


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Achar PN, Henderson A, Juteau D, Riche S
Pramod N. Achar, Anthony Henderson, Daniel Juteau and Simon Riche: Modular generalized Springer correspondence: an overview, Advanced Lectures in Mathematics, Tsinghua Lectures in Mathematics (2019), no. 45, 77–99. MR3971548

2. Achar PN, Henderson A, Juteau D, Riche S
Pramod N. Achar, Anthony Henderson, Daniel Juteau and Simon Riche: Modular generalized Springer correspondence III: exceptional groups, Mathematische Annalen, 369 (2017), 247–300.

3. Achar PN, Henderson A, Juteau D, Riche S
Pramod N. Achar, Anthony Henderson, Daniel Juteau and Simon Riche: Modular generalized Springer correspondence II: classical groups, Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS), 19 (2017), no. 4, 1013–1070.

4. Achar PN, Henderson A, Juteau D, Riche S
Pramod N. Achar, Anthony Henderson, Daniel Juteau and Simon Riche: Constructible sheaves on nilpotent cones in rather good characteristic, Selecta Mathematica (N.S.), 23 (2017), no. 1, 203–243.

5. Juteau D, Mautner C, Williamson G
Daniel Juteau, Carl Mautner, Geordie Williamson: Parity sheaves and tilting modules, Annales scientifiques de l'École normale supérieure, 49 (2016), no. 4, 257–275. MR3481350

6. Achar PN, Henderson A, Juteau D, Riche S
Pramod N. Achar, Anthony Henderson, Daniel Juteau and Simon Riche: Modular generalized Springer correspondence I: the general linear group, Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS), 18 (2016), no. 7, 1405--1436. MR3506603

7. Juteau D, Mautner C, Williamson G
Daniel Juteau, Carl Mautner, Geordie Williamson: Parity sheaves, Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 27 (2014), no. 4, 1169–1212. MR3230821

8. Achar PN, Henderson A, Juteau D, Riche S
Pramod N. Achar, Anthony Henderson, Daniel Juteau and Simon Riche: Weyl group actions on the Springer sheaf, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 108 (2014), no. 6, 1501–1528.

9. Juteau D, Mautner C, Williamson G
Daniel Juteau, Carl Mautner and Geordie Williamson: Perverse Sheaves and Modular representation theory, Séminaires & Congrès, Société mathématique de France, (2012), 313–350.

Number of matches: 9