


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Kuchel PW

1. Kuchel PW, Cox CD, Daners D, Shishmarev D, Galvosas P
Philip W. Kuchel, Charles D. Cox, Daniel Daners, Dmitry Shishmarev and Petrik Galvosas: Surface model of the human red blood cell simulating changes in membrane curvature under strain, Scientific Reports, 11 (2021), no. 13712, 1–18.

2. Kuchel PW, Chapman BE, Bubb WA, Hansen PE, Durrant CJ
P W Kuchel, B E Chapman, W A Bubb, P E Hansen, C J Durrant: Magnetic susceptibility: solutions, emulsions, and cells, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, 18A (2003), 56–71.

3. Durrant CJ, Hertzberg MP, Kuchel PW
C J Durrant, M P Hertzberg, P W Kuchel: Magnetic susceptibility: further insights into macroscopic and microscopic fields and the sphere of Lorentz, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, 18A (2003), 72–95.

4. Kuchel PW, Durrant CJ, Chapman BE, Jarrett PS, Regan DG
Philip W. Kuchel, Christopher J. Durrant, Bogdan E. Chapman, Penelope S. Jarrett, and David G. Regan: Evidence of red cell alignment in the magnetic field of an NMR spectrometer based on the diffusion tensor of water, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 145 (2000), 291–301.

5. Kuchel PW, Durrant CJ
Philip W. Kuchel and Christopher J. Durrant: Permeability coefficients from NMR \(q\)-space data models with unevenly spaced semi-permeable parallel membranes, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 139 (1999), 258–272.

6. Kuchel PW, Fackerell ED
Philip W Kuchel and Edward D Fackerell: Parametric-equation representation of biconcave erythrocytes, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 61 (1999), 209–220.

7. Kuchel PW, Lennon AJ, Durrant CJ
Philip W. Kuchel, Alison J. Lennon and Christopher Durrant: Analytical solutions and simulations for spin-echo measurements of diffusion of spins in a sphere with surface and bulk relaxation, Journal of Magnetic Resonance. Series B, 112 (1996), 1–17.

8. Kuchel PW, Bulliman BT, Fackerell ED
Kuchel PW, Bulliman BT, Fackerell ED: Bi-cyclide and flat-ring coordinate surfaces: correction of two expressions, Mathematics of Computation, 49 (1987), 607–613. 88m:33002

Number of matches: 8