Witt and Virasoro algebras, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 108 (2016), 1–20. MR3539486

16. Frappat L, Jing N, Molev AI, Ragoucy E
L. Frappat, N. Jing, A. Molev and E. Ragoucy: Higher Sugawara Operators for the Quantum Affine Algebras of Type A, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 345 (2016), 631–657. MR3514954

17. Frappat L, Jing N, Molev AI, Ragoucy E
Luc Frappat, Naihuan Jing, Alexander Molev and Eric Ragoucy: Higher Sugawara operators for the quantum affine algebras of type A, (2015), preprint.

Number of matches: 17