


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Lehrer GI, Zhang Y
Gus Lehrer and Yang Zhang: Milnor fibre homology complexes, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 20 (2024), no. 3, 1371–1431.

2. Lehrer GI, Lyu M
Gus Lehrer and Mengfan Lyu: Generalised Temperley-Lieb algebras of type G(r, 1, n), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 227 Open Access (2023), no. 10, Article 107402 (36 pages).

3. Iohara K, Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
K Iohara, G I Lehrer, and R B Zhang: Equivalence of a tangle category and a category of infinite dimensional \(\mathrm{Uq}(\mathrm{sl}2)\)-modules, Representation Theory, 25 (2021), 265–299 (Free Access).

4. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
G I Lehrer and R B Zhang: The second fundamental theorem of invariant theory for the orthosymplectic supergroup, Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 242 (2021), 52–76.

5. Lehrer GI, Zhang H, Zhang RB
Gustav I Lehrer, Hechun Zhang and Ruibin Zhang: First fundamental theorems of invariant theory for quantum supergroups, European Journal of Mathematics, 6 (2020), no. 3, 928–976.

6. Iohara K, Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
K Iohara, G I Lehrer and R B Zhang: Temperley-Lieb algebras at roots of unity, a fusion category and the Jones quotient, Mathematical Research Letters, 26 (2019), no. 1, 121–158. MR3963979

7. Dyer MJ, Lehrer GI
M J Dyer and G I Lehrer: Geometry of certain finite Coxeter group actions, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 118 (2019), no. 3, 351–378. MR3909236

8. Dyer MJ, Lehrer GI
M J Dyer and G I Lehrer: Parabolic subgroup orbits on finite root systems, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 222 (2018), no. 12, 3849–3857.

9. Deligne P, Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
P Deligne, G I Lehrer, R B Zhang: The first fundamental theorem of invariant theory for the orthosymplectic super group, Advances in Mathematics, 327 (2018), 4–24.

10. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
Gustav I. Lehrer and R. B. Zhang: Invariants of the special orthogonal group and an enhanced Brauer category, L'Enseignement Mathématique, 63 (2017), no. 1-2, 181–200. MR3777135

11. Srinivasan B, Collins M, Lehrer GI
Bhama Srinivasan, Michael Collins, Gus Lehrer: Special issue in memory of Professor James Alexander ("Sandy") Green, Journal of Algebra, 475 (2017), 1–3.

12. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
G I Lehrer and R B Zhang: The First Fundamental Theorem of Invariant Theory for the Orthosymplectic Supergroup, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 349 (2017), no. 2, 661–702.

13. Andersen H, Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
Henning Andersen, Gustav Lehrer, Ruibin Zhang: Cellularity of certain quantum endomorphism algebras, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 279 (2015), no. 1-2, 11–36.

14. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
G I Lehrer, R B Zhang: The Brauer category and invariant theory, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 17 (2015), 2311–2351.

15. Digne F, Lehrer GI, Michel J
Francois Digne, Gustav Lehrer and Jean Michel: On character sheaves and characters of reductive groups at unipotent classes, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 10 (2014), no. 3, 459–512.

16. Dimca A, Lehrer GI
Alexandru Dimca and Gus Lehrer: Hodge numbers, rational points and discriminant varieties, Configuration Spaces: Geometry, Combinatorics and Topology, Configuration Spaces: Geometry, Combinatorics and Topology, A. Björner, F. Cohen, C. De Concini, C. Procesi and M. Salvetti (eds.), Publications of the Centro di Ricerca Matematica 'Ennio De Giorgi', Springer, Pisa, (2012), 231–254. ISBN 9788876424304.

17. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
Gustav Lehrer and Ruibin Zhang: The second fundamental theorem of invariant theory for the orthogonal group, Annals of Mathematics, 176 (2012), 2031–2054. MR2979865

18. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
G I Lehrer and R B Zhang: Quantum group actions on rings and equivariant K-theory, Contemporary Mathematics, 565 (2012), 115–141. MR2932425

19. Lehrer GI, Nakano DK, Zhang RB
Gustav I Lehrer, Daniel K Nakano, Ruibin Zhang: Detecting cohomology for Lie superalgebras, Advances in Mathematics, 228 (2011), no. 4, 2098–2115.

20. Dyer MJ, Lehrer GI
M J Dyer and G I Lehrer: Root subsystems of loop extensions, Transformation Groups, 16 (2011), no. 3, 767–781.

21. Dyer MJ, Lehrer GI
M J Dyer and G I Lehrer: Reflection subgroups of finite and affine Weyl groups, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 363 (2011), no. 11, 5971–6005.

22. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB, Zhang H
G I Lehrer, Hechun Zhang, R B Zhang: A quantum analogue of the first fundamental theorem of classical invariant theory, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 301 (2011), 131–174.

23. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
G I Lehrer and R B Zhang: A Temperley-Lieb analogue for the BMW Algebra, Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups, Progress in Mathematics, Birkhauser, USA, (2010), 348. ISBN 978-0-8176-4696-7.

24. Lehrer GI, Taylor DE
Gustav I. Lehrer and Donald E. Taylor: Unitary reflection groups, Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series, 20, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (2009), 294. ISBN 978-0-521-74989-3. MR2542964

25. Henderson A, Lehrer GI
Anthony Henderson and Gus Lehrer: The equivariant Euler characteristic of real Coxeter toric varieties, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 41 (2009), no. 3, 515–523. MR2506835

26. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
Gustav Isaac Lehrer and Ruibin Zhang: On Endomorphisms of Quantum Tensor Space, Letters in mathematical physics, 86 (2008), 209–227. MR2465755

27. Lehrer GI
Gustav I Lehrer: Rational points and Coxeter group actions on the cohomology of toric varieties, Annales de l'Institut Fourier (Grenoble), 58 (2008), no. 2, 671–688. MR2410386

28. Lehrer GI
G I Lehrer: Rational points and Coxeter group actions on the cohomology of toric varieties, (2007), preprint.

29. Lehrer GI, van Hamel J
G I Lehrer and J van Hamel: Euler characteristics of the real points of certain varieties of algebraic tori, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 94 (2007), no. 3, 715–748. MR2325318

30. Kisin M, Lehrer GI
M Kisin and G I Lehrer: Eigenvalues of Frobenius and Hodge numbers, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 2 (2006), no. 2, 497–518. MR2251478

31. Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
G I Lehrer, R B Zhang: Strongly multiplicity free modules for Lie algebras and quantum groups, Journal of Algebra, 306 (2006), no. 1, 138–174. MR2271576

32. Bonnafé C, Lehrer GI, Michel J
C Bonnafé, G I Lehrer, J Michel: Twisted invariant theory for reflection groups, Nagoya Mathematics Journal, 182 (2006), 135–170. MR2235340

33. Lehrer GI
G I Lehrer: Remarks concerning linear characters of reflection groups, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 11 (2005), 3163–3169. MR2160177

34. Graham JJ, Lehrer GI
J J Graham, G I Lehrer: Cellular algebras and diagram algebras in representation theory, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 40 (2004), 141–173. MR2074593

35. Lehrer GI
G I Lehrer: Rational points and cohomology of discriminant varieties, Advances in Mathematics, 186 (2004), 229–250. MR2065513

36. Lehrer GI
G I Lehrer: A new proof of Steinberg's fixed-point theorem, International Mathematics Research Notices, 28 (2004), 1407–1411. MR2052515

37. Graham JJ, Lehrer GI
J Graham and GI Lehrer: Diagram algebras, Hecke algebras and decomposition numbers and roots of unity, Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, 36 (2003), 479–524. MR2013924

38. Lehrer GI, Michel J
Gustav I Lehrer, Jean Michel: Invariant theory and eigenspaces for unitary reflection groups, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Ser. I, 336 (2003), 795–800. 2004d:13005

39. Digne F, Lehrer GI, Michel J
F Digne, G Lehrer and J Michel: The space of unipotently supported class functions on a finite reductive group, Journal of Algebra, 260 (2003), 111–137. MR1973579

40. Lehrer GI
G I Lehrer: Geometric themes in representation theory, Algebra in the 21st century, Beijing Normal University Press, Beijing, (2002), 3–49. ISBN 7-301-05532-3.

41. Graham JJ, Lehrer GI
Graham J J, Lehrer G I: The two-step nilpotent representations of the extended affine Hecke algebra of type \(A\), Compositio Mathematica, 133 (2002), 173–197. 2004d:20004

42. Kisin M, Lehrer GI
M. Kisin and G.I. Lehrer: Equivariant Poincaré polynomials and counting points over finite fields, Journal of Algebra, 247 (2002), 435–451. 2003b:14023

43. Lehrer GI, Xi N
Lehrer Gus I, Nanhua Xi: On the injectivity of the braid group in the Hecke algebra, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 64 (2001), no. 3, 487–493. 2002k:20067

44. Blair J, Lehrer GI
Blair J, Lehrer G I: Cohomology actions and centralisers in unitary reflection groups, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 83 (2001), 582–604. 2002g:14093

45. Lehrer GI, Segal GB
G I Lehrer, G B Segal: Homology stability for classical regular semisimple varieties, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 236 (2001), 251–290. 2002m:57048

46. Lehrer GI
Gus Lehrer: Equivariant cohomology of configurations in \(\mathbb{R}^d\), Algebras and Representation Theory, 3 (2000), 377–384. 2002c:55025

47. Lehrer GI, Springer TA
G I Lehrer and T A Springer: Reflection subquotients of unitary reflection groups, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 51 (1999), 1175–1193. 2001f:20082

48. Howlett RB, Lehrer GI
R. B. Howlett and G. I. Lehrer: On reflection length in reflection groups, Archiv der Mathematik (Basel), 73 (1999), 321–326. 2000g:20097

49. Lehrer GI, Springer TA
G I Lehrer and T A Springer: Intersection multiplicities and reflection subquotients of unitary reflection groups I, Proceedings of a special year in Geometric Group Theory, The International Conference on Geometric Group Theory, John Cossey, Charles F Miller III, Walter D Neumann, Michael Shapiro (eds.), Geometric Group Theory Down Under, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, (1999), 181–193. ISBN 3-11-016366-7. 2000i:20064

50. Lehrer GI, Springer TA
G I Lehrer and T A Springer: A note concerning fixed points of parabolic subgroups of unitary reflection groups, Indagationes Mathematicae, 10 (1999), 549–553. 2001m:14071

51. Graham JJ, Lehrer GI
J J Graham, G I Lehrer: The representation theory of affine Temperley-Lieb algebras, L'Enseignement Mathématique. Revue Internationale. IIe Série, 44 (1998), 173–218. 99i:20019

52. Lehrer GI
G. I. Lehrer: The cohomology of the regular semisimple variety, Journal of Algebra, 199 (1998), no. 2, 666–689. 98k:20080

53. Lehrer GI
G. I. Lehrer: Roger Richardson (1930--1993), Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, 25 (1998), no. 2, 98–110. 99m:01078

54. Dimca A, Lehrer GI
A Dimca and G I Lehrer: Purity and equivariant weight polynomials, Algebraic Groups and Lie Groups, Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series, 9 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., (1997), 161–181. ISBN 0 521 58532 5. 99h:14023

55. Lehrer GI
Gus I Lehrer: Fourier transforms, nilpotent orbits, Hall polynomials and Green functions, Finite Reductive Groups: Related Structures and Representations, Finite Reductive Groups: Related Structures and Representations, Marc Cabanes (ed.), Progress in Mathematics, Birkhauser Boston, Boston, U.S.A., (1997), 291–309. 98b:20074

56. Digne F, Lehrer GI, Michel J
F Digne, G I Lehrer, J Michel: On Gel'fand-Graev characters of reductive groups with disconnected centre, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 491 (1997), 131–147. 98i:20015

57. Lehrer GI
G.I. Lehrer: The space of invariant functions on a Lie algebra, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 348 (1996), 31–50. 96f:20070

58. Lehrer GI
G.I. Lehrer: A vanishing theorem for hyperplane cohomology, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 53 (1996), 361–368. 97d:52024

59. Graham JJ, Lehrer GI
J. Graham and G.I. Lehrer: Cellular algebras, Inventiones Mathematicae, 123 (1996), 1–34. 97h:20016

60. Lehrer GI, Howlett RB
Lehrer GI, Howlett RB: On Harish-Chandra induction and restriction for modules of Levi subgroups, Journal of Algebra, 165 (1994), 172–183. 95d:20025

61. Lehrer GI, Rylands LJ
Lehrer GI, Rylands LJ: The split building of a reductive group, Mathematische Annalen, 296 (1993), 607–624. 94g:20064

62. Lehrer GI, Thévenaz J
Lehrer GI, Thévenaz J: Sur la conjecture d'Alperin pour les groupes réductifs finis, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique, 315 (1992), 1347–1351. 93k:20067

63. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: Rational tori, semisimple orbits and the topology of hyperplane complements, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 67 (1992), 226–251. 93e:20065

64. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: The \(l\)-adic cohomology of hyperplane complements, The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 24 (1992), 76–82. 92j:14022

65. Digne F, Lehrer GI, Michel J
Digne F, Lehrer GI, Michel J: The characters of the groups of rational points of reductive groups with non-connected centres, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 425 (1992), 155–192. 93c:20071

66. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: Rational tori and the topology of hyperplane complements, The representation theory of algebraic groups and related groups of Lie type (University of Warwick, July 1991), (1991),

67. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: Geometry of conjugacy classes, Conference on Group Theory, in honour of GE Wall, Sydney, November 10--11 1990, (1990),

68. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: Hecke algebras and related topics, Workshop on Algebraic Groups, Berkeley, October 1990, (1990),

69. Lehrer GI, Shoji T
Lehrer GI, Shoji T: On flag varieties, hyperplane complements and Springer representations of Weyl groups, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series A), 49 (1990), 449–485. 91k:20050

70. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: Group representations, geometry and topology, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1456 Springer, (1990), 14–31. 92d:20058

71. Lehrer GI, Dyer MJ
Lehrer GI, Dyer MJ: On positivity in Hecke algebras, Geometriæ Dedicata, 25 (1990), 115–125. 91h:20062

72. Howlett RB, Lehrer GI
Howlett RB, Lehrer GI: On the integral group algebra of a finite algebraic group, Astérisque, 168 (1988), 141–155. 91b:20063

73. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: A survey of Hecke algebras and the Artin braid groups, Contemporary Mathematics, 78 (1988), 365–385. 89m:20043

74. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: On the cohomology of hyperoctahedral hyperplane complements, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 47 (1988), 219–234. 89g:20079

75. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: On the Poincaré series associated with Coxeter group actions on complements of hyperplanes, Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series, 35 (1987), 275–294. 88k:32037

76. Howlett RB, Lehrer GI
Howlett RB, Lehrer GI: Embeddings of Hecke Algebras in group algebras, Journal of Algebra, 105 (1987), 159–174. 88c:20019

77. Lehrer GI, Solomon L
Lehrer GI, Solomon L: On the action of the symmetric group on the cohomology of the complement of its reflecting hyperplanes, Journal of Algebra, 104 (1986), 410–424. 88a:32017

78. Curtis C, Lehrer GI
Curtis C, Lehrer GI: Generic chain complexes and finite Coxeter groups, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 363 (1985), 146–173. 87f:20057

79. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: The spherical building and regular semisimple elements, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 27 (1983), 361–379. 85h:20049

80. Howlett RB, Lehrer GI
Howlett RB, Lehrer GI: Representations of generic algebras and finite groups of Lie type, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 280 (1983), 753–779. 85i:20044

81. Curtis C, Lehrer GI
Curtis C, Lehrer GI: A new proof of a theorem of Solomon Tits, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 85 (1982), 154–156. 83j:20048

82. Curtis C, Lehrer GI
Curtis C, Lehrer GI: Group representations on the homology of sheaves over partially ordered sets, Contemporary Mathematics, 9 (1982), 1–29. 83g:20042

83. Howlett RB, Lehrer GI
Howlett RB, Lehrer GI: A comparison theorem and other formulae in the character ring of a finite group of Lie type, Contemporary Mathematics, 9 (1982), 285–288. 84b:20055

84. Howlett RB, Lehrer GI
Howlett RB, Lehrer GI: Duality in the normalizer of a parabolic subgroup of a finite Coxeter group, The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 14 (1982), 133–136. 83e:20049

85. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: Characters and the Jordan decomposition in reductive groups over finite fields, (Warwick University) (1980),

86. Curtis C, Lehrer GI, Tits J
Curtis C, Lehrer GI, Tits J: Spherical buildings and the characters of the Steinberg representation, Inventiones Mathematicae, 58 (1980), 201–210. 81f:20060

87. Howlett RB, Lehrer GI
Howlett RB, Lehrer GI: Induced cuspidal representations and generalised Hecke rings, Inventiones Mathematicae, 58 (1980), 37–64. 81j:20017

88. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: The Schur index of the \(p\)-regular characters of the Borel subgroup, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 76 (1979), 196–198. 80e:20053

89. Curtis C, Lehrer GI
Curtis C, Lehrer GI: On the Homology of buildings of reductive groups, (Preprint, Universities of Sydney and Oregon) (1978),

90. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: On a conjecture of Alperin and McKay, Mathematica Scandinavica, 43 (1978), 5–10. 80g:20020

91. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: On the values of characters of semi simple groups over finite fields, Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 15 (1978), 77–99. 81g:20079

92. Herzog M, Lehrer GI
Herzog M, Lehrer GI: A note concerning Coxeter groups and permutations, Proc. Mini Conf. Canberra 1975, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 573 Springer, (1977), 53–56. 56:8716

93. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: Some incidence structures of maximal rank, Combinatorial Mathematics IV. Proceedings of the 4th Australian Conference (Adelaide, 1975), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 560 Springer, (1976), 132–135. 55:8206

94. Ketter TA, Lehrer GI
Ketter TA, Lehrer GI: On conjugacy classes in certain isogenous groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 14 (1976), 371–377. 55:3106

95. Green JA, Lehrer GI, Lusztig G
Green JA, Lehrer GI, Lusztig G: On the degrees of certain group characters, The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford. Second Series, 27 (1976), 1–4. 52:14026

96. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: On incidence structures in finite classical groups, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 147 (1975), 287–299. 53:5767

97. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: On incidence matrices, double transitivity and finite groups, Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A, 18 (1975), 342–344. 51:5332

98. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: Adjoint groups, regular unipotent elements and discrete series characters, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 214 (1975), 249–260. 52:5785

99. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: Characters, classes and duality in isogenous groups, Journal of Algebra, 36 (1975), 278–286. 55:5762

100. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: Discrete series and regular unipotent subgroups, Compositio Mathematica, 28 (1974), 9–19. 49:5193

101. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: Weil representations and cusp forms on unitary groups, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 80 (1974), 1137–1141. 51:675

102. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: Discrete series and regular unipotent elements, Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series, 6 (1973), 732–736. 47:6835

103. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: The characters of the finite special linear groups, Journal of Algebra, 26 (1973), 564–583. 50:7366

104. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: The maximal degree representations of unipotent groups, University of Birmingham, (1973), 310pp.

105. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: Produits tensoriels des représentations de groupes de Lie, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique, B-275 (1972), A325–A327. 47:2003

106. Lehrer GI
Lehrer GI: The discrete series of the linear groups \(\mathrm{SL}(n,q)\), Mathematische Zeitschrift, 127 (1972), 138–144. 46:7399

Number of matches: 106